The Friendship Central School Board of Education held its regular meeting on Tuesday July 12, 2011 in the Board of Education Conference Room. The meeting was called to order at 7:09 p.m. by Board President William Ritchie. Pledge of Allegiance was recited followed by roll call.

William Ritchie Present

Jody Collins Absent

Robert Cummins Absent

James Lewis Present

Craig Plaisted Present

Also Present:

Maureen Donahue, Superintendent

Donald Putnam, Building Principal

Donna Howard, Business Official

Jon Morris, CSE Chairperson

Lisa Burch, Intern

Superintendent Report:

Lisa Burch – Principal Internship

Principal Report:

Regents Updates

Business Official:

Projected Fund Balance Update

Auditors arrive 1st week of August

Jon Morris gave updates on Extra Curricular, DDC (District Data Coordinator), Special Education updates.

Consent Agenda Minutes:

James Lewis moved, seconded by Craig Plaisted to act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the following;

Approved minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 21, 2011 as submitted by Districk Clerk, Laurie Butts;

Approved to accept the warrnt reports for the month of June for General, School Lunch, Special Aid, Capital and Payroll as presented.

Motions were unanimously approved.

Craig Plaisted moved, seconded by James Lewis to act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the following personnel items;

Approved the following 2011=2012 Coaching Assignments:

Boys Varsity Soccer – Mike Cox Girls Varsity Soccer – Deb Kane

Boys Modified Soccer – TBD Girls Modified Soccer–Tracey Brinkmann

Boys Varsity BB – William Horn Girls Varsity Basketball – Molly Scholla

Boys JV BB – Denny Amore Boys Jr High BB – John Brandes

Girls Jr High BB – Deb Kane Cheerleading – Tracey Brinkmann

Boys Varsity Baseball – Jarrod Bell

Boys Modified Baseball – TBD

Girls Varsity Softball – Denny Amore

Girls Modified Softball – Tracey Brinkmann

Approved the following Extra Curricular Advisors:

Rite Aid – Kathy Sortore

MS Government – Jim Greenaker

Student Council – Jim Greenaker

Class of 2012 – Mike Cox

Class of 2013 – Kathy Sortore/Nicole Brandes

Class of 2014 – John Brandes

Class of 2015 – Eve Munzert

Fair Advisor – John Brandes

Scholastic Challenge – Wade Pearsall

Spanish Club – Sherry Jaques

Band – Todd Chadwick

Newsletter – Nancy Peer

Approved to appoint Linda Austin as Cafeteria Manager effective July 13, 2011;

Approved to accept with regret, the resignation of Kathryn M Cummings as Teacher Aide for the purpose of Retirement.

Motions were unanimously approved.

James Lewis moved, seconded by Craig Plaisted to act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the following:

Approve the recommendations of the CSE, CPSE and 504 meetings as presented:

June 6 June 8 June 9 June 10

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Motion was unanimously approved.

Craig Plaisted moved, seconded by James Lewis to act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the following:

Approved the Family Training Contract July 1, 2011 through August 31, 2011 as presented;

Approved the Health Plan Municipal Cooperative Agreement as presented;

Approved the Preschool Transportation Contracts July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012;

Approved the consultant contract with Laurel Tague as presented.

Motions were unanimously approved.


Second Reading:

Fund Balance Policy in Accordance with GASB Statement No. 54

James Lewis moved, seconded by Craig Plaisted to move into executive session for the purpose of discussing a particular personnel issue at 7:45 p.m.

The Board reconvened at 8:09

Craig Plaisted moved, seconded by James Lewis to act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to appoint Linda Austin as Cafeteria Manager effective July 13, 2011.

Motion was unanimously approved.

Craig Plaisted moved, seconded by James Lewis to approve the consultant contract with Laurel Tague as presented.

Motion was unanimously approved.

Craig Plaisted moved, seconded by James Lewes to approve the Summer Professional Staff Development as presented

Motion was unanimously approved.

James Lewis moved, seconded by Craig Plaisted to act upon the recommendation of the Superintendent to approve the following substitutes for the 2011-2012 school year:

Amanda Blake Samantha Davis Donna Lewis

Lisa Burch Carol DeLong Kirsten Loucks

Dawn Burnett Karen Dennis Janet Mahoney

Brenda Carpenter Regina Harmon Kimberly McDowell

Brian Case JoAnne Hoagland Audrey Peer

Margaret Cherre Tamie Holmes Brian Perry

Genevieve Clark Aimee Kemp Shari Reed

Robert C Cummins Marilyn Lester Matt Ripple

Rebecca Sherood Sam Siemoens Michael Slavinski

Emily Thompsett Mickie Tidlund Adam Wightman

Motion was unanimously approved.

Craig Plaisted moved, seconded by James Lewis to adjourn at 8:11 p.m.

Laurie Butts

District Clerk