Name______per # ______

classrooms answer the following questions and turn into the classroom as your assignment.

1.What region of the world are we studying?

2. What is unusual about the area…. Physically what does this continent have many of that other continents don’t.? ( refer to slide two)

After viewing the powerpoint in your

3. Answer the questions from Map Practice slide 3.

What is the name of the river, what is the peninsula called? What is the other peninsula called, what is the country called that is pointed out from a combination of all the islands.

4. What are the sub regions of SE Asia

5. What is an ARCHIPELAGO?

6 What has formed most of the mountains on the islands of this region?

7. What is the Pacific Ring of Fire?

8. What are the steps in forming a volcanic island?

List them in order… refer to slide 7

9. Why is the Mekong River important to Vietnam?

10. What are two resources of SE Asia?

11. What is the climate for SE Asia

12. Does Indonesia have glaciers?..... If so where?

13. Explain what a monsoon is.

14. How does Human Environment interaction help this region? ( slide 14)

15.Define the following terms:


Push factors


Pull Factors


Vietnam War

16. How did colonialism affect SE Asia?

17 What are the traditional economics of SE Asia?

18. What were the effects of the Vietnam war on SE Asia?

19 What are the economics of Modern Asia today?

20. How has movement affected S.E. Asian cities?

21. What does the chart show about Indonesian people and how they feel about their economic conditions in their country? ( from the Gallup poll (slide 41)

22. What is the religion of 95% of the people in Thailand?

23. Write a summary about what you have learned from this power point.