Community Events Trailer Application Form

Organisation Details:
Name of Organisation:. / ______
Contact Person: / ______
Address: / ______
Telephone No’s: / Home: ______Mobile: ______
Location of Event: / ______
Date of Event: / ______
Date for Trailer Pickup: / ______
Date for Trailer Return: / ______
  • The events trailer is available to be picked up and returned from Monday to Friday between 8.30am and 5.00pm at the Bacchus Marsh Service Centre.
  • A bond of $ 200 is to be paid to Council prior to the Events Trailer being taken. This bond will be returned to the Organisation upon inspection of the trailer and contents.
  • Council procedures for the use/handling of the event trailer will be supplied and any prospective hirer must familiarize themselves with this procedure prior to taking the trailer. (There is also a guide to sustainable events with the procedure).
  • Council will not take responsibility for any damage to the trailer or the contents within the trailer. If any damage occurs, it is the responsibility of the Organisation using the trailer to pay full costs for replacement of any items including the trailer.
  • It is the responsibility of the Organisation to take the trailer/bins to one of Council’s Transfer Stations for disposal of the garbage/recycling prior to returning the trailer to Council. (The disposal is at no cost to the Organisation). The paper/cardboard must be separate from the other recycling to be accepted.
  • All the garbage/recycling bins and caps are required to be cleaned prior to returning to Council.
I have read and agree to the above conditions:______
on behalf of the Organisation (Signature)
(Print name)
Waste Management Department Approval: / Signature: ______
Title: ______
Please note: / Personal information will be held securely and will not be used or disclosed for any other purpose.