Course or Program

Include a Financial and Staffing Data Sheet with any proposal for a new course, new program, or revised program. Please answer the following questions completely. Provide supporting data.

1. Would this course or program be taught with existing staff or with new or additional staff? If this course would be taught by

adjunct faculty, include a rationale.

I. Existing Staff

2. What impact would approval of this course/program have on current course offerings? Please discuss number of sections of current offerings, dropping of courses, etc.


3. What effect would approval of this course/program have on the department supplies? Include data to support expenditures for staffing, equipment, supplies, instructional resources, etc.




Routing form for University Studies Course approval.

Approved by J. E. Leicester, Department Chair 4/10/03 and Carol Anderson, Dean of Education 5/12/03

University Studies Director Date

A2C2 Recommendation - Approved - Disapproved

Chair of A2C2 Date

Faculty Senate Recommendation - Approved - Disapproved

President of Faculty Senate Date

Academic Vice President Recommendation - Approved - Disapproved

Academic Vice President .. Date

Decision of President - Approved - Disapproved

President Date -P1ease forward to Regist'ra1:;

Registrar Please notify department chair via e-mail that curricular change has been recorded.

Date entered



Department Date ,

If proposed course change requiresA2C2 and/or graduate Council approval, i.e., not considered a notification, complete and submit this form with the appropriate number of copies. Refer to Regulation 3-4, Policy for Changing tile Curriculum, for comp!ete information on submitting proposals for curricular changes.

A. Current Course Information ~

Course No.BUED 201 Course Credits: 2

ThisProposal is for a(n) ~Undergraduate Course

Applies to X Major Minor .. University Studies - Required _Required --, Not for USP

X Elective Prerequisites: none ~

Grading ~Grade and P/NC Option

Proposed Course Information.. (Please indicate only proposed changes below.)

Change to 1 s.h.


This Proposal is for a(n) Undergraduate Course Graduate Course

Applies to Major Minor University Studies

X Required --, NotforUSP


Prerequisites .

Grading ~Grade only P/NC only ~ X Grade and P/NC Option Frequency of offering ,

B. If the proposal requests any changes in the course description as listed below., please list both the present description and the proposed change. '

J . Catalog description.

2. Course outline of the major topics and subtopics. 3. Basic instructional plan and methods utilized.

4.. Course requirements (papers, lab work, projects, etc.) and means of evaluation.

C. Rationale for the changes proposed.

D. Description of any impact of this proposal on other departments, programs, majors, or. minors. E. Description any impact that this proposal may have on the University Studies Program.

Attach an Approval form.

Department Contact Person for this Proposa1: Jeanette Karjala (5601; Robert Bacchus (5197)

BUED201 Attachment

B. 1. Catalog description.

Present: BUED201 Keyboarding (2SH): Beginning keyboarding proficiency as a basic skill for computer-related communications, keyboarding mastery, proofreading and skill building. Not open to students who have successfully

completed a high school keyboarding course. Offered each semester.

Proposed: BUED201 Keyboarding (1 SH): Computer keyboarding proficiency and mastery are developed with skill building and proofreading techniques. Technique, speed, and accuracy are emphasized.

B. 2. Course outline of the major topics and subtopics.

Present: Basic computer operation and techniques, Drills for speed and accuracy, Correspondence on computers, and Additional computer applications (horizontal & vertical centering)

Proposed: Basic computer operation and techniques, Drills for speed and accuracy, and Additional computer applications (horizontal & vertical centering)

B. 3. Basic instructional plan and methods utilized. No applicable changes

B. 4. Course requirements (papers, lab work, projects, etc.) and means of evaluation.

No applicable changes

C. Rationale for the changes proposed.

Keyboarding skill is an integral component of business education and

should be a required course. Students in our program will most likely be teaching keyboarding and should therefore, have a foundation course at the collegiate level. The present course includes correspondence documents that are included in other courses and do not need to be included in this course. Therefore, that portion is being deleted.

D. Description of any impact of this proposal on other departments, programs, majors, or minors.

No applicable changes

E. Description of any impact that this proposal may have on the University Studies Program.

No applicable changes



Routing form for University Studies Course approval. Course BUED 201

Department Recommendation

Approved by J. E. Leicester, Department Chair 4/10/03 and Carol Anderson, Dean of Education 5/12/03

*In the case of a dean's recommendation to disapprove a proposal, a written rationale for the recommendation to disapprove shall be provided to the University Studies Subcommittee.

~ Approved ~ Disapproved ~ Recommendation University Studies Director Date

A2C2 Recommendation ~Approved -"-"-- Disapproved

Chair of A2C2 Date

Faculty Senate Recommendation ~Approved ~ Disapproved

President of Faculty Senate Date

Academic Vice President Recommendation - Approved - Disapproved

Academic Vice President Date

Decision of President ~ Approved - Disapproved

President Date Please forward to Registrar.

Please notify department chair via-email that curricular change has been recorded.

Date entered



Department : Education Date 4/1/03

If proposed course change requires A2C2 and/or graduate Council approval, i.e., not considered a notification, complete and submit this form with the appropriate number of copies. Refer to Regulation 3-4, Policy for Changing the Curriculum', for complete information on submitting proposals for curricular changes.

A. Current Course Information

BUED 203 Document Production and Procedures 3 s.h.

Course No. Course N Credits

This Proposal is for a(n) X Undergraduate Course Graduate Course

Applies to: X Major Minor ~ University Studies

X Required - Required _Not for USP Elective Elective


Prerequisites BUED 202 or equivalent

Frequency of offering Yearly

Proposed Course Information, (Please indicate only proposed changes below.)

Course No. ... Course Name 2 Credits

This Proposal is for a(n) Undergraduate Course Graduate Course

Applies to Major Minor University Studies - Required - Required Not for USP c Elective Elective cc

Grading _Grade only PINC only X Grade and P/NC Option Frequency of offering Yearly

B, If the proposal requests any changes in the course description as listed below, please list both the present description and the proposed change.

1. Catalog description.

2. Course outline of the major topics and subtopics. 3.. Basic instructional plan and methods utilized.

4. Course requirements (papers, lab work, projects, etc.) and means of evaluation,

C. Rationale for the changes proposed.

D, Description of any impact of this proposal on other departments, programs, majors, or minors, E, Description any impact that this proposal may have on the University Studies Program.

Attach an Approval form.

Department Contact Person for this Proposal: Jeanette Karjala (5601); Robert Bacchus (5197)


BUED203 Attachment

B. 1. Catalog description.

Present: BUED 203 Document Production and Procedures (3SH): Beginning document production and administrative procedures using word processing, database, spreadsheets, presentation technology, and voice recognition software. Includes introduction to Windows, Internet, and email. Prerequisite: BUED 202 or equivalent. Offered yearly.

Proposed: BUED203 Document Production and Procedures (2 SH): Fundamental word processing software knowledge and skills are developed for personal and business uses. Current input devices and methods, such as voice and slate, are included.

B. 2. Course outline of the major topics and subtopics.

Present: Overview of course including evaluation of keyboarding skill, Word processing basics, Word processing basics II, Word processing advanced features

Proposed: Word processing basic and advanced features (creating, saving, editing, previewing, printing, formatting, mailing labels, mail merge, templates, graphics, tables, columns, forms, sections, multi-page documents) and current input devices (voice and slate)

B. 3. Basic instructional plan and methods utilized. No applicable changes

B. 4. Course requirements (papers, lab work, projects, etc.) and means of evaluation.

No applicable changes

C. Rationale for the changes proposed.

Document production and multiple input device knowledge and skills are an integral component of business education. Students in our program will most likely be teaching these topics and using the technology in their future classroom and should therefore., have a foundation course at the collegiate level. The present course includes correspondence documents and other software but needs to concentrate solely on document production and incorporate the input devices that are available today. The other components of the present course are addressed in other courses and are being deleted from this course.

D. Description of any impact of this proposal on other departments, programs, majors, or minors.

No applicable changes

E. Description of any impact that this proposal may have on the University

Studies Program.

No applicable changes



Routing form for new and revised courses and programs. Course or Program BUED 203

Department Chair, Jean Leicester approved on 4/10/03

Dean, Carol Anderson, approved on 4/15/03

d - Disapproved A2C2 Recommendation '---'- Approved - Disapproved

For: _Major _Minor Chair of A2C2 Date

Graduate Council Recommendation a pproval

(if applicable)

Chair of Graduate Council Date " Director of Graduate Studies Date

Faculty Senate Recommendation ~ Approved - d


PresIdent of Faculty Senate " Date"

Academic Vice President Recommendation - Approved - Disapproved

.. .

AcademIc VIce PresIdent Date

Decision of President '---'- Approved - Disapproved


President' Date Please forward to Registrar.

Registrar Please notify department chair viae-mail that cunicular change has been recorded.

Date entered



Department of Education

If proposed course change requires A2C2and/or graduate Council approval, i.e., not considered a notification, complete and submit this form with the appropriate number of copies. Refer to Regulation 3-4, Policy for Changing the Curriculum, for complete information on submitting proposals for curricular changes.

A. Current Course Information BUED 401 and 402 General Methods (2 s.h. and Basic Bus. Teaching Methods (1 s.h.)

This Proposal is for a(n) X Undergraduate Course

Applies to: X Major Minor - University Studies

X Required - Required ~ Not for USP

Prerequisites: EDUC 305 and EDUC 312 Recommended


Grading , Grade only

Frequency of offering Yearly

Proposed Course Information. (Please indicate only proposed changes below.)

Course No.. Course Name BUED 401 General Methods and Foundations Credits (3 s.h.)

This Proposal is for a(n) , Undergraduate Course

Applies to Major . Minor University Studies -'---'- Required '- Required _Not for USP

Elective Elective ~ -,---,--


Grading _Grade only -, ,-P/NC only ~Grade and P/NC Option Frequency of offering

B. If the proposal requests any changes in the course description as listed below, please list both the present description and the proposed change.

1. Catalog description.

2. Course outline of the major topics and subtopics. 3. Basic instructional plan and methods utilized.

4. Course requirements (papers, lab work, projects, etc.) and means of evaluation.

C. Rationale for the changes proposed.

p. Description of any impact of this proposal on other departments, Programs, majors, or minors. E. Description any impact that this proposal may have on the University Studies Program.

Attach an Approval form.

Department Contact Person for this Proposal: Jeanette Karjala (5601); Robert Bacchus (5197)

BUED401 Attachment

B. 1. Catalog description.

Present: BUED401 Genera! Methods (2 SH): A course for business teacher preparation in the methods and materials of business education. Topics include philosophical foundations of business education, general curriculum trends, and instructional design. Open only to BUED Department teaching majors. Recommended prerequisites: EDUC305 and EDUC312. Offered yearly. Grade only.

Present: BUED402 Basic Business Teaching Methods (1 SH): A course for business teacher preparation in the methods and materials of basic business education. Focuses on the refinement of teaching abilities and competencies required in the teaching of business law, consumer education, general business, and economics. Open only to BUED Department majors/minors. Recommended prerequisites: EDUC305 and EDUC312. Offered yearly. Grade only.

Proposed: BUED401 General Methods and Foundations (3 SH): A course for business teacher preparation in the methods and materials of business

education. Topics include philosophical foundations of business education, general curriculum trends, and instructional change. Focuses on the refinement of teaching abilities and competencies required in the teaching of business law, consumer education, general business, and economics. Open only to Business Education majors/minors. Recommended prerequisites: EDUC 305 and EDUC 312. Offered yearly. Grade only.

B. 2. Course outline of the major topics and subtopics.

No applicable changes

B. 3. Basic instructional plan and methods utilized. No applicable changes

B. 4. Course requirements (papers, lab work, projects, etc.) and means of evaluation.

No applicable changes

C. Rationale for the changes proposed.

This is a proposal to combine and collapse two courses into one. The courses are traditionally taught back to back during one semester. The students generally enroll in both during a term, as both are required core courses. There are no changes to the content or total credit hours. It is more beneficial administratively and easier for the students to schedule and plan as one course.

D. Description of any impact of this proposal on other departments, programs, majors, or minors.

No applicable changes

E. Description of any impact that this proposal may have on the University Studies Program.

No applicable changes



Routing form for University Studies Course approval. Course BUED 401

Department Chair, Jean Leicester’s Recommendation : X Approved 4/10/03 - Disapproved

Dean, Carol Anderson’s recommendation – X approved 5/12/03 - Disapproved*

*In the case of a dean's recommendation to disapprove a proposal, a written rationale for the recommendation to disapprove shall be provided to the University Studies Subcommittee.

USS Recommendation - Approved - Disapproved - No recommendation


University Studies Director Date

A2C2 Recommendation - Approved - Disapproved