River Of Dreams

36 count. 2 Wall. Intermediate Level.

Choreographer- Martie Papendorf. South Arica. June 2011.

Music- River of Dreams. Hayley Westenra.

Album- River of Dreams (adapted from 'Winter')

Search for music-

120 bpm.

3 Restarts

Start on lyrics.

1 Step, Sweep and step, Together, Turn, Back, Side, Fwd, Turn,

Sweep and turn, Rock, Side, Side, Back, Fwd

1,2& Step R to right side, Sweep L out and step behind R, Step R next to L,

3 Turning ¼ left step L fwd across R, Rock R diagonal back, 9.00

4 Step L to left side, Step R fwd slightly across L,

5 Turning ¼ left step L fwd, 6.00

6 Making ¼ turn left sweep R out and step across L, 3.00

7& Rock L to left side, Rock R to right side, Recover L to left side,

8& Rock R back, Step L fwd

2 Sailor turn right, Close, 3 steps fwd, Step, Back, Back, Turn ½ right, Fwd, Back, Touch

1& Making ¼ turn right to face 7.30 cross R behind L, Step L small step to left,

2& Step R to right side, Close L to R, 7.30

3,4 Step R fwd, Step L fwd, Step R fwd, 7.30

5 Step L fwd keeping to 7.30 opening body to right, Step R back,

6& Step L back, Step R fwd turning ½ right to face1.30 1.30

7&8 Rock L fwd, Rock R back, Drag and touch L to R,

3 Step, Full Turn L, Step, Turn ½ & ¼ R, Cross, Rock R L, Cross, Turn, Turn

1,2 Step L fwd to face 12.00, Make ½ turn left stepping R back, 6.00

3 Make ½ turn left stepping L next to R, Step R fwd, 12.00

4 Make ½ turn right stepping L back, 6.00

& Make ¼ turn right stepping R to right side, 9.00

5 Step L across R,

6& Rock R out to right side, Rock L to left side, 9.00

7 Cross R over L,

8& Step L back turning ¼ right, Turning ¼ right step R to right side 3.00

4 Cross, Side, Step, Cross, Pivot, Step, Fwd, Back, Sweep Step x 2,

Fwd, Lock, Turn, Sweep

1,2& Step L across R, Rock R to right side, Rock L in place,

3,4& Step R across R (3)and pivot left ½ (weight to L)(4), Step R fwd(&), 9.00

56 Rock L fwd, Step R back, Sweep L from front and step behind R,

Sweep R from front and step behind L,

7& Step L fwd, Lock R behind L,

8 Step L fwd making ¼ turn left, Sweep R out from back to front 12.00

5 Cross, Rock L R, Cross, Sway, Sway

1&2 Step R across L, Rock L to left side, Rock R to right side, Step L across R,

3,4 Step and sway R to right side, Step and sway L to left side


Wall 3 - During section 4. After count 4, ( Pivot left ) Restart wall 4 facing 9.00

Wall 4 - After section 1. After count 8&, ( Rock R back, Step L fwd ) Restart wall 5 facing 12.00

Wall 6 - During section 2. On count 4, ( Step L fwd ) Restart wall 7 stepping L fwd to face 12.00

This is a 2 wall dance.

Only once is there a restart (wall 4) on 9.00



2. The Dodo at Dancepooh


3. candy6jan.Capricorn-Dragon (Candy Tan)


4. Manna Ku


5. RCLINEDANZ (Regina Cheung)


6. 2LillyLee (Lilly and Linda)
