Appendix II


No. / Family name, first name, patronymic / Home address / Date letter received / Response to letter / Question /
1 / Education Department / 24.09.2009 / Ostrovets
Raion Executive Committee
No. 07/4979 / 1 - Are there any complete analogues to the future Ostrovets NPP in the world?
2 - How many MW will the Ostrovets NPP produce per 24 hour period?
3 - Where will the power lines go through? What impact will they have on the environment?
4 - Will there be a resettlement zone, and if so, what will its radius be?
5 - How will the raion’s agricultural activities be carried out? Or will they be carried out at all inside the raion’s boundaries?
6 - How will the waters of the river Viliia actually be affected? Will the river become wider?
7 - How much woodland will remain within the boundaries of the village of Mikhalishki after the construction of an NPP?
8 - Will the roads within 20 km of the NPP be asphalted?
2 / Information Day / 24.09.2009 / Ostrovets
Raion Executive Committee
No. 07/4 / 1 - What is the operational life span of the NPP?
2 - Why was a third generation reactor chosen when stations with fourth generation reactors began to be constructed in Japan a few years ago?
3 - Are prototypes of our future NPP operational in Western European countries?
4 - Will metrology engineers be needed at the NPP?
5 - Won’t neighbouring areas be turned into a massive junk yard?
6 - Where will spent fuel be stored?
7 - Is there any guarantee that Chernobyl will not be repeated?
8 - What does “monitoring zone” mean - will people live there, and will they receive any incentives?
9 - How often will the raion’s residents receive the environmental monitoring reports?
10 - What environmental effects are possible when the NPP is operational (apart from radiation)?
11 - At what distance from an NPP is it safe to collect mushrooms and berries?
12 - Will the discharge of wastewater have an impact on the temperature regime of the river Viliia?
13 - What will happen to the Sorochanskii lakes reserve?
14 - What heavy metals will be present in the soil? How will they affect human health?
15 - Will trees be cut down on a large scale around the NPP construction site?
16 - What will be the impact of radiation on woods and water bodies?
17 - Will the population living within 5 km of the NPP site be resettled?
18 - Will prisoners be used to build the NPP? If so, will the safety of the area’s population be completely assured?
19 - When will a final decision be made about the construction of the NPP (choice of site)?
20 - What public authority will be responsible for monitoring radiation in the area?
21 - Won’t the world financial crisis have an effect on the time taken to build the NPP?
22 - Is it possible for agricultural specialists to be employed in constructing the NPP?
23 - How will agricultural co-operatives be compensated for the loss of their property where NPP infrastructure is to be built?
24 - How is the Republic of Lithuania reacting to the construction of an NPP in Belarus?
25 - What are the advantages of the Ostrovets site for the NPP?
26 - Is a cement factory going to be built, and where?
27 - Will the Vilnius-Polotsk highway be operational?
28 - What population centres will high voltage power lines pass close to?
29 - What population centres will the branch of the railway pass through?
30 - Will organisations have dosimeters?
31 - Will electricity be sold abroad?
32 - What professions should school pupils be encouraged to pursue in order to ensure that they are needed as technicians by the NPP and other facilities in the raion?
33 - Will there be incentives, and if so what, for residents of the urban settlement of Ostrovets, including for medical professionals working with NPP employees?
34 - Is a medical unit for power plant workers planned, or will their medical care be provided in a different way?
35 - Is it planned to build accommodation for NPP workers in the village of Gerviaty?
36 - What will be electricity prices within a 30 km area? Will there be discounts?
37 - Is a sanatorium planned in the raion?
38 - What are the prospects for Ostrovets’ development?
39 - How will public health services in the raion be developed? Will there be a new hospital, and will people who live in the raion but don’t work at the power station be able to get treatment there?
40 - What professions will be needed at the NPP?
41 - What impact will the difference between the salaries of NPP employees and local people employed in other fields have on the population?
42 - Are alterations to the infrastructure of the village of Vorona planned in connection with the construction of an NPP?
43 - Will jobs for unskilled female workers be created by the construction and operation of the NPP?
44 - What additional measures will be taken to look after the health of local residents?
45 - What new transport routes will be introduced in connection with the construction of an NPP?
46 - Will it be possible to heat private houses with electricity when the NPP is operational?
47 - Is it true that people sentenced to correctional labour will live in kindergarten no. 1?
48 - Won’t the construction and location of an NPP limit the development of agro- and eco-tourism?
49 - Will the population living within 30 km of the NPP receive certain benefits?
50 - Why has the building of houses on Volodarskii Street interrupted the redevelopment of the neighbouring building, no. 63?
3 / Grodno Oblast’ Executive Committee / 24.09.2009 / Grodno
Oblast’ Executive Committee
No. 07/4980 / 1 - How safe and reliable will the future NPP be?
2 - How will the NPP’s environmental impact be monitored?
3 - Won’t the supply of Russian fuel create great dependency on Russia?
4 - By whom and how will fuel be supplied to the NPP?
5 - Was best practice in nuclear power plant construction studied, and why was preference given to Russia?
6 - Will nuclear waste be disposed of in the Republic of Belarus?
7 - What fuel will the NPP use?
8 - What is the half-life of uranium?
9 - What determines the radiation dose received from radioactive chemicals used by the power station?
10 - Is there any guarantee that the NPP will operate safely?
11 - Who will monitor the NPP’s radiation safety?
12 - How will the construction and operation of an NPP affect the ecology of the Grodno oblast’?
13 - How safe are the construction and operation of an NPP for the environment?
14 - What environmental protection measures will be taken after construction of the NPP is complete?
15 - Are there alternatives to nuclear power in the world today?
16 - When will an NPP be operational in Belarus?
Is the construction of “industrial giants” planned in connection with the large-scale production of energy?
17 - How many states took part in the tender to build a nuclear power station in Belarus?
18 - Have the lessons of Chernobyl been considered when selecting a construction site, taking into account people living close to the NPP, and how will it impact the Braslavskii Lakes National Park?
19 - How long will it take for the construction costs of the NPP to be recouped?
20 - How many NPPs have been built and are operational today in Europe and the world?
21 - Can Belarus construct an NPP without loans?
22 - Why has a site in the Grodno oblast’ been chosen for the construction of the NPP?
23 - Will electricity be cheaper for the public?
24 - Will there be incentives for the oblast’s residents?
25 - How will staff be recruited and where will NPP technicians be trained?
26 - What additional measures will be taken to stop the public falling ill?
27 - Will electricity prices change?
28 - How beneficial will the construction of an NPP be for the Ostrovets raion?
29 - What are the socio-economic benefits of building this facility?
30 - Where can a school leaver study in order to become an NPP employee?
31 - Does our oblast’ need to take additional measures in order for us to live in safety?
4 / Ostrovets Electricity Distribution Network / 25.09.2009 / 04.11.2009
No. 07/4979 / 1 - How much will one kilowatt hour of electricity cost the public with the NPP?
2 - Incentives for the public?
5 / Ostrovets Hospital / 25.09.2009 / 04.11.2009
No. 07/4979 / 1 - Will there be incentives, and if so what, for residents of the urban settlement of Ostrovets, including for medical professionals working with NPP employees?
2 - Is a medical unit for power station workers planned, or will their medical care be provided in a different way?
6 / Mikhalishki Agricultural and Farming Enterprise
Chaplinskii A. I. / 25.09.2009 / 04.11.2009
No. 07/4979 / Please explain in the light of what is happening at the Ignalina NPP.
7 / Mikhalishki Agricultural and Farming Enterprise
Ianushkevich / 25.09.2009 / 04.11.2009
No. 07/4979 / Is it true that Germans refuse to build NPPs?
8 / Mikhalishki Agricultural and Farming Enterprise
Movchan / 25.09.2009 / 04.11.2009
No. 07/4979 / How do wind power plants operate and could they feasibly be used in Belarus?
9 / Dubovik Elena Petrovna
Dubovik Petr Nikolaevich
Dubovik Mariia Vasil’evna
Andiulevich Tat’iana Anatol’evna
Andiulevich Vitalii Iakovich / Brest Oblast’, Town of Kobrin, Z. Kosmodem’ianskaia Street, House 14, Flat 2
Brest Oblast’, Town of Korbin, Internatsional’naia Street, House 65 / 8.10.2009 / 19.10.2009
No. 09/1114
Directorate for Nuclear Power Plant Construction / 1 - The Statement on the potential environmental impact of a Belarusian NPP should be recalled by the commissioning party and returned to the drafter for revision as it is completely missing many important sections, and many paragraphs contradict each other or contain incorrect information. In all, the Statement does not fulfil the requirements of the Instructions for the conduct of environmental impact assessments of planned economic or other activities in the Republic of Belarus, approved by Resolution of the Ministry of the Environment No. 30 of 17 June 2009.
2 - The proposed NPP 2006 design with VVER 1200 reactors is untested (there are only two reactors of this type in the world), unreliable (as shown by the operation of the Taiwan NPP in China and VVEP 440 and VVEP 1000 reactors with similar designs) and the electricity produced will be inordinately expensive (21 US cents according to the Russians).
3 - A nuclear power plant is an economically pointless and environmentally hazardous facility, construction of which is unacceptable in the Republic of Belarus and anywhere else.
10 / Shishko Evgenii Aleksandrovich / Urban Settlement of Zel’va, Rogov Alley, 10/1 / 9.10.2009
Ostrovets / 07/4824 / The arguments for building the Ostrovets NPP; points in its favour in consideration of events in 1986 (Chernobyl).
11 / Pastuhov Igor’ Aleksandrovich / Ostrovets Raion, Village of Buiki / 9.10.2009
Ostrovets / EIA Book 11 / Are those drafting and executing the plans for an NPP ready to take responsibility for an accident or a failure of the NPP? Where is this responsibility expressed, given that it is not currently specified by the legislation or the EIA?
12 / Krasnik Mar’ian Iosifovich / Urban Settlement of Ostrovets, Polevaia Street, House 43 / 9.10.2009
Ostrovets / EIA Book 11 / What measures are envisaged in case of emergency?
13 / Savashchenia Uladzimir Piatrovich / Grodno Raion
Village of Vertilishki,
Temeriaz’eva Street, House 15, Flat 6 / 9.10.2009
Ostrovets / EIA Book 11 / Has a mathematical model been created of the area affected by residue (caused by discharges from the cooling towers) in connection with the increased displacement of air masses in the RB?
14 / Banitsevich Natal’ia Vikent’eva / Urban Settlement of Ostrovets, Volodarskii Street, House 44, Flat 33 / 9.10.2009
Ostrovets / EIA Book 11 / How much woodland will remain around the village of Mikhalishki after the construction of an NPP?
15 / Stankevich Natal’ia Iosifovna / Urban Settlement of Ostrovets, Volodarskii Street, House 50, Flat 4 / Ostrovets / 07/4829
27.10.2009 / Are there any complete analogues to the future NPP in the world?
16 / Betkher Viktor Faingol’dovich / Town of Grodno, Kurgatov Street, 44/100 / 9.10.2009
Ostrovets / EIA Book 11 / What is the human factor in running an NPP and what is its effect on the environment?
17 / Nikopovich Vitalii Nikolaevich / Minsk Raion,
Village of Skorinichi, Skorinichskaya Street, House 33 / 9.10.2009
Ostrovets / EIA Book 11 / 1 - How can I consult the Ostrovets Raion plan for sustainable development in the context of the construction and closure of the planned NPP in the next 30 - 50 years?
2 - Have those initiating the construction of an NPP visited Chernobyl, Pripiat’ and Slavutich, and are they aware of the consequences of the closure of the NPP for local residents? I was there in 1997 and 1998. It’s awful.
18 / Zmitrovich Elena Ivanovna / Urban Settlement of Ostrovets, Pervomaiskaia Street, House 44 / 9.10.2009
Ostrovets / EIA Book 11 / Will the NPP workers be psychologically tested, and if so, using what categories?
19 / Netiovskaia Galina Pavlovna / Urban Settlement of Ostrovets, Oktiabr’skaia Street, House 48 / 9.10.2009
Ostrovets / EIA Book 11 / Will there be a recreational area, and how big will it be?
20 / Iankovskaia Liliia Vladimirovna / Urban Settlement of Ostrovets, Volodarskii Street, House 44, Flat 23 / 9.10.2009
Ostrovets / 07/4831 / What is the expected warming effect of the NPP compared to Belarus’s biggest companies?
21 / Fovdo Aleksandr Leont’evich / Ostrovets Raion, Village of Goza / 9.10.2009
Ostrovets / EIA Book 11 / What do local residents think of the project?