Load uvn's on Tyros3 Step by Step Guide

R1 Voice on ->
Press Voice Creator button ->
Press Individual Load ->
Tab across on Screen to you storage media USB ->
Find your voice(s) and press 'copy' ->
Tab back to HD and press (lower 7) 'Folder' and create a new folder for your voice(s ->
Open that folder and 'paste'(Lower 7) the files into it. ->
Press Exit once ->
Voice Creator Screen - Press Individual Load button and navigate to your new Folder on the HD and press open ->
Select a voice and your expansion voice Banks will appear. You can put that voice into any free slot or overwrite a voice you may not like ->
Press the 'Assign' button (Lower 5) -> OK
You will now be able to access and load that voice via the Expansion' voice button.....

The same applies on T2&4

As a PS. I load in my voices this way with created folders on the HD as the assigned voices will be picked up from the HD where stored and NOT the USB if a straight load was used. I like to keep things tidy. If loaded directly from the USB and assigned then the same USB Stick would have to be inserted every time Tyros boots up to find those voices.

Load uvn's to Tyros 4 [update - BrianBlue]

1. From the USB

2. Store

3.Press OK

4. When screen comes up, press OK again

5. Press IMPORT


7. Library edit

How to load a TVN T2/UVN T3 file to the Custom Voice Bank.

Use HD Storage to move the file to the TVN Voices folder. Install in current bank with Voice Creator/ Individual Load.

How to load a wav file to the Custom Voice Bank. -> Use HD Storage to move the file to the Waveform Files folder. Install in current bank with Voice Creator/ Wave Import.

How to export a Custom Voice. -> Copy the file from the TVN Voices folder with HD Storage Mode.

How to avoid the long Custom Voice Loading time in Tyros 2/3.

1) Push Cancel when the load starts [You can't make any keyboard edits/saves when Custom voices are loading]

2) If you want a fast loading time, and seldom use the Custom Voices, then one technique is to create an empty Library file and use it for normal activities and only load the one with the working voices when needed. Here is how:

a) In Voice Creator, use Voice Bank Edit and delete all entries.

b) Use Save Library file to save this with a new name. I called mine Empty.

c) Load "Empty". Now when the machine is powered up, it will not load any voices.

When you need Custom Voices, Load your previousely saved 'Library' if you have one previousely saved.

* To copy and save a UVN from the custom bank - go to Voice Creator / Library Save, highlight the voice(s) and save to USB or HD.

What are the preset and custom voice extensions in Tyros.

VCE : Normal Voice Files

LIV : Live Voices

ORG : Organ Flutes

SWV : Sweet Voices

MGV : Mega Voices

SAR : S.Art Voices

CLV : Cool Voices

LDR : Live Drum kits

DRM : Drum Kits


The Following are the Voices in the Custom bank [These are the Links to Voice Links to the Main Custom Voices(the Tvn-Voices)] :

CVN : Custom Voices

CVD : Custom Drums


The Following are the Voices which are loaded in the Custom bank (These are the Main Custom Voices) :

TVN : Custom Individual Voice

TVD : Custom Drum Voice

TVI : Custom Voice Library Voice



Note: The Custom Voice used in T3 is UVN