Four Winds Mah Jong 2 - Order Form


This order form is to be used only when you wish to pay by making a Foreign Payment Order (direct deposit to Lagarto’s bank account), or a PayPal payment, or if you wish to use a check. If you want to pay with a credit card, please use our online ordering system at

• Fill out this order form, print it and send it to Lagarto either by fax or by mail/e-mail.

• The price of the full version is EUR 30. An upgrade license for users of 1.x version of Four Winds Mah Jong costs EUR 15. Please check the current exchange rate before ordering.

• For a Foreign Payment Order, please make a EUR 30 (or EUR 15 for the upgrade) deposit to Lagarto’s bank account: Danske Bank, Finland, BIC/SWIFT code DABAFIHH, International Bank Account Number FI0980001270864920. Please remember to send this order form for the delivery of the registration information.

If you live in an EU country, but your domestic currency is other than euro, you should make sure that all banking costs are paid by the sender (and not the receiver, since the costs might exceed the amount of the registration fee). If you live in a non-EU country, please check with your bank the costs for the payment since theymight exceed the price of the registration.

• If you wish to use PayPal, please make a deposit to and send this order form for the delivery of the registration information.

• Ifyou wish to use a check, please make it payable to Lagarto in your own currency and add EUR 13 for banking fees.

• The registration number and download address for the latest full version will be e-mailed to you (or sent by postal mail if you do not have an e-mail address). With the registration information you can enable all the features of the game by using the Register command on the Help menu.

• For more information about free plug-ins and program updates please visit our web site.

The registration fee does not include disc media - the registration number only makes the downloadable version fully functional. However, you can order a copy of the game on a CD-ROM at an extra cost of EUR 10 + shipping. This is useful if you wish to have a backup copy easily available or avoid large downloads.


Copies ...... :____ New License...... : 30.00EUR each

Copies ...... :____Upgrade License...: 15.00EUR each

Copies ...... :____CD-ROM...: 10.00EUR each

Shipping:: EUR each

Sum Total ...... : ____EUR

NOTE: Please add EUR 2.50 per CD for shipping to European countries, and EUR 4.50 for shipping to non-European countries. Please allow 2 to 4 days for the delivery to the Nordic countries, 3 to 10 days to other European countries, and 5 to 10 days to countries outside of Europe.

Date ...... : ______

Name ...... : ______

Street address...: ______

(continued).....: ______

City ...... : ______State .....: ______

Zip...... : ______Country .: ______

E-mail: ...... : ______

Phone ...... : ______Fax ...... : ______

Foreign Payment Order / PayPal payment, deposit date...... : ______

Register to (if not orderer)...... : ______


Lagarto • Vuorenpeikontie 5 A 67, FI-00820, Helsinki, FINLAND

Fax: +358-9-759 40 400Tel: +358-9-759 40 400. E-mail: