701 Ridgewood Rd. Township of Washington, NJ 07676 • (201) 664-0880 • Fax (201) 722-1542 • www.wwrsd.org

Frank Connelly


Shelley LaForgia Christopher Mello

Assistant Principal Assistant Principal

December 15, 2015

Dear Parent and Students:

Taking Honors Art Foundations in 8th grade means that you are enrolled in a yearlong art class. This is a rigorous and advanced art class that will be taught at a high school level. Students are expected to maintain a sketchbook throughout the entire year and extensive assignments will be given in class, as well as for homework. At times you may be asked to purchase art supplies to complete a project.

This class is for the motivated artist. A variety of topics will be covered from charcoal drawing to sculpture. If you’re serious about art and are considering pursuing visual arts in high school, this class was designed for you in mind.

Students trying out for 8th grade Visual Art Foundations are required to attend a mandatory portfolio review and evaluation meeting on May 12th after school.

Please be aware that there are limited seats and only a small group of students will be selected for this class.

If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Stoute by email:


The Visual Arts Department

(201) 664-0880

How to Ace your Portfolio Requirements

Review/Evaluation: May ___; after school

Step 1: Choose 5-6 (or more) completely finished pieces. Do not bring in any unfinished work, it will not count.

·  They must be *original drawings from *observation that you created.

·  They should be your best, completely finished artwork.

·  No cartoons or anime.

·  Optional: You can include an additional 1-3 artworks: painting or sculpture

Step 2: Arrange the images in ONE portfolio or folder.

·  Your images should not be scattered through various books, folders – put everything in one place.

·  Do NOT bring in sketchbooks – They will not count. I am looking for finished work.

·  Take the images you want out of the sketchbook and put it into the portfolio or folder

Step 3: Presentation counts!

·  It should be free of fingerprints, rips, tears, etc…

·  If you rip/cut something out of your sketchbook, please remember to evenly trim the edge of the paper

Step 4: Put the signature page in the portfolio or folder so you do not forget it.

·  I will not be able to let everyone know if they got accepted or not until everybody’s paperwork is in.

·  If you do not have the signature page with you that day it will postpone the announcement for the entire group of students trying out for the class.

·  If everybody’s paperwork is in, you will be notified by mail no more than 2 weeks after the portfolio review date.

* Originality: Artwork that is created from your artistic vision or from observation. No copied or traced artwork.

* Drawing from Observation: means drawing from looking at real things, for example, still life arrangements of fruit, shoes, toys, people, animals, etc… That means NO drawing from pictures/paintings/photographs



7th Grade Performance

Preparedness / Always prepared for class all of the time
Promptness / Always on time and ready to work all of the time
Focus and Listening / Extremely focused on all assignments
Paid an exceptional amount of attention to detail all of the time
Behavior / Respectful of others, the teacher and supplies all of the time
Homework / Completed all homework assignments on time with high regard to quality all of the time



Content / 5-6 finished drawings
Exceptional breadth and depth of work.
Creativity / Every piece is originality in approach and execution.
Compositional risks were taken (and succeeded) consistently.
Craftsmanship / The portfolio is outstanding
It was finished with a great deal of patience and attention to detail.
Presentation / Artwork was neatly and well organized
Aa professional level presentation was made.
Preparedness / The student was 100% prepared to present the portfolio for evaluation.
Brought artwork, pencil, eraser, and had completed signatures form



Creativity / Used a creative way to fill the space by incorporating the objects in the background, middle ground and foreground.
Technical Accuracy / Drew full accuracy in regards to proportions, contours, and details
Value / Incorporated all 5 values accurately placed
Well-defined observation of the direction of the light source.
Composition / Used 5-6 elements and principles of design (line, shape, value, contour, space, and balance) extremely well
Created a strong and interesting composition.
Craftsmanship / The artwork is outstanding and was finished with an exceptional deal of patience and attention to detail. It was maintained in a professional manner.

Your score must be greater than or equal to 87% or higher.

Honors Art Foundations 8th Grade

(Please print clearly)



HOME PHONE #: ______


Washington Twp. / Westwood


I have read the course requirements and I am aware the responsibilities that come along with Honors Art Foundations.

Student Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______

Bring this page signed and your artwork on May ____.

Hope to see you there! J


/ Artwork 5-6 pieces from Observation
/ Signature Page
/ Artwork arranged neatly together
/ Pencil & Eraser
/ Marked your calendar for May ____?