GCSE Business StudiesUnit 8Mr Goodacre

CASE STUDY: Charlie’s cupcakes

Charlie began her cupcake business six years ago, working from her kitchen at home. She has been extremely successful so far and now supplies businesses wholesale across the whole of East England and London from an industrial unit in Romford.

She has a very simple strategy when selling her cupcakes, the raw materials cost £0.20 per cake and she sells at £1.50 per cake. And with record sales of 90,000 cupcakes this year the business looks set to expand even further.

Charlie has asked you to analyse the business’s finances and advise her accordingly.

Financial records for Charlie’s Cupcakes as of 27th November 2012

Wages for staff £18,000

Salary for Charlie £45,000

Gas £8,000

Electricity £14,000

Insurance £2,000

Maintenance £1,000

To help with your analysis Charlie has also included some information about one of her competitors as well as from her previous year’s finances.

Charlie’s Cupcakes 2011
GPM = 60%
NPM = 25% / County Cupcakes 2012
GPM = 50%
NPM = 35%

1.  Calculate the gross profit margin for Charlie’s business (6)

2.  Calculate the net profit margin for Charlie’s business (6)

3.  What could Charlie do to improve the profitability of her business? Justify your answer (9)

Extension task

Delta Electric is a computer manufacturer supplying hi-tech PCs to industry. They only sell business to business at the top end of the market. They have a very good customer retention rate and claim their customers stay loyal as they only supply the latest technology and they can supply faster than any of their competitors.

The MD of Delta Electric has asked you to look into the liquidity of the business and assess their position with justification for your judgements. The company’s finances are listed below:

Cash £20,000

Payables (creditors) £30,000

Receivables (debtors) £5,000

Stock £115,000

Overdraft £5,000


Profitability ratios

Gross profit margin = gross profit / revenue X 100

Net profit margin = net profit / revenue X 100

Liquidity ratios

Current ratio = current assets / current liabilities

Acid test = current assets – stock / current liabilities

Components of ratios

Revenue = price X sales

Cost of sales: The costs directly involved with supplying the good or service, e.g.

·  Wages

·  Raw materials

·  Energy bills

Gross profit = revenue – cost of sales

Overheads are costs that do not alter when production changes, e.g.

·  Salaries

·  Insurance

·  Interest on loans

·  Building maintenance

Net profit = Revenue – cost of sales – overheads / revenue

Current assets include:

·  Cash in bank

·  Receivables

·  Stock

Current liabilities include:

·  Payables

·  Overdraft