Matrix on Death(last updated August 2006)

Author / Title / Type / Level / Illness / War / Cultural
Traditions / Family / Aging / Orphans / Tales
Abells, Chana / Children We Remember, The / NF, Ph / Easy / X / X
Abelove, Joan / Saying It Out Loud / F / Diff
Anderson, Laurie / Fever 1793 / NF / Diff / X
Andrews, Jan / Auction, The
Armstrong, Jennifer / Shattered / F
Beattie, Owen & Geiger, John / Buried in Ice / NF / Med / X
Begay, Shonto / Navajo: Visions and Voices Across the Mesa / Poetry, P / Med / X
Blos, Joan / Gathering of Days / F / Diff / X
Bodkin, Odds / Ghost of the Southern Belle / F, P / Easy / X
Bunting, Eve / Day Before Christmas, The / F, P / Easy / X
Colman, Penny / Corpses, Coffins, and Crypts / NF, Ph / Med / X
Craven, Margaret / I Heard the Owl Call My Name / F / Diff
Crist-Evans, Craig / Moon Over Tennessee / F / Med / X / X
Crowe, Chris / Getting Away with Murder / NF, Ph / Med
Curtis, Christopher Paul / Bud, Not Buddy / F / Diff / X / X
Farrell, Jeanette / Invisible Enemies / NF / Diff / X
Fleischman, Paul / Borning Room, The / F / Diff / X
Fleischman, Paul / Mind’s Eye / F, Poetry / Diff / X / X
Frost, Robert / Birches / Poetry, P / Med
Fuqua, Jonathon Scott / Reappearance of Sam Webber, The / F / Diff / X
Gibbons, Kaye / Ellen Foster / F / Diff / X / X
Gilbert, Barbara / Stone Water / F / Diff / X
Gregory, Valiska / Through the Mickle Woods / F, P / Med / X
Hampton, Wilborn / September 11, 2001 / NF, Ph / Med / X
Helprin, Mark / Veil of Snows, The / F / Diff / X / X
Hesse, Karen / Out of the Dust / F, Poetry / Diff / X
Hest, Amy / Love You, Soldier / F / Diff / X / X
Hughes, Langston / Block, The
Johnson, Angela / Toning the Sweep / F
Author / Title / Type / Level / Illness / War / Cultural
Traditions / Family / Aging / Orphans / Tales
Joseph, Lynn / Color of My Words, The / F, Poetry / Easy
Kent, Deborah / Snake Pits, Talking Cures, and Magic Bullets: A History of Mental Illness / NF / Diff / X / X
Kidd, Sue Monk / Secret Life of Bees / F / Diff / X / X
Kodama, Tatsuharu / Shin’s Tricycle / NF / Med / X
Lowry, Lois / Silent Boy, The / F / Diff / X / X
Mathis, Sharon / Hundred Penny Box, A / X / X
Maughm, Somerset / Appointment / F, P / Easy / X
Murphy, Jim / American Plague, An / NF / Diff / X
Paulsen, Gary / Sarney / F / Diff / X
Paulsen, Gary / Soldier’s Heart / F / Diff / X
Park, Frances & Park, Ginger / My Freedom Trip: A Child’s Escape from North Korea / F, P / Easy / X / X
Philip, Neil / War and the Pity of War / Poetry, P / Med / X
Polocco, Patricia / Pink and Say / F, P / Easy / X
Rochman, Hazel & McCampbell, Darlene (eds) / Bearing Witness / NF, Poetry / Med / X
Rylant, Cynthia / Missing May / F / Diff / X
Rylant, Cynthia / Islander, The / F / Diff / X
Smith, Frank Dabba / My Secret Camera / NF, Ph / Med / X
Stratton, Allan / Chanda’s Secret / F / Diff / X / X / X / X
Tanaka, Shelley / Attack on Pearl Harbor / NF, Ph / Med / X
Tsuchiya, Yukio / Faithful Elephants: A True Story / NF, P / Easy / X
Walker, Alice / To Hell with Dying / F, P / Med / X
Wild, Margaret / Very Best of Friends, The / F
Woodson, Jacqueline / Locomotion / F / Diff / X
Yee, Paul / Ghost Train / F, P / Easy / X
Young, Ronder Thomas / Moving Mama to Town / F / Diff / X
Easy = Level 1 & 2
Med = Medium = Level 3 & 4
Diff. = Difficult = GED-level / F = Fiction
NF = Nonfiction / Bio = Biography
P = Picture book
Ph = Photography