Two-day course on the treatment and management of Cerebral Palsy.

24th and 25th May 2012.

Children's Outpatient Department

South East Block

Doncaster Royal Infirmary

Armthorpe Road



Course Tutor

Pauline Christmas MSc MCSP

Consultant Physiotherapist


the management of spasticity in children

Course Fee £195


Tel: 07854 831486

Provisional Timetable

Day One

9:30-10:30 Cerebral Palsy-An Overview and update.

10:30:-10:45 Coffee

10:45-11:30 Assessment and Treatment from the NDT approach

11:30- 12:45 Patient demonstration

12:45- 1:45 Lunch

1:45 2:45 Patient demonstration

2:45-300 Tea

3:00-4:15 Constraint Induced Movement Therapy- A case presentation

Day Two

9:00-9:30 Brief overview of day one

9:30-10:30 Normal Development of Movement & application to treatment of the

child with cerebral palsy.

10:30-10:45 Coffee

10:45 -11:15 Assessment of Normal and Abnormal Postural Tone

11:15-11:45 Importance of positioning and use of Equipment

11:45 -12:45 Patient demonstration

12:45- 1:45 Lunch

1:45-2:45 Patient demonstration

2;45-3:00 Tea

3:00-4:00 The equines gait

Pauline Christmas MSc MCSP

Pauline Christmas is currently working as a consultant physiotherapist for the management of spasticity in children for Birmingham Community Healthcare Trust. In October 2009 she received a West Midlands Strategic Health Authority Clinical Doctorate Award and is undertaking doctoral training at the University of Birmingham. which includes carrying out research to evaluate constraint induced movement therapy in the pre-school child with hemiplegic cerebral palsy.

Pauline has worked as a physiotherapist specialising in the treatment of children with cerebral palsy, for over twenty five years and has worked both in the hospital setting and in the community. She has received extensive training from the Bobath Centre in London and has been involved in their tutor training programme. She has led short courses all over the country on the treatment and management of cerebral palsy including Introductory Paediatric Bobath courses. Pauline has also taught neuropaediatrics at the University of Birmingham to both the physiotherapy undergraduate and the Masters Degree students.

She completed a research master’s degree at the University of Birmingham in 2002 and her dissertation was based on the development of a new tool for the early identification of cerebral palsy.

Aims and Summary of the course

This two-day course aims to combine theory and practice to offer an overview and update on the treatment of children with cerebral palsy. The course will consist of a combination of lectures, videos and patient demonstrations. It would be expected that the participants would be physiotherapists and occupational therapists experienced in the treatment of cerebral palsy.

It is preferable that course participants attended for both days however there is the flexibility to attend either day as a standalone course.

The approach to treatment used on the course will be based on the neuro-developmental (NDT) /Bobath approach.

The course aims to support the underpinning theories of practice i.e. why we do what we do and how it is applied to children with cerebral palsy.

Also included are lectures and case studies on adjuncts to treatment such as below-knee plastering and constraint induced movement therapy.

At the end of the course it would be expected that course participants will not only have an improved understanding of the reasoning behind this approach and its application to treatment of children with cerebral palsy but also a better understanding of those adjuncts to therapy mentioned above.

It is essential that course participants have an awareness of the current safety issues relating to “moving and handling” and where possible a working knowledge of the current legislation.

An assessment of course participants will not be included however on completion they will receive a certificate of attendance.

Course Application Form

Course Tutor

Pauline Christmas MSc MCSP

HOSTED BY: Doncaster Royal Infirmary May 24th &25th 2012

FEE: £195 (£100 per day)

Please complete this form in block capital letters

Personal Details:

Name (Mr./Mrs./Ms)…….……………………………………………………………………………...



Post Code..……………………………E-Mail………………………………..……………………

Telephone Number (Home)…………………………… (Mobile)……………………………

Your Place of Work:



Job Title………………………………………………………………………………………………….

How long have you been working with children with cerebral palsy?......

Payment Details:

This form must be returned with one of the following (please tick appropriate box):

q  I have enclosed a cheque for £ _____ made payable to P.M Christmas.

q  I have enclosed full invoicing details (including purchase order and name and address of person responsible for ensuring payment of invoice). The payment must be made within 21 days. I take full responsibility for ensuring this invoice is paid by my organisation.

Cancellation Policy:

Cancellations must be made in writing and received no later than 28 days prior to the course. No refunds will be made for cancellations received less than 28 days prior to the course. Substitutions can be made at any time.

Do you have any special learning requirement? Yes/No

If yes, please specify…………………………………………………………………………………….

Course participants must be Health Professions Council Registered and it would be expected that all participants have had a CRB disclosure check.

The information I have given on this form is correct and true

Signature of Applicant…………………………………………………………………………

Please return this form with payment / invoicing details to:

P.M.Christmas Rectory View Cottage Churchill Lane, Churchill, Nr Kidderminster DY10 3L