/ Petroleum Development Oman LLC / Revision:
Effective: May 2018

HSE Competence Elements Lead Prepare Apply

The scope of each HSE Competence Element is given below together with the specific competence criteria (Proof Points), which have to be satisfied in order to meet the requirements at each Proficiency Level (Awareness, Knowledge, Skill).

Competence Element HSE-1 - HSE Lead: Lead HSE Risk Management

A. Overall Requirement Summary

Can deliver continuous improvement of HSE performance through pro-active HSE management, relentless pursuit of adherence to policy and standards, exemplary personal leadership behaviour, provision of appropriate organisation and resources, and systematic review of effectiveness.

B. Specific activities covered by the scope of HSE Lead are:

Be mindful of HSE risks and drive the consistent application of PDO’s HSE MS, systematically reviewing its effectiveness and taking corrective action as necessary.

Demonstrate visible and felt leadership by communicating a clear vision, setting and championing challenging performance goals (such as Goal Zero) and consistently demonstrating the importance of HSE via personal involvement, visibility, decisions and actions.

Motivate, coach and develop staff and contractors towards improving HSE culture and behaviours through promotion of the Golden Rules and personal example as a role model.

Deliver compliance with applicable laws, regulations and PDO HSE requirements,

applying consistent Consequence Management.

Engage with stakeholders and set long-term HSE objectives in line with expectations whilst adhering to HSE Policy. Take ownership of HSE input to the PDO Annual Assurance Letter.

C. Specific Requirements for Each Proficiency Level (‘Proof Points’)

Awareness-Can describe in basic terms:

• Why good HSE management is good for business performance.

• PDO’s HSE Commitment, Golden Rules and Life Saving Rules and how non-compliance is managed.

• What personal attitudes and behaviours are important for achieving high HSE performance.

• What they personally do to be a good HSE example to others and to promote achievement of HSE goals in their own part of the business.

• The main HSE issues of their own part of the business and what is being done to resolve them.

• The HSE objectives of their own part of the business and what is being done to meet them.

• What inspection and audit processes are applied to HSE.


• A sound knowledge of own responsibilities and those of his/her team in making the PDO HSE Management System live and effective.

• The importance of providing consistent personal leadership to influence the HSE behaviour and performance of PDO and/or contractor staff under his/her responsibility.

• A sound knowledge and consistent application of the tools and techniques (e.g. STOP, Life Saving Rules) used by PDO to build a positive HSE culture.

• A sound knowledge of how consequence management is applied for those who break rules and those who create the conditions for non-compliance.

• A sound knowledge of how the effectiveness of application of the HSE MS is assessed in their own part of the business (via e.g. Assurance and Management Review).

Skill-Can provide examples of having taken a leading role in:

• Establishing and effectively communicating HSE priorities and clear long-term goals to staff and contractors.

• Assessing HSE performance and culture amongst staff and/or contractors and implementing actions, which have resulted in improvement.

• Demonstrating priority to safety despite cost and/or schedule pressures.

• Establishing and maintaining the resources (organizational and financial) required for effective HSE risk management within own organisation.

• Engaging effectively with own staff and/or contractors to encourage effective implementation of expected standards and procedures.

• Applying recognition/reward and performance management to positively influence HSE behaviour.

• Reviewing of the effectiveness of the implementation of the HSE MS in own or contractors’ organisations (including providing input to the HSE aspects of the Business Assurance Letter, where appropriate).

• Coaching and mentoring staff and/or contractors in providing HSE Leadership.

Competence Element HSE-2 - HSE Prepare: Prepare HSE Risk Management

A. Overall Requirement Summary

Can identify and assess HSE risks systematically and define the standards, plans, procedures and resources necessary to manage them.

B. Specific activities covered by the scope of HSE Prepare are:

Identify the HSE hazards and assess the potential consequences.

Define the barriers required to control the identified HSE hazards and the recovery measures needed.

Select, establish and maintain the required resources, standards and procedures to manage business, personal and process HSE risks (including during change and across organisational interfaces).

Identify those positions (HSE Critical Positions) responsible for the implementation or management of controls to prevent significant incidents and maintain adequate competence.

Establish HSE action plans and targets integrated within overall business plans.

Establish required emergency response capability and plans.

Establish Risk based audit plans to assure compliance with relevant standards and requirements.

C. Specific Requirements for Each Proficiency Level (‘Proof Points’)

Awareness-Can describe in basic terms:

• The meaning of basic HSE risk management terminology such as risk, hazards, threats,

consequences, escalation factors, controls, Bow-Tie and HSE Case.

• How the Risk Assessment Matrix [RAM] is used to assess HSE risk.

• What ‘As Low As Reasonably Practicable’ [ALARP] means in relation to HSE risk management.

• What mandatory HSE training/licensing is required for own position and those under his/her supervision.

• The most important HSE Laws, Regulations, Standards and Procedures used for

Risk Management in own business area.

• The current HSE objectives, targets and action plan of own organisation.

• The different kinds of HSE emergencies that can occur in own organisation.


• A sound knowledge and practical experience in applying one or more of the techniques used to identify and assess hazards and effects, e.g. Hazard Identification [HAZID], Hazard and Operability assessment [HAZOP], Job Hazard Analysis [JHA], Health Risk Assessment [HRA], Quantitative Risk Assessment [QRA], Environmental and Health Impact Assessments, ‘Bow-tie’ analysis.

• A sound knowledge of the different risk reduction measures/controls that can be used to achieve ALARP.

• A sound knowledge of the purpose, structure and content of an HSE Case (or equivalent) and how it relates to the HSE MS.

• A sound knowledge and practical experience in applying the principal standards/procedures that are in place for HSE risk management in own organisation.

• That the HSE training and licensing requirements for own position other positions for which he/she is responsible have been met.

• A sound knowledge of the key issues to be considered when managing HSE risks across interfaces between different organisations (e.g. contractors).

• A sound knowledge of the potential HSE risks associated with changes to organisation, plant and procedures.

• A sound knowledge of how HSE risk management is incorporated into business and work plans in own organisation.

• A sound knowledge of the Emergency Response needs and plans in own organization, own role and the roles of those under his/her supervision in executing those plans.

• A sound knowledge of the HSE inspection and audit requirements in own business area and how they are carried out.

Skill-Can provide examples of having taken a leading role in:

• Establishing the necessary HSE Risk Management processes in own organisation.

• Challenging risk reduction measures identified in HEMP exercises to ensure they achieve ALARP.

• Explaining the key aspects of the HSE Case for own organisation including the use of Hazard Registers, bases of ALARP decisions, Activity Control Sheets etc.

• Establishing and maintaining the adequacy of resources needed to implement necessary HSE controls and to meet the mandatory HSE requirements (incl. Laws and Regulations) relating to own organisation.

• Ensuring that roles and responsibilities related to HSE are clearly defined for own organization and that HSE-related competence of own staff and contractors is assured.

• Establishing the controls needed to manage contracts with companies performing work involving HSE Critical Activities.

• Produce HSE plans including targets, actions and resources consistent with strategic HSE


• Establishing and maintaining the Operating Procedures necessary for effective HSE risk control.

• Implementing and maintaining effective Change Management procedures to ensure HSE risks are maintained at ALARP level.

• Establishing and maintaining Emergency Response plans, procedures and equipment and regularly testing their effectiveness.

• Ensuring integrated risk-based internal HSE inspection and audit plans are in place for own activity together with action tracking processes.

Competence Element HSE-3 - HSE Apply: Apply HSE Risk Management

A. Overall Requirement Summary

Can implement the HSE MS, standards, procedures, action plans and risk management controls to deliver continuous improvement of HSE performance.

B. Specific activities covered by the scope of HSE Apply are:

Manage HSE risks in accordance with the HSE Management System.

Establish safe systems of work so that risk remains As Low as Reasonably Practicable.

Monitor and review activities and performance to ensure effective implementation of controls and take corrective action.

Report and investigate incidents, take corrective action and share learning.

Participate in relevant site visits, inspections and internal audits to confirm that risk controls are in place and effective, and implement agreed actions.

Manage emergency situations in accordance with established plans.

Awareness -Can describe in basic terms:

• Personal HSE roles and responsibilities.

• The principal HSE hazards and risks present in own area of activity, their potential effects and how they are being controlled.

• The key HSE regulations and procedures, that have to be followed in own area of activity.

• The safe systems of work (e.g. Job Hazard Analysis, Permit To Work) being used to manage hazards in routine and non-routine tasks in own area of activity.

• The status of compliance with mandatory HSE training/licensing requirements for own position and those under his/her supervision.

• How the HSE performance of own organisation is measured and how well it is performing.

• How and why incidents have to be reported and investigated.

• The different types of HSE inspections and audits performed within own organisation and their purpose.

• What types of emergencies may arise in own business area and what his/her personal role is in responding to them.

Knowledge - Demonstrates:

• A sound knowledge of own responsibilities for managing HSE Critical Activities identified in the HSE Case or HSE MS.

• A sound knowledge of and practical experience in applying Job Hazard Analysis and Permit to Work Systems to provide a Safe System of Work for tasks under own responsibility.

• A sound knowledge of and practical experience in reviewing and evaluating work plans to address worksite HSE hazards and ensure controls are fully adequate.

• Experience in using appropriate sources information (e.g. inspections, incident reports, safety audits, workforce consultation, change control, etc.) to prompt improvements in the Safe Systems of Work

• A sound knowledge of the HSE performance data gathered in own organization, typical reports generated to meet both company and regulatory requirements and how actions are taken to address underperformance.

• A sound knowledge of and practical experience in applying the PDO requirements for incident reporting, investigation and learning

• Has practical experience of how incident investigation is carried out to identify root causes using appropriate tools e.g. TRIPOD or Top-Set.

• A sound knowledge of and practical experience in using HSE inspections and audits to monitor implementation of standards and procedures.

• A sound knowledge of the Emergency Response process in own organization, own role and the roles of the key players within it.


Can provide examples of having taken a leading role in:

• Ensuring HSE-MS requirements and identified risk control measures are effectively implemented within own organisation.

• Ensuring necessary processes and procedures are in place to provide Safe Systems of Work for activity under own responsibility.

• Reviewing and evaluating work plans and procedures to address worksite HSE hazards and improve risk management using the hierarchy of controls.

• Managing organizational or operational changes; assessing and mitigating their potential effects on HSE risks and controls.

• Conducting periodic site safety inspections or audits to monitor the effectiveness of the controls in operation and instituting changes to maintain a Safe System of Work.

• Evaluating HSE performance data for staff and contractors to identify underlying trends and implement corrective action plans.

• Carrying out incident investigations in line with PDO requirements, reviewing findings and ensuring close out of actions.

• Managing and directing others during emergency response [real or exercise].

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