Estimator – Interview Questions

Warm-up Questions / Notes / Situations Described / Behaviors
  • Briefly tell us about yourself and your past experiences?
  • What do you hope to gain from this position? Why in particular does this position appeal to you?
  • What do you know about AW Collision?
  • Who are the people you interact with on a daily basis and what are their expectations?
  • What does it take to cultivate a good and lasting customer relationship?
  • Give an example of when you did something without being asked. Can you give me another example?
  • The client says your price is too high. You respond...
  • What is the most important skill of an estimator?
  • What is the most rewarding part of being an estimator?

Character Questions / Notes
Self Assessment
  • What are your weakest character traits and your strongest character traits?
  • Describe how you practiced ______
[stronger trait] and the difference it made?
  • How did a lack of the practice of ______
[weaker trait] teach you the need to apply that trait?
  • Is the character trait of ______
[thoroughness trait] important for this position? How do you express this trait?
  • How did you express the character quality of ______[thoroughness] at your last job?
  • Describe how you were responsible for a project
  • Which situations, during the last year, have kept you from fulfilling your job duties and coming to work on time?
  • How do you handle situations that could cause tardiness or absenteeism?
  • What about your character would help you do this job day in and day out?
  • How do handle requests to work a non-scheduled shift?
  • Were you a team player in your last job? Tell me how?
  • Give me an example of a complex problem and how you solved it.
  • Have you ever created a system or procedure to solve a problem? Please discuss.
  • Tell me about a time when you stuck to your guns describe significant opposition.
  • Describe the task that used your analytical skills most productively
  • Describe a few situations when it is ok to tell a white lie.
  • Have you ever broken with company policy to satisfy a customer?
  • What things hinder you from completing a task?
  • Describe a situation when you had to admit a mistake
  • Describe a time when a customer remained dissatisfied despite your efforts to communicate.
  • Have you ever suffered for doing what is right? Why were you willing to suffer loss for that?
  • What is on your personal check-list to ensure you are ready to leave the job daily?
  • What action would you take when a deadline was nearing, knowing it could not be met?
  • Describe how you compilethe materials and hours
to charge toward the job.
  • Describe what you believe a thorough person is?
  • Last time you balanced your check book, how close did you balance it?
  • How many processes do you go through on an estimate?
Experience Questions
Work History
  • How much supervision have you typically received in your previous job?
  • Why are you leaving your present job? (or, Why did you leave your last job?)
  • What special aspects of your work experience have prepared you for this job?
/ Estimator Quiz Answer Key

Estimator Quiz Portion

1)A damaged steel door outer panel (skin) is being replaced.

Technician A says that the damaged panel could be removed by grinding away

the outer edge with a disc grinder.

Technician B says that the new panel could be attached by tack welding.

Who is right?

(A)only (C) Both A and B

(B)only (D) Neither A nor B

2)A damaged steel fender has been roughed out and prepared for plastic filler.

Technician A says that a metal conditioner should be applied to the base metal

areas to improve filler adhesion.

Technician B says that all paint should be removed from the damaged area to

improve filler adhesion.

Who is right?

(A)only (C) Both A and B

(B)only (D) Neither A nor B

3)A fully charged A/C condenser is undamaged. However, it is blocking repair

access to the damaged radiator core support. The technician should:

(A) try to work around the condenser.

(B)recover the refrigerant and remove the condenser.

(C) cut the radiator core support to gain access.

(D) bend the condenser lines to hain access.

4)Cracks in a thermoplastic bumper fascia are to be repaired.

Technician A says that the repairs can be made with a plastic welder.

Technician B says that the repairs can be made with a structural adhesive.

Who is right?

(A)A only

(B) B only

(C) Both A and B

(D) Neither A nor B

5)All of the following types of SMC (sheet molded compound) panel damages

require a two-sided repair procedure EXCEPT:

(A) cracks or fractures. (C) tears or rips.

(B) holes or punctures. (D) gouges or grooves

6)Which type of damage is LEAST likely to occur on a unibody vehicle?

(A) Sidesway

(B) Diamond

(C) Sag

(D) Twist

7)A car has been in a broadside collision. On the side opposite the impact, there

is too much gap at each end of the door.

Technician A says that bent door hinges could be the cause.

Technician B says that a bowed body shell could be the cause.

Who is right?

(A) A only

(B) B only

(C) Both A and B

(D) Neither A nor B

8)A unibody strut tower is being installed using a MIG welder.

Technician A says that a mixture of 75% argon and 25% carbon dioxide could

be used.

Technician B says that a mixture of 75% argon and 25% helium could be used.

Who is right?

(A) A only

(B) B only

(C) Both A and B

(D) Neither A nor B

9)An incorrect caster reading on a unibody vehicle could be caused by a bent or


(A)tie rod.

(B)front cross member.

(C)sway bar.

(D)idler arm.

10)All of these could be used when replacing resistance spot welds on structural

panels on a unibody vehicle EXCEPT:

(A)brass plug welds.

(B)resistance spot welds.

(C) MIG plug welds.

(D) compression spot welds