Grade: Unit:

Information Literacy Skills

Theme: Take Action

Theme / Information Literacy Skills / Research
Week 1
Summer of the Swans
The Lost CaveOn Level:
Rachel’s ChoiceBeyond:
The Rescue Team
Surprises in the Desert / Rescue Teams / ·  Comprehension Strategy:
Analyze Story Structure
·  Comprehension Skill:
Character, setting, plot
·  Fluency
Repeated Reading
·  Literature
Informational literature
Realistic Fiction
Newspaper Article
Student selected fiction
·  Reference/Research Skills
Dictionary: Multiple Meaning words
·  Graphic Organizers
Story map p. 19B
Story web 39
Topic sentence and supporting detail web 39A
·  Technology
Online encyclopedia / ·  Main Writing
Personal Narrative
·  Other:
Select literature for reading enjoyment.
Dictionary: word origins
Write a persuasive speech explaining what needs rescuing in your community.
Use an encyclopedia to research a topic and create a diagram.
Evaluate research sources and create an illustrated safety list.
Week 2
Lost City
I discover Pompeii
On Level:
Queen Pu-abi’s Royal Tomb
Emoire in the Andes
The Ancient Secret of Cliff Canyon / A Lost City / ·  Comprehension Strategy:
Analyze Story Structure
Think aloud
·  Comprehension Skill:
Character, setting, plot
Read and respond
Plot: Conflict, climax, and resolution
·  Fluency
Repeated Reading
Timed reading
·  Literature
Informational nonfiction
Historical fiction
·  Reference/Research Skills
Dictionary: word origins
·  Graphic Organizers
Character, setting, plot chart 43B
Sequence Chart 65A
·  Technology
Online encyclopedia
Online dictionary / ·  Main Writing
Friendly Letter
·  Other
Read daily for leisure
Dictionary: Word origins
Friendly letter
List of wants and needs
Research elements of buoyancy
Use encyclopedia to research indigenous people and design a visual for an encyclopedia entry on the topic.
Week 3
Gecko Glue, Cockroach Scouts, and Spider Silk Bridges
On Level:
From Dragonflies to Helicopters
Plants: An Amazing Resource
Learning to Fly from Nature / Science for All / ·  Comprehension Strategy
Make inference and analyze
·  Comprehension Skill:
Identify main idea and details
·  Fluency
Timed reading
Repeated reading
·  Literature
Nonfiction article
Informational nonfiction
·  Reference/Research Skills
Using the Library Media Center
Make outline
Keyword Search
Search strategies
·  Graphic Organizers
KWL chart p. 77A
Story Web p. 72
·  Technology
Keyword Search
Search strategies / ·  Main Writing
Expository Writing: Magazine Article about an invention
--Generate Questions
--Find Information
--Organize Information
--Synthesize and Write
--Share Information
·  Other
Identify main idea and supporting details.
Read daily for enjoyment.
Make an outline with main idea and details and write an expository paragraph.
Use reference books to research vitamins and write a summary of what you discover.
Argue before or against a topic in front of an audience.
Week 4
The Magic Gourd
The Art of Origami
On Level:
Arts of the Navajo
The Tradition of Dance
ELL: / Sharing Traditions / ·  Comprehension Strategy
Make inferences and analyze
·  Comprehension Skill:
Cause and effect
·  Fluency
Partner Reading
Repeated reading
Think aloud
·  Literature
Informational non-fiction: Essay
Folk tales
·  Reference/Research Skill
Time line
QAR: Author and Me
·  Graphic Organizers
Cause and effect chart p.83
Time line p. 98
Idea web-p. 101A
·  Technology
Internet research-p. 99 / ·  Main Writing
·  Other
Poem about a personal tradition
Expository speech
Read daily for enjoyment
Use print/online reference sources to research healthy foods.
Use reference materials to find the history of a particular food and write a paragraph about it.
Week 5
Interrupted Journey
Saving Night Whales
On Level:
Saving Peregrine Falcons
Saving Alligators
The King of Birds / Protecting Wildlife / ·  Comprehension Strategy
Make inference and analyze
Draw conclusions
·  Comprehension Skill
Main idea and details
Think and Search
·  Fluency
Repeated Reading
Partner Reading
Timed reading
·  Literature
Informational nonfiction
Poetry/song lyrics
Alliteration and imagery
·  Reference/Research Skills
·  Graphic Organizers
Main idea web p.105B, 109
·  Technology
Online encyclopedia
Online dictionary / ·  Main Writing
Diary: First Person point of view
· Other
Diary entry p.102J
Letter to the editor p.102J
Read daily for enjoyment
Use sources, take notes, and create a brochure on whooping cranes.
Use a dictionary and encyclopedia to define environmentalists.
Week 6
A Radio Play
On Level:
ELL: / Review and Assess
All basic information found on
p. 124 / ·  Test Strategy
Think and search
·  Comprehension Strategy
Make inference and analyze
·  Comprehension Skill
Main idea and details
Character and setting, plot, mood, tone
Cause and effect
·  Vocabulary
·  Reference/Research Skills
Photos and captions
Social Studies Textbook
Using Library Media Center
Timelines / ·  Main Writing
Personal Narrative

Unit Theme: Take Action

Project: Speech

Student Questions:

Who can you name who has changed the world?

What kinds of actins did these people take to create change?

Are we all responsible for our actions? Why or why not?

Research Component / Activities / Skills / Materials
Student realizes the need for information after a viewing, reading, listening or other type of sensory experience. / Unit Reading / Student recognizes the need for information. / Books and stories from the teaching unit.
Any extra materials the students might use.
Students establish a focus by developing an overview of the topic and exploring relationships. / · Discussion:
·  Who can you name who has changed the world?
·  What kinds of actins did these people take to create change?
·  Are we all responsible for our actions? Why or why not?
·  KWL Chart
·  Student created questions / ·  Get an overview of information.
·  Develop and revise questions using a KWL chart. / Brainstorming list.
Books for browsing so students can identify people who have changed the world.
Students plan and implement a search strategy by identifying information providers, selecting information resources and tools, and seeking relevant information. / ·  List sources of information that will answer questions.
·  Decide on a method for taking notes.
·  Use sources to find information and take notes.
·  Quotations
·  Summarize
·  Cite sources / ·  Use of primary and secondary sources
·  Take notes.
·  Create citations / ·  Examples of primary sources such as letters, photographs, autobiographies.
·  Examples of secondary sources newspapers, films, television, books, internet.
·  Library
·  Computers
Students interpret the information they have gathered to make new meaning. They assess the usefulness of their information and reflect on the information to develop personal meaning. / ·  As a class, discuss some of the information you have found. See if there are connections between the people researched and their personal characteristics. / ·  Analyze information to make meaning.
Students apply their information to construct and present their new knowledge. / ·  Use notes to write a speech.
·  Give speech to the audience for which it was intended. / ·  Speech-writing basics.
·  Public Speaking skills. / ·  Rubric that lists the requirements for the speech.
Students think about and evaluate both their process and their product during research and at the conclusion of research. / ·  Compare what you view or read with what you already know. If information is contradictory, check several different sources.
·  Make sure all your questions were answered.
·  Decide whether the requirements for the assignment have been met. / ·  Evaluate sources for accuracy and reliability / ·  Notes and questions.
·  Student checklist on p. 127K
·  Scoring Rubric for Theme Projects p. 127L
Task / Skills / Procedures/Products
Use the internet to find information. / Learn definitions for words: browser, URL, search engine / Class discussion.
Find a search engine. / Ability to type in a URL
Ability to use other finding devices on the internet. / Teacher selects search engine and directs students to its location. May use print or electronic methods for passing on this information.
Students at computers put in the URL or locate the search engine in the manner decided upon by the teacher.
Use specific search techniques to narrow a search. / Keyword searching
Boolean search using “and” or “or” / Brainstorm topics to search and identify possible key words.
Model using the keywords you listed to demonstrate an internet search on a search engine. Use Boolean methods to narrow the search.
Have students choose a search topic and use the techniques to find information. Have students record the number of hits they get for each search.
Learn to cite URLs properly. / Understanding plagiarism
Format a correct citation. / Post an example of a correct URL citation for students to refer to.