Campfire Eclairs

byErin61 Comments

One of the things I love about summer is going camping with my kids. We’ve been going for the past 5 summers and we just love it. It’s one of those “I am woman, hear me roar” types of moments for me. I’m a single Mom and have been since my kids were 1 and 3. I told myself back then that I was going to show my kids that I was capable of doing anything and therefore, they could be too. So we started camping.

We’ve gone to a couple of different camp grounds but we seem to gravitate to L.L. “Stub” Stewart State Park in Vernonia, Oregon. We camp in cabins or yurts. My kids want nothing to do with tents, so this limits our choices a little bit. L.L. Stub Stewart State Park is wonderful. It’sthe one time of the year (or two or three depending on how many times we go up there) that we don’t have TV or electronics, my kids don’t fight and we hike and talk and play games with out the distraction of “life”. I love it! If you missed my post about camping you can find it here.

We go hiking.

And ride our scooters.

We make campfires and poke them until we can’t poke them any more =o)

We roast hot dogs and eat outdoors.

We roast marshmallows (because who can resist that?!)

And my kids play together and love on each other which makes this Mom happy!

Then on a camping trip on year we discovered Dough Boys. Oh lord, I can’t even begin to tell you how heavenly these bad boys are! They have become my kids favorite thing to make while camping. Yep, they even beat out s’mores! Can you believe it?!?! But look how delicious looking they are? All filled with chocolate and marshmallow goodness. Kind of like a s’more but totally pimped up!

This year I decided to do something different with our Dough Boys. I still brought chocolate bars and mini marshmallows and toffee bits. I couldn’t leave those out. But I also brought these:

Simple ingredients but look at the end result!

I don’t even know what to say about them. I’m speechless. That’s how awesome they were!

And they are so easy to make! Check out how to make the sticks in this post.

Roast the dough (cresent dough, of course) over the fire. Be patient! They take a little bit of time if you want them perfect.

Slide the dough off the stick and fill the hole and let it cool for just a little while. If you are filling with chocolate and marshmallows, you’ll want it warm so everything melts all together. But with pudding, let it cool just a bit. Now fill the hole with pudding and put a ton little frosting on top.

Voila! You have a campfire eclair.

I dare you to eat just one!