School Parent Council


Date: May 1st @ 6:30 pm

Nottawa Elementary School – Library

Present: Carolyn Foss, Jennifer McCarl, Jillian Hutchinson, Christine Patten, Barb O’ptHoog, Jennifer Mitchell, Owen Johnston, Rob Perry, Lori Ford

Regrets: Laura Schyiola, Melissa McDonald, Helen O’Farrell, Nicola Alfing

Meeting Chair: Carolyn Foss

Agenda Topic / Discussion, Findings, Conclusion / Action Needed / Timeline
Call to order / Carolyn Welcomed everyone. / Welcome all members / 1
1.0 / Review/Approve Minutes – Apr 3, 2017 / Minutes were approved and passed. / Motion to Approve minutes from Apr 3th,
2017 Passed: Christine Patten
Carried: Jennifer Mitchell / 1
2.0 / Principal’s Update / Items Purchased for school:
Shelves for storage room for music equipment
Green Shield (projector) purchased for library
Track re-grading will be happening and completed in June
Sand throughout schoolyard to be topped up as well.
New Apple computer to be purchased for use of assemblies, future yearbook.
Approx. 4-6 Chromebook covers need to be replaced. The transport cart needs to be replaced. Discussion about purchasing more Chromebooks in the future. Possibly a new fundraiser for this.
Rob wants to ask the students what they would like to see purchased for the school.
New custodian: Carl Sheffer / 15
3.0 / Financial Report – Nicola / June she will have report. / 5
4.0 / PRO Grant – Christine Patten / How will we use the money towards something to do with Art?
Ideas: Art workshops for parents and students? / Vote: / 20

Nottawa Elementary School

81 Batteaux Road, R.R. #2, Collingwood, ON, L9Y 3Z1P: 705.445.1827

5.0 / PIC Grant – Jennifer McCarl / Math Night May 16, sign up online. / 5
6.0 / Nutrition Committee – Jillian Hutchison / Do we need a Nutrition co-ordinator next year?
Mrs. Shaw has been very busy and may not be able to continue her role. How important is it to parent council to have a Nutrition co-ordinator.
Yoga night successful, Treva would like to do it again
Natasha Beaston coming to funfair. Will be providing water jugs for infused water stand, she will be offering a fruit activity stand, veggies and dips and games.
Buddy benches (possibly) to be installed in primary and intermediate ends. / 10
7.0 / Carolyn Foss / Fundraising Plan 2017/2018 Fun Fair update
Agreed that the fundraising plan needs a revamp. Possibly add/remove a few positions with restructuring? Will be discussed and vote if need be at June meeting.
Discussed that for the September welcome letter all fundraising ideas and what funds will go towards should be listed so parents have a better idea of what is ahead.
Basket Newsletter going out this week. / 10
9.0 / Closing Comments & Adjournment / Carolyn thanked everyone for coming. / Next Meeting: June 5, 2017 @ 6:30 / 1

Nottawa Elementary School

81 Batteaux Road, R.R. #2, Collingwood, ON, L9Y 3Z1P: 705.445.1827