Stefanie Bogaerts

Address:Łapiguz 17, 22-400 Zamość


Cell phone:+ 48 604 064936

Phone/fax:+ 48 84639 95 29


Date of birth:4 May 1977


Marital status:Married

Driver's licence:B

Working experience

Professional experience

Oct. 2004 -Freelance translator and copywriter

2005-2006Project Manager for Polish administrative project for EBP, Brussels

July 2002 -BDO Polska, Warsaw: Executive Assistant

Aug. 2004Tasks: translations, internal and external communication - intranet and internet administrator, organisation of training seminars and conferences, project management for European projects

Nov. 2001 -Translator and language teacher (Dutch and English) amongst other at Language Union


Apr.-may ’01UCB Pharma, Warsaw

July ’01Eurofinas/Leaseurope, Brussels


1989-1995Secondary school:Modern languages-Mathematics at the Sint-PietersCollege in Blankenberge, Belgium

1995-1999Master of Arts: Eastern European Languages and Cultures at the University of Leuven, Belgium

1997-1999Teacher’s diploma at the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium

Dec.1997Language and culture course at the University of Kazan, Russia

July 1998Language course at the Jagiellonian University of Krakow, Poland

1999-2000 Postgraduate Public Relations at the School of EconomicsofPoznan, Poland

1999-2000 Language course Polish at the Adam Mickiewicz’ University of Poznan, Poland

1999-2000 Language course Russian at the School of Economics of Poznan, Poland

July 2000Certificate of Business Russian of the Chamber of Commerce of the Russian Federation

2000-2001 Multilingual Business Communication at the University of Ghent, Belgium

`2004-2005Executive Master in European Management, organised by the WarsawSchool of Economics and Le Groupe HEC from Paris

Language skills:


DutchMother tongueMother tongueMother tongue



FrenchVery goodVery goodGood






1993/’94/’95Nominee of the Language Interview Contest of the ‘Animatiecentrum voor Talen’ of the ‘Koning Boudewijn Foundation’

Computer skills:

WordVery good

PowerpointVery good



Hobbies and interests:

SportsDepending on the facilities: jogging, biking, fitness training, …

TravellingExploring new countries and cultures, whenever I get the opportunity

MusicFlute, piano, guitar, singing

Translations and text editing

Language combinations

Polish > Dutch

English > Dutch


Marketing, Public Relations, management & economics, company documents (accounts, contracts, brochures, correspondence,...)

Literature, tourism, art, entertainment, press articles

General technical and scientific texts


Written translations: 0,06-0,08 EUR/word

Consecutive translations: 35 EUR/hour (transportation costs not included)

Proofreading: 0,03-0,04EUR/word

Text editing & copywriting: can be negotiated

CAT Tools

Trados 2007 Freelance