SECTION VI Boys Swimming 2007-2008
Co-Chairpersons: Al Fritzinger & Jim Graczyk
Submitted April 24, 2008
RevenueGate ($5) $4512.00
Shirt Sales$ 415.00
Total Revenue$4927.00
ExpensesFacility Rental inc.$3570.00
Computer Operator
Officials $2518.00
Meet Administration$ 277.00
Expenses Total$6365.00 (net loss $1438.00)
Participation:428 swimmers competed
48 schools qualified athletes
639 entries - 12 events
- Continue awarding patches by class (A, B, C/ D)
- Continue to support funding the meet at ECC:Burt Flickinger Aquatic Center
- Explore the use of the facility at Fredonia State University as a back up pool if ECC is not available
- Use Sweet Home High School or Clarence High School if colleges are not available
- Continue conducting a "bonus heat" on the day of the finals to increase participation, spectator attendance and gate receipts.
- Continue to explore alternative dates to conduct meet (possible mid week to reduce rental costs)
- Continue In-Season qualifying for the NYS Championships
-coaches continue to support in-season qualifying
-again, no negative issues arose
-approximately 20 in-season qualifying times were posted
- Begin exploring the possibility of changing the current meet format to three separate class championships (A,B,C/D)
- Qualifying times will be studied and adjusted as appropriate to better meet the needs and talents of our Section VI athletes
Sectional Records
- No new Section VI records were established this season
State Championship Update
- 2008 State Championship Meet was held at the Nassau County Aquatic Center on Long Island (Feb. 29 & March 1, 2008)
- Section VI qualified 37 athletes (34 swimmers, 3 divers)to compete at the state championships
- Section VI placed 3rd overall at the NYS Championships
- The Section VI team stayed at the Long Island Marriott Hotel & Conference Center
- 2009 State Championships will be at the Nassau County Aquatic Center again (March 6 & 7, 2009)
- Section VI will be hosting the NYS Championships in 2010 (Feb. 26,27) and in 2011 (March 4,5)