2610 Tigertail Avenue

Miami, Florida 33135-4694


November 1987

Article I – Purpose

To establish with the naval community of Miami, Florida, a fraternal organization of senior enlisted personnel for the purpose of:

a.  Improving the welfare, morale and working relationships of all personnel assigned to the naval community of Miami, Florida and improving the military functioning of the various divisions by providing all possible assistance and cooperation which can be rendered to the command in carrying out its assigned mission.

b.  Passing of useful information all members.

c.  Solving any inter-service, inter-departmental or divisional problems on the E-7 through E-9 levels.

d.  Providing for the various social activities of the association.

Article II – Membership

a.  All duly initiated active and inactive duty U. S. Navy and Marine Corps personnel in pay grades E7/8/9 attached to the Naval Reserve Center, Miami, are eligible for membership, to hold office, and are cordially invited to attend.

b.  Local area duly initiated retired E7/8/9 personnel of the Navy and Marine Corps are eligible to join as members.

c.  Those so joining the association will be considered as members until transfer or unless they express their desires to the contrary to the president in writing. Membership may be revoked for non-payment of dues (see Article IV (c)).

Article III – Organization

a.  The organization of the association will be composed of the following:

(1)  A president who will be an elected E7/8/9 and an active member as outlined in Article II.

(2)  A vice-president who will be an elected E7/8/9 or equivalent and an active member as outlined in Article II.

(3)  A secretary who will be an elected E7/8/9 or equivalent and an active member as outlined in Article II.

(4)  A treasurer who will be an elected E7/8/9 or equivalent and an active member as outlined in Article II.

(5)  Members of the CPO Association as stated in Article II.

(6)  Committees composed of volunteers or appointed members as organized by the president.

b.  The elected officials of the CPO Association will hold office by virtue of the following actions:

(1)  Nomination for the office from the membership.

(2)  Election to the office for which nominated by a majority vote at a general membership meeting at which a quorum (2/3 of the membership) must be present.

(3)  Election for officers will be held annually. New officers will take office in the month of January. Elected officers may not serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office.

Article IV – By-laws

a.  Duties and responsibilities of the officers, committees and members:

(1)  President. To call for and preside at all CPO Association meetings. The president will only vote when required to break a tie vote. Maintain liaison with the Commanding Officer, Executive Officer and keep them advised of all CPO Association matters.

(2)  Vice-President. To assist the president in the performance of his duties and to perform the duties of the president in his absence. Chairman of the Social Activities Committee.

(3)  Secretary. To record the minutes of all association meetings and assist the president in drafting and disseminating all correspondence relating to CPO Association matters.

(4)  Treasurer. To collect all dues, dispense all approved expenditures, and to maintain necessary records of all receipts and expenditures.

(5)  Committees. To perform all functions for which the committee was established. Committees will function within board guidelines as established by the president.

(6)  Members. To bring to the attention of the CPO Association issues which are of interest to the general membership. Each member is entitled to one vote on those issues which require voting.

b.  Procedure for conduct of association meetings:

(1)  Following Roberts Rules of Order, association meetings will be held at least monthly on the date and at the place determined by the president. Meetings will be of the general membership primarily for the purpose of the passing of information, reading of the minutes of the previous meeting, and for providing a means to informally discuss and resolve any problems.

(2)  The president, or, in his absence, the vice-president, will preside at all meetings of the CPO Association.

(3)  Members will introduce issues to be discussed or resolved and shall vote as required on all issues for the good of the association.

(4)  All motions brought to the floor will require a majorityvote of the members present. To change the constitution/by-laws, see Article V.

(5)  Order of business

(a)  Reed and adopt minutes from last business meeting

(b)  Treasurer’s report

(c)  Discuss and resolve old business

(d)  Introduce new business

(e)  Dissemination of information for the Good of the Order

(f)  Sick or distressed members

c.  Dues

(1)  Dues will consist of $2.00 payable monthly to the treasurer. A yearly membership is available and payable in advance for $20.00. Membership may be revoked when an individual becomes more than three months delinquent in his dues. Delinquent members will be notified by the treasurer and given time to bring dues current.

(2)  With the exception of the Commanding Officer, Executive Officer, and/or any guest speaker, all guests will be charged the same price as members for any luncheons or other social activities. Hailed and Farewelled members and their spouses/guests will not be charged for their meals.

d.  Presents and awards. An appropriate gift will be presented to each transferring or retiring member of the association. The value of the gifts will not exceed a constant predetermined amount set by the voting members of the association.

e.  Procedure for dispensing funds. The association members will determine by majority vote, the purpose and the amount for which funds shall be dispensed by the association, except that the president, with the concurrence of the vice-president or the secretary/treasurer, is authorized to dispense funds up to $50.00 for association matters.

f.  Social activities. Suggestions for various social activities should be forwarded by members to the vice-president for consideration.

Article V – Changes and Amendments

Recommended changes or amendments to this constitution and by-laws shall originate at the general membership level and be presented to the president for introduction and consideration at the next scheduled meeting. The proposed change or amendment will be discussed and voted upon by all members present. Upon approval by 2/3 of the membership, the change/amendment will be instituted and incorporated into this constitution and by-laws.