Chapter Officer Intent to apply for an office rules

Section A: FFA Interviews

  1. A time and place will be set to have officer interviews that will best reflect times available for all those who are applying. There is no 100% guarantee that a time or place will work for everyone, but if FFA is important, then the applicant will do their best to be there.
  2. If an applicant is going to be late for some unknown reason, it is their responsibility to call the FFA Advisor and let him know. The interview committee will do their best to wait as long as they can as a collective group. The interviewers are community members so the time they say they can wait may vary from year to year. But it is highly encouraged to be no later than 20 minutes or the Advisor will allow them to all leave.
  3. A student signed up to interview has only this one day in the time frame the interviewers will be available to interview. If a student fails to show up for ANY REASON, they will not receive an office, (unless there is an open office at the bottom of the order). This goes for family emergencies.
  4. There are six main officer positions available. Others may be created according to the FFA by-laws. The FFA Advisor and the Interviewing committee can make the choice to add more offices to the list of the main six officer team. (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasure, Reporter, and Sentinel). They may do this on their own choice that night of the interviews. Other possible offices are: Historian, Parliamentarian, Chaplin, and any other allowed by the State FFA.
  5. If an officer team of less than six is filled the night of the interviews, then at any meeting during the school year where a quorum is present, the FFA Chapter members can bring up nominations for Active FFA members to fill the open positions. Ballots will be secret and only the members present at the meeting will vote. If the student is in good standing and has all the requirements to be a Chapter Officer, they will be sworn into office at the next FFA meeting.
  6. If a student or parent/guardian has any questions on procedures they are welcome to contact the Oberlin FFA Advisor. For any other complications that may occur, the Oberlin FFA will fall into line with what the District and State FFA Officers are held to. And for that matter, the rules of the Kansas FFA Constitution and the Kansas High Schools Sports Association.

I have read the Oberlin FFA Officer Intent to apply rules and agree to abide by the above guidelines.

Student Signature______


Advisor Signature______
