City Point Neighborhood Association

Membership Meeting, 1/10/12

Board Members Present: Joanne McDevitt, Joe Kelly, Ben Rogers, Ellen McDonough

Joanne called the meeting to order and welcomed State Rep. Nick Collins and Michelle Lavoie from Sen. Hart’s Office.

Officers Billot and Holliday reported several vandalisms in the area, as well as car tires being stolen. There has been an increase in Honda airbags stolen, however not in CPNA’s jurisdiction. On January 4th at 8am busses had to be rerouted from Fourth St to Broadway due to an accident between a bus and an ambulance. While not in our boundaries, there were questions regarding a beating that occurred in the Gate of Heaven School lot on New Year’s Eve. The case is still open, but it appears to be one of the same kids that have been involved in other incidents. C6 has made Gate of Heaven a priority area. Next month, the community service officers will bring information on starting a Neighborhood Watch.

Sr. Mary Adele from the Labouré Center spoke about her gratitude towards CPNA members for assembling Christmas baskets. She discussed the many programs offered at Labouré and said that they are always looking for volunteers, especially to mentor teens, help with fundraising, or social media. She also discussed their visiting nurse program. Their spring fundraiser will be held April 26th, at the Atrium in the John Hancock Building on D St.

Vice President Joe Kelly spoke about the Castle Island Association. They are always seeking new members. The cost is $8 annually. The CIA offers free tours of Fort Independence on Saturdays and Sundays during the summer and is responsible for all restorations done to the fort, which is in serious disrepair. For more information, you can call 617-268-8870 or visit Joe will also bring membership applications to the next meeting.

Rep. Collins informed us that there will be 70 new resident parking spots added on East 1st St near M St Park.

Committee Reports:

Parks Committee: Cynthia Waxman reported that Parks Commissioner Toni Pollack would be attending their meeting on Thursday the 19th.

Greater Association: Sheila Green reported that at the C6 monthly meeting, statistics were handed out showing that crime is down in South Boston (see attachment).

Transportation: Dave Matteo showed us a proposal by the City to create angled parking at Emerson St and East Fourth St. The plan would add an island and would be resident parking only. It would most likely be finished in the spring. There would be a net loss of one space.

Treasurer’s Report: Previous Balance- $1495.45, Current Balance – $1799.45

Zoning Committee: Jim Coveno reported that 621 East 1st St would be going to ZBA on the 26th and that people are hoping they will abide by the new zoning requirements for 1st St. There were questions on a fenced off area at O and East 2nd St, however it was unclear what is going on there.

The next meeting will be held, Tuesday, February 14th at 6:30pm in Cushing Hall.