Selectmen Meeting

February 10, 2014

The meeting was called to order at 6:04 pm.

Present: Robert Allen (Selectmen), Jim Peplau (Selectman), Gordy Eastman (Selectmen), Calista Brennan (Treasurer), Amy Harkins (Town Clerk), Katy Savage

Minutes of the December 14th meeting were approved as printed.

Treasurer’s Report: As of 1/31/2014:Revenue $50,461.34; Expense $62,813.43 The balance in Citizens bank is $49,630.56 and the balance in Lake Sunapee Bank is $537,178.00. 2011-2013 delinquent taxes are $120,277.06 Jim moved to approve and Gordyseconded. Report is approved as printed.

Action Items:

A) Hazard Mitigation Plan: You have to have certain documents in place to receive any future Fema approval on projects. A resolution adopting the SWCRPC multi jurisdictional all hazard mitigation plan, including a component Annex for Reading, VT. Jim Peplau moved and Gordy Eastman 2nd. The resolution was signed February 10th 2014 by the Selectboard of Reading and attested to by the Town Clerk Amy Harkins.

B) Town Farm Bridge- VT State Program: Town Farm Bridge was added to the VT bridge program several years ago. The bridge is in need of repairs and the town is concerned that if we stay in this program it will not get fixed fast enough. To be permanently removed form this program is not easy; the Selectboard will have to draft a letter stating this intent and have it approved by the state legislature process. Jim moves to write the letter and have us removed asap Gordy 2nd.

C) Town road and Bridge Standard: We are up to date as of 2013.

D) Computer Server/ Hardware Upgrade: We have an estimated cost for labor with the most recent quote from competitive computer. We have asked for a more concrete labor cost before the work on the computers/ server begins. Jim made a motion to go ahead with the upgrades Gordy 2nd.

E) Property on Stone Chimney Road: We have an offer on this property. Jim made a motion to move forward and sell Gordy 2nd.

F) Liquor Licenses: Selectmen signed Greenhouse and Keepers tonight. We are still waiting for Watroba’s.

G) Highways: Green International went out of commission and is at Reeds for repairs.

A phone call is in about the dead and decaying trees on Newhall property going up Tyson road.

H) WUHS Budget and Bond Vote March 4th: No counting of the ballots will be happening for this vote on the town side, all ballots are to be transported to Woodstock County Clerk.

Jim makes a motion to adjourn Gordy 2nd

Meeting adjourns at 7:15pm

Next Selectboard meeting will be on Monday March 10th at 6:00pm.

Respectfully Submitted by,

Amy J. Harkins