Comparative Media Studies | Writing, MIT


Cambridge, MA 02139-4307

Phone: (617) 253-3062

A. General Information

1. Academic Record

Ph.D. 1989 Northwestern University (Advisor: Leland M. Griffin)

M.A. 1984 Northwestern University (Advisor: Thomas B. Farrell)

B.S. 1980 Kansas State University

2. Academic Appointments

2013- Professor & Interim Section Head (MIT)

2012-2013 Visiting Professor (MIT)

2005-2012 Department Chair (University of Minnesota)

1999-2013 Professor (University of Minnesota)

1995-1999 Associate Professor (University of Minnesota)

1993-1995 Associate Professor (Purdue University)

1990-1993 Assistant Professor (Purdue University)

1989-1990 Assistant Professor (Kansas State University)

1985-1988 Instructor (Kansas State University)

3. Awards and Honors

Endowed Chair: John E. Burchard Professor of Humanities, MIT, 2013-.

National Communication Association, Distinguished Scholar Award, 2009.

Endowed Chair: Paul W. Frenzel Professor of Liberal Arts, 2000-2012.

National Communication Association, Rhetorical and Communication Theory Division 2006 Distinguished Scholar Award.

Research Fellow, Rhetoric Society of America, 2006.

Outstanding Director of Graduate Studies Award, University of Minnesota

Graduate School, 2005.

Gary Olson Award for the best book published in 2003 in Rhetorical and Cultural

Theory, given by the Association of Teachers of Advanced Composition, 2004.

National Communication Association, Douglas W. Ehninger Distinguished Rhetorical Scholar Award, 2000.

National Communication Association, Rhetorical and Communication Theory Division 1996 New Investigator Award.

National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Grant, 1994.

Janice Lauer Award for the Best Essay in Volume Ten of Rhetoric Review, 1992.

Summer Faculty Research Grants, Purdue University, 1991, 1992, 1993.

Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award, National Communication Association, 1989.

Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award, Communication Studies Department, Northwestern University, 1989.

Graduate Research Award, Communication Studies Department, Northwestern University, 1983, 1984, 1985.

4. Membership in Academic and Professional Organizations

National Communication Association

Rhetoric Society of America

International Society for the History of Rhetoric

American Philological Association

Alliance of Rhetoric Societies

B. Research and Scholarship

1. Books

Edward Schiappa & John Nordin, Argumentation: Keeping Faith With Reason. (Boston: Pearson Publishing, 2013).

David Timmerman & Edward Schiappa, Classical Greek Rhetorical Theory and the Disciplining of Discourse (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010).

Edward Schiappa, Professional Development During Your Doctoral Education. (Washington, D.C.: E-book from the National Communication Association, 2009). Can be accessed at:


Edward Schiappa, Beyond Representational Correctness: Rethinking Criticism of Popular Media (Albany: State University of New York Press, 2008).

Edward Schiappa, Defining Reality: Definitions and the Politics of Meaning. (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 2003).

Edward Schiappa, Protagoras and Logos: A Study in Greek Philosophy and Rhetoric, Second Edition (Columbia: U. of South Carolina Press, 2003 [original edition, 1991]).

Edward Schiappa, The Beginnings of Rhetorical Theory in Classical Greece (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1999).

Edward Schiappa, et al., Squeeze Play:The Campaign for a New Twins Stadium (Minneapolis: Minnesota Public Advocacy Research Report, 1998).

Edward Schiappa, Editor, Warranting Assent: Case Studies in Argument Evaluation (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1995).

Edward Schiappa, Editor, Landmark Essays on Classical Greek Rhetoric (Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1994).

2 . Books in Progress

Edward Schiappa, project coordinator & editor, Fear & Love from the Courtroom to the Campaign Trail: The Debate over Same-Sex Marriage, 2008-2012. Projected completion: May 2013.

Edward Schiappa, The Battle over Meaning: Constitutive Interpretation. In Progress.

3. Scholarly Articles and Chapters

Edward Schiappa, Daniel Ladislau Horvath, & Peter B. Gregg, “The Phenomenal Text of Michael Moore’s Sicko.” In Thomas W. Benson & Brian Snee (eds.), Agit-Doc: Michael Moore & the Rhetoric of Documentary. Book MS currently under review.

Edward Schiappa, “Evolving Argument Strategies in the Debate over Same-Sex Marriage.” Proceedings of the 4th Tokyo Conference on Argumentation: The Role of Argumentation in Society (Tokyo: Japan Debate Association, 2012): 93-100.

Edward Schiappa, “Defining Marriage in California: An Analysis of Public & Technical Argument,” Argumentation & Advocacy 48.4 (2012): 213-227.

Thomas C. Johnson and Edward Schiappa, “An Exploratory Study of the Relationships Between Televised Sports Viewing Habits and Conformity to Masculine Norms,” Journal of Sports Media, 5 (2010): 53-78.

Edward Schiappa, “Gorgias of Leontini.” In The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece and Rome (vol. 3), Michael Gagarin, ed. (Oxford University Press, 2010): 321-323.

Edward Schiappa, “Greek Rhetoric.” In The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece and Rome (vol. 6), Michael Gagarin, ed. (Oxford University Press, 2010): 115-119.

C. Jan Swearingen and Edward Schiappa, “Historical and Comparative Rhetorical Studies: Revisionist Methods and New Directions,” The Sage Handbook of Rhetoric, Eds. Andrea A. Lunsford, Kirt H. Wilson, & Rosa A. Eberly (Thousand Oaks: Sage, 2008), pp. 1-12.

Edward Schiappa and Jim Hamm, “Rhetorical Questions: An Introduction.” In I. Worthington, Editor, A Companion to Greek Rhetoric (London: Blackwell, 2007), pp. 3-15.

Edward Schiappa, Mike Allen, & Peter Gregg, “Parasocial Relationships and Television: A Meta-analysis of the Effects.” In Mass Media Effects: Advances Through Meta-analysis, Eds. Ray Preiss, Barbara Gayle, Nancy Burrell, Mike Allen, and Jennings Bryant (Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2007), pp. 301-314.

Edward Schiappa & Emanuelle Wessels, “Listening to Audiences: A Brief Rationale & History of Audience Research in Popular Media Studies,” International Journal of Listening, 21 (2007): 14-23.

Edward Schiappa, Peter B. Gregg, & Dean E. Hewes, “Can One TV Show Make a Difference? Will & Grace and the Parasocial Contact Hypothesis,” Journal of Homosexuality, 51 (2006): 15-37.

Edward Schiappa, Peter B. Gregg, & Dean E. Hewes, “The Parasocial Contact Hypothesis,” Communication Monographs, 72 (2005): 95-118.

Edward Schiappa, “Dissoi Logoi.” In Michelle Ballif & Michael G. Moran (eds.), Classical Rhetorics and Rhetoricians (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2005), pp. 146-148.

Edward Schiappa, “Protagoras.” In Michelle Ballif & Michael G. Moran (eds.), Classical Rhetorics and Rhetoricians (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2005), pp. 305-314.

Edward Schiappa, Peter B. Gregg, & Dean E. Hewes, “Can a Television Series Change Attitudes about Death? A Study of College Students and Six Feet Under.” Death Studies 28 (2004): 459-474.

Edward Schiappa, “Sophisticated Modernism and the Continuing Importance of Argument Evaluation.” In G. T. Goodnight (Ed.), Arguing Communication and Culture: Selected Papers from the 12th NCA/AFA Conference on Argumentation (Washington, D.C.: National Communication Association, 2002), pp. 51-58.

Edward Schiappa, “Evaluating Argumentative Discourse from a Rhetorical Perspective: Defining “Person” and “Human Life” in Constitutional Disputes over Abortion.” In F. H. van Eemeren & P. Houtlosser, eds., Dialectic and Rhetoric: The Warp and Woof of Argumentation Analysis (Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2002), 65-80.

Edward Schiappa, Robert L. Scott, Alan G. Gross, Raymie McKerrow, “Rhetorical Studies as Reduction or Redescription?: A Response to Cherwitz and Hikins.” Quarterly Journal of Speech 88 (2002): 112-120.

Edward Schiappa, “What is Golf?: Pragmatic Essentializing and Definitional Argument in PGA Tour, Inc. v. Martin,” Argumentation and Advocacy 38 (2001): 18-27.

Edward Schiappa, “Second Thoughts on the Critiques of Big Rhetoric,” Philosophy and Rhetoric, 34 (2001): 260-274.

Edward Schiappa, “Analyzing Argumentative Discourse from a Rhetorical Perspective: Defining ‘Person’ and ‘Human Life’ in Constitutional Disputes over Abortion,” Argumentation 14 (2000): 315-332.

Edward Schiappa, “Response” in Recontextualizing Our Classical Foundations (three reviews of The Beginnings of Rhetorical Theory in Classical Greece) American Communication Journal 3 (1999) www.americancomm.org/~aca/acj/acj.html

Valerie Terry & Edward Schiappa, “Disclosing Anti-Feminism in Michael Crichton’s Post-Feminist Disclosure” Journal of Communication Inquiry, 23 (1999): 69-89.

Jennifer Stromer-Galley & Edward Schiappa, “The Argumentative Burdens of Audience Conjectures: Audience Research in Popular Culture Criticism,” Communication Theory 8 (1998): 27-62.

Edward Schiappa & John T. Kirby, “Feminist Histories and Theories,” The Comparative Reader: A Handlist of Basic Reading in Comparative Literature (New Haven: Chancery Press, 1998), 57-59.

Edward Schiappa & Wilfred E. Major, “Gorgias’s Undeclared Theory of Arrangement Revisited,” Southern Communication Journal 62 (1997): 344-47.

Edward Schiappa, “The Historian as Arguer,”Rhetoric Review 16 (1997): 36-38.

Wilfred E. Major & Edward Schiappa, “Gorgias’s ‘Undeclared’ Theory of Arrangement: A Postscript to Smeltzer,” Southern Communication Journal 62 (1997): 149-52.

Edward Schiappa, “Interpreting Gorgias’ ‘Being’ in On Not-Being or On Nature,” Philosophy and Rhetoric 30 (1997): 13-30.

Edward Schiappa, “Toward a Predisciplinary Reading of Gorgias’s Helen,” Theory, Text, Context: Issues in Greek Rhetoric and Oratory, ed. C. L. Johnstone (Albany: SUNY Press, 1996), 65-86.

Edward Schiappa “Interdisciplinarity and Social Practice: Reflections on Dow, Condit, and Swartz,” Communication Studies 46 (1995 [1996]): 140-47.

Edward Schiappa, “Some of My Best Friends are Neosophists: A Reply to Consigny,” Rhetoric Review 14 (1996): 272-79.

Edward Schiappa ,”Toward a Pragmatic Approach to Definition: ‘Wetlands’ and the Politics of Meaning,” Environmental Pragmatism, ed. Andrew Light and Eric Katz (London: Routledge, 1996), 209-30.

Edward Schiappa, “Definition,” “Protagoras,” and “Rhêtorikê” [500-word articles]

The Encyclopedia of Rhetoric, ed. Theresa Enos (NY: Garland Publishing Co., 1996), 170-71, 569, 631.

Edward Schiappa, “Sophistic Rhetoric” [Major Article], The Encyclopedia of Rhetoric, ed. Theresa Enos (NY: Garland Publishing Co., 1996), 682-86.

Edward Schiappa, “Gorgias’s Helen Revisited,” Quarterly Journal of Speech (1995): 310-24.

Edward Schiappa, “Protagoras and the Language Game of History: A Response to Consigny,” Rhetoric Society Quarterly 25.1 (1995): 220-23.

Edward Schiappa, “Intellectuals and the Place of Cultural Critique,” Rhetoric, Cultural Studies, and Literacy, ed. Fred Reynolds (Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1995), 21-27.

Edward Schiappa, “Isocrates,” Encyclopedia of Classical Philosophy ed. Donald J. Zeyl (NY: Greenwood, 1997), 287-88.

Edward Schiappa, “Isocrates’ Philosophia and Contemporary Pragmatism,” Rhetoric, Sophistry, Pragmatism ed. Steven Mailloux (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995), 33-60.

Edward Schiappa and Stacey Hoffman, “Intertextual Argument in Gorgias’s On What is Not: A Formalization of Sextus, adv Math 7.77-80,” Philosophy & Rhetoric 27 (1994): 156-61.

Edward Schiappa, “Plato and hê kaloumenê rhêtorikê: A Response to O’Sullivan,” Mnemosyne: Bibliotheca classica Batava 47 (1994): 512-514.

Edward Schiappa, “Arguing About Definitions,” Argumentation 7 (1993): 403-17.

Edward Schiappa, “Burkean Tropes and Kuhnian Science: A Social Constructionist Perspective on Language and Reality,” Journal of Advanced Composition 13 (1993): 401-22. Available online at: www.cas.usf.edu/JAC/132/schiappa.html

Edward Schiappa, “The Beginnings of Greek Rhetorical Theory,” Rhetorical Movement: Essays in Honor of Leland M. Griffin, ed. David Zarefsky (Evanston: Northwestern U. Press, 1993), 5-33, 229-34.

Maureen Taylor and Edward Schiappa, “How Accurate is Plato’s Portrayal of Gorgias of Leontini?” Rhetoric in the Vortex of Cultural Studies (Minneapolis: Rhetoric Society of America, 1993), 23-31.

Edward Schiappa, “Rhêtorikê: What’s in a Name? Toward a Revised History of Early Greek Rhetorical Theory,” Quarterly Journal of Speech 78 (1992): 1-15. [Lead Article]

Edward Schiappa, “Counterstatement: A Response to Thomas Kent, ‘On the Very Idea of a Discourse Community’,” College Composition & Communication 43 (1992): 109-110.

Edward Schiappa, “[Über] Antilogie,” Historisches Wörterbuch der Rhetorik [Historical Lexicon of Rhetoric] vol. I, ed. Gert Ueding (Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 1992), 701-708. [In German]

Edward Schiappa, “NB to DB: Toward a Proliferation of Neo-Sophistic Rhetorics,” Rhetoric Review 11 (1992): 246-47.

Edward Schiappa, “Sophistic Rhetoric: Oasis or Mirage?” Rhetoric Review 10 (1991): 5-18. [Lead Article: This article won the “Best Article of the Year” Award for volume 10 of Rhetoric Review.]

Edward Schiappa, “The Importance of George A. Kennedy’s Aristotle: On Rhetoric,” Rhetoric Review 11 (1992): 206-208. [Also appears in Rhetoric in the Vortex of Cultural Studies (Minneapolis: RSA, 1992), 223-25.]

Edward Schiappa, “Toward More Argument1 Evaluation: Identifying the Constraints,” Argument in Controversy, ed. D. W. Parson (Annandale: SCA, (1991), 39-45.

Edward Schiappa, “An Examination and Exculpation of the Composition Style of Gorgias of Leontini,” Pre/Text 12 (1991): 237-57.

Edward Schiappa and Mary F. Keehner, “The Lost Passages of Kenneth Burke’s Permanence and Change,” Communication Studies 42 (1991): 189-98.

Edward Schiappa, “Neo-Sophistic Rhetorical Criticism or the Historical Reconstruction of Sophistic Doctrines?” Philosophy and Rhetoric 23 (1990): 192-217.

Edward Schiappa, “History and Neo-Sophistic Criticism: A Reply to Poulakos,” Philosophy and Rhetoric 23 (1990): 307-15.

Edward Schiappa, “Did Plato Coin Rhêtorikê?” American Journal of Philology 111 (1990): 460-73.

Edward Schiappa and Mary F. Keehner, “The Promise of the Cross Examination Debate Association,” Argumentation & Advocacy 27 (1990): 78-85.

Edward Schiappa, “The Rhetoric of Nukespeak,” Communication Monographs 56 (1989): 253-72.

Edward Schiappa, “‘Spheres of Argument’ as Topoi for the Critical Study of Power/Knowledge,” Spheres of Argument, ed. Bruce Gronbeck (Annandale, VA: Speech Communication Association, 1989), 47-56.

Edward Schiappa, “Metaphor in Science,” Speech Communication Annual 1 (1987): 17-32.

Edward Schiappa, “Dissociation in the Arguments of Rhetorical Theory,” Journal of the American Forensic Association 22 (1985): 72-82.

4. Book Reviews

Edward Schiappa & Matthew Briel, Review of Roberta Ioli (ed., trans.), Gorgia di Leontini: Su ciò che non è (Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 2010). Classical Review 61.1 (2011): 44-46.

Edward Schiappa, Review of Marina McCoy, Plato on the Rhetoric of Philosophers and Sophists (Cambridge UP, 2008). Rhetorica: A Journal of the History of Rhetoric, 29 (2011): 106-108.

Edward Schiappa, Review of M. Agnes van Rees, Dissociation in Argumentative Discussions: A Pragma-Dialectical Perspective (Dordrecht: Springer, 2009). Informal Logic 29 (2009): 244-246.

Edward Schiappa, Review of Steven Mailloux, Disciplinary Identities: Rhetorical Paths of English, Speech, and Composition (NY: MLA, 2006). Quarterly Journal of Speech 93 (2007): 473-475.

Edward Schiappa, Review of Scott Consigny, Gorgias: Sophist and Artist (Columbia: U. of South Carolina Press, 2001). Argumentation & Advocacy 39 (2003): 287-290.

Edward Schiappa and Richard Leo Enos, “Reviewing the Sophists Rhetorically,” Rhetoric Review, 22 (2003): 318.

Edward Schiappa, Review of Bruce McComiskey. Gorgias and the New Sophistic Rhetoric (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 2002). Rhetoric Review, 22 (2003): 319-21.

Edward Schiappa, Review of David Roochnik, Of Art and Wisdom: Plato’s Understanding of Techne (University Park:Penn State U.P., 1996), Rhetorica 16 (1998): 437-439.

Edward Schiappa, Review of Jacqueline de Romilly, The Great Sophists in Periclean Athens (NY: Oxford U.P., 1992), Philosophy and Rhetoric 29 (1996): 447-51.

Edward Schiappa, Review of H. C. Lawson-Tancred, Aristotle, The Art of Rhetoric (London: Penguin Books, 1991), Ancient Philosophy 14 (1994 [1996]): 422-24.

Edward Schiappa, Comparative Review of George A. Kennedy, Aristotle, On Rhetoric (NY: Oxford U.P. 1991) and H. C. Lawson-Tancred, Aristotle, The Art of Rhetoric (London: Penguin Books, 1991), Quarterly Journal of Speech 79 (1993): 114-17.