Four Seasons Lakesites

Property Owners Association

Board of Directors Meeting-Regular Session

September 20, 2016

I. CALL TO ORDER: President Mary Bustin called the regular session meeting of the Four Seasons Lakesites Property Owners Association (FSLPOA) Board of Directors to order at 9:00 a.m. at the Four Seasons POA Community Center. Board members present were: Mary Bustin, Nancy Cason, Steve Yoder, Don Henderson, Terry Roets and Maggie Moe.

Representatives present from Missouri Association Management, LLC (MAM) were Russ Mitchell, Della Miller and Heidi Altman. Also present: Cpl Shawn Kobel of Camden County Sheriff’s Office; Alaina Gump and Vanessa Hawkins from Wilson Toellner & Associates; Sarah Amsinger, Horseshoe Bend Special Road District.

Property Owners: Howard Manning, 280 KP1

II. MEMBER QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS: There were no members’ questions or comments.

III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - July 19, 2016: Ms. Cason made a motion to approve the July minutes as submitted. Mr. Henderson seconded the motion. Minutes were approved.


A)  Financial: Ms. Gump reported a .1% positive difference in collections; the collections are operating in the positive for the second month in a row. Mr. Henderson posed a question regarding improved collections asking if the numbers are adjusted to the amount billed or the total number of dollars received. Ms. Hawkins explained the numbers are based on what is billed. Ms. Bustin asked Ms. Gump and Ms. Hawkins to be present at the Annual Meeting to present the audit.

B)  Sheriff: Cpl. Kobel reviewed the statistics with the Board. He reported on incidents on Horseshoe Bend that occurred throughout the month of August, reporting it was a slower month than July.

C)  Village of Four Seasons: No report.

D)  Horseshoe Bend Special Road District: Ms. Amsinger informed the Board that Susan and Jill Roads have been paved. Ms. Moe asked if Charter has permission to leave a line laying across the road on Cambridge. Ms. Amsinger responded that they should have a permit; she will investigate the situation. Ms. Miller inquired about HBSRD’s policy for vehicles parking alongside the road. Ms. Amsinger will review the parking ordinance and email a copy to Ms. Miller for her to review. CCSD requires vehicles to be on the ditch side of the white stripe.

E)  Management: Ms. Miller reported to the Board several surveys have been returned. The cut-off to return the survey is October 1, 2016. The Management report and Department reports were submitted via Board packets.

Mr. Mitchell explained that there is no separate insurance the POA can purchase to protect against any possible damage to Regency Pool during upcoming proposed construction. The same applies for the contractor, there is nothing in addition or separate to what is currently in place. Any damage should be covered under the contractor’s general liability of $1 million minimum. The POA umbrella insurance will cover anything over and above.

After reviewing the contractor requirements and Board recommendations at the August meeting, Mr. Mitchell prepared RFP’s for the Regency Pool Project and presented these to the Board for review. Mr. Yoder asked to add “hand cut away from pool wall”. Mr. Roets asked, if possible, dirt and concrete that is removed be placed in the ditch adjacent to the pool covering the concrete with the dirt. Ms. Bustin would like payment method to be changed to 1/3 - 1/3 - 1/3. Mr. Mitchell will add these three items and send bid requests to contractors.


A) Collection Position: Moved to Executive Session

B) 2017 Budget: Moved to Executive Session


A)  Shawnee Bend Meeting Room: Mr. Henderson made a motion to move forward with a use agreement for the Shawnee Bend Meeting Room at no cost for one year from the Developer, Peter Brown, opening November 1, 2016. Ms. Cason seconded the motion. The motion passed. Mr. Roets question how the facility will be monitored. Mr. Mitchell explained options: Schlage door locks makes a lock that will count the number of times a door is opened; a motion sensor camera can be installed at the front entrance; a guest book may be placed at the door for sign in; or members may be required to call MAM to obtain the code to gain access to the facility after providing their lot and subdivision or key card number. The only cost will be about a $600 expense for the camera and lock systems and equipment. The Board agreed to a motion camera at the front door, the code locking system, a guest book and calling MAM for the code to enter.

B)  Employment Advertising: Ms. Cason made a motion to approve MAM advertising in the AP, website and FaceBook for positions of employment. Mr. Roets seconded the motion. The motion passed.

C)  Annual Meeting Preparation: Annual meeting preparation will be held Thursday, October 6, 10:00 a.m. at MAM. Mr. Roets, Ms. Moe and Ms. Cason from the Board and Ms. Hawkins and Ms. Gump with WTA will be attending the Annual Meeting along with Mr. Mitchell, Ms. Miller and Ms. Altman from MAM.

VII. COMMUNICATIONS: There was nothing to report.

Ms. Cason made a motion to move the meeting into Executive Session. Ms. Moe seconded the motion. The meeting moved into Executive Session at 9:37 a.m.

VII. ADJOURN: Mr. Yoder made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Mason seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 12:24 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Heidi Altman, Recording Secretary