10th Annual Spring Flower & Mulch Sale

Boy Scout Troop 243 & American Heritage Girls Troop 1031

Special Pre-Sale Opportunity Final Order Date 04/07/10

Flower Pickup: Saturday - 4/24/10 8 am - 5 pm

Additional Sale Hours: Sunday - 4/25/10 8 am - 1pm


Rev: 01/07/2010 Page 1 of 2

10th Annual Spring Flower & Mulch Sale

Boy Scout Troop 243 & American Heritage Girls Troop 1031

Special Pre-Sale Opportunity Final Order Date 04/07/10

Flower Pickup: Saturday - 4/24/10 8 am - 5 pm

Additional Sale Hours: Sunday - 4/25/10 8 am - 1pm

10" Hanging Baskets $17.50 each

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10th Annual Spring Flower & Mulch Sale

Boy Scout Troop 243 & American Heritage Girls Troop 1031

Special Pre-Sale Opportunity Final Order Date 04/07/10

Flower Pickup: Saturday - 4/24/10 8 am - 5 pm

Additional Sale Hours: Sunday - 4/25/10 8 am - 1pm

Baskets Ivy Geranium »

1 / Pink
2 / Purple
3 / Red

Baskets Impatiens »

4 / Coral
5 / Lavender
6 / Red
7 / Salmon
8 / White

Baskets New Guinea Impatiens »

9 / Pink
10 / Purple
11 / Red
12 / Salmon

- sun

» - partial sun

- shade

Baskets Wave Petunias

13 / Blue
14 / Lavender
15 / Pink
16 / Purple
17 / Red
18 / White

Baskets Fuchsia »

19 / Purple
20 / White

Baskets Double Impatiens »

21 / Lavender
22 / Pink
23 / Red

Wax Begonia

Baskets with Vinca Vine »

24 / Green Leaf Pink
25 / Green Leaf Red
26 / Green Leaf White

Baskets Non Stop Begonia »

27 / Orange
28 / Rose Pink
29 / Red
30 / Yellow

Baskets Miscellaneous

31 / Million Bells – Blue
32 / Million Bells – Purple
33 / Scaevola – Blue
34 / Bacopa White »
35 / Boston Ferns
36 / Chenille Red (Foxtail) »
37 / Strawflower Yellow

Section A. Total

Total Baskets ____x $17.50 = ______

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6th Annual Spring Flower Sale

Boy Scout Troop 243 St Barnabas Catholic Church

Special Pre-Sale Prices Final Order Date 04/12/06

Flower Pickup: Saturday - 4/29/06 8 am - 5 pm

Additional Sale Hours: Sunday - 4/30/06 8 am - 3pm


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6th Annual Spring Flower Sale

Boy Scout Troop 243 St Barnabas Catholic Church

Special Pre-Sale Prices Final Order Date 04/12/06

Flower Pickup: Saturday - 4/29/06 8 am - 5 pm

Additional Sale Hours: Sunday - 4/30/06 8 am - 3pm

“Flats” 36 Plants per Flat $17.50 per Flat

Must Order Whole flats. Can Mix and Match ½ flats

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6th Annual Spring Flower Sale

Boy Scout Troop 243 St Barnabas Catholic Church

Special Pre-Sale Prices Final Order Date 04/12/06

Flower Pickup: Saturday - 4/29/06 8 am - 5 pm

Additional Sale Hours: Sunday - 4/30/06 8 am - 3pm

Flat ½ Flat Impatiens »

38 / Coral
39 / Lavender
40 / Lipstick (Hot Pink)
41 / Orange
42 / Pink
43 / Red
44 / Salmon
45 / Violet
46 / White
47 / Mixed

Flat ½ Flat Begonias »

48 / Bronze Lf Pink - Gin
49 / Bronze Lf Red - Vodka
50 / Bronze Lf White - Whiskey
51 / Green Lf Pink – Deep rose
52 / Green Lf Red - Scarlet
53 / Green Lf White

Flat ½ Flat Vinca

54 / Pink
55 / Grape (Purple)
56 / Red
57 / White

Flat ½ Flat Petunias

58 / Pink
59 / Midnight (Purple)
60 / Red
61 / Simply (Salmon)
62 / White
63 / Mixed

Flat ½ Flat Marigolds

64 / Large Bloom Orange
65 / Large Bloom Yellow

Flat ½ Flat Zinnias

66 / Dwarf Pulcino Mix 12-15”
67 / Tall State Fair Mix 36” +

Flat ½ Flat Salvia »

68 / Purple
69 / Red

Flat ½ Flat Celosia »

70 / Pink
71 / Red
72 / Yellow

Flat ½ Flat Alyssum »

73 / White

Flat ½ Flat Miscellaneous

74 / Asters Mixed
75 / Coleus Mixed »
76 / Dahlias Mixed »
77 / Dianthus Mixed
78 / Dusty Miller
79 / Moss Rose Mixed
80 / Snapdragons Mix »
81 / Verbena Mixed
82 / Ageratum – Blue »

- sun

» - partial sun

- shade

Must Order Whole flats.

Can Mix and Match ½ flats

Section B. Total
Total Flats ___ x $17.50 = ____

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6th Annual Spring Flower Sale

Boy Scout Troop 243 St Barnabas Catholic Church

Special Pre-Sale Prices Final Order Date 04/12/06

Flower Pickup: Saturday - 4/29/06 8 am - 5 pm

Additional Sale Hours: Sunday - 4/30/06 8 am - 3pm

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6th Annual Spring Flower Sale

Boy Scout Troop 243 St Barnabas Catholic Church

Special Pre-Sale Prices Final Order Date 04/12/06

Flower Pickup: Saturday - 4/29/06 8 am - 5 pm

Additional Sale Hours: Sunday - 4/30/06 8 am - 3pm

4" Potted Plants »

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4” Pots Geraniums

$3.75 each

83 / Pink
84 / Red
85 / Salmon
86 / Violet
87 / White

4” Pots New Guinea Impatiens

$3.75 each

88 / Orange
89 / Pink
90 / Purple
91 / Red
92 / Salmon
93 / White

4” Pots Non Stop Begonias

$4.25 each

94 / Orange
95 / Rose Pink
96 / Red
97 / Yellow

Section C.

Total 4” Pots _____ x $3.75 =______

Total 4” Pots _____ x $4.25 =______

Section C. Total _____

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6th Annual Spring Flower Sale

Boy Scout Troop 243 St Barnabas Catholic Church

Special Pre-Sale Prices Final Order Date 04/12/06

Flower Pickup: Saturday - 4/29/06 8 am - 5 pm

Additional Sale Hours: Sunday - 4/30/06 8 am - 3pm


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6th Annual Spring Flower Sale

Boy Scout Troop 243 St Barnabas Catholic Church

Special Pre-Sale Prices Final Order Date 04/12/06

Flower Pickup: Saturday - 4/29/06 8 am - 5 pm

Additional Sale Hours: Sunday - 4/30/06 8 am - 3pm

“Flats” and Plants – Variety

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6th Annual Spring Flower Sale

Boy Scout Troop 243 St Barnabas Catholic Church

Special Pre-Sale Prices Final Order Date 04/12/06

Flower Pickup: Saturday - 4/29/06 8 am - 5 pm

Additional Sale Hours: Sunday - 4/30/06 8 am - 3pm

Wave Petunias

Must Order Whole flats.

Can Mix and Match ½ flats

$27.00 per Flat (18 Plants)

Flat ½ Flat

98 / Blue
99 / Lavender
100 / Misty Lilac (Light Lavender)
101 / Pink
102 / Purple
103 / Red
104 / White


6” potted plant $18.00 ea

105 105 / Pink
106 / Red

Vinca Vine

$35.00/Flat (36 Plants) $3.25/pack (3 plants)

Flat Pack

107 / Vinca Vine

Dracaena Spikes

$29.50 per Flat (18 Plants) $2 per Plant

Flat Plant

108 / Dracaena Spikes

Tomato Plants

16" Tall in 1Gal Container $4.50 each


109 / Better Boy
110 / Big Beef
111 / Early Girl
112 / Husky Cherry


$4.25 2 ¼ cubic foot bag

113 / Black Platinum Mulch
$4.50 per 2 cubic foot bag
114 / Cypress – Premium Mulch

$10.50 per 3 cubic foot bag

115 / Cypress – Grade “A” Mulch

Section D Summary

Wave Petunia Flats x $27.00 =
Hibiscus Plants x $18.00 =
Vinca Vine Flats x $35.00 =
Vinca Vine Packs x $3.25 =
Dracaena Flats x $29.50=
Dracaena Plants x $2 =
Tomato Plants x $4.50 =
Black Platinum x $4.25 =
Cypress Mulch x $4.50 =
Cypress Grade A x $10.50 =

Section D. Total ______

- sun

» - partial sun

- shade

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6th Annual Spring Flower Sale

Boy Scout Troop 243 St Barnabas Catholic Church

Special Pre-Sale Prices Final Order Date 04/12/06

Flower Pickup: Saturday - 4/29/06 8 am - 5 pm

Additional Sale Hours: Sunday - 4/30/06 8 am - 3pm


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6th Annual Spring Flower Sale

Boy Scout Troop 243 St Barnabas Catholic Church

Special Pre-Sale Prices Final Order Date 04/12/06

Flower Pickup: Saturday - 4/29/06 8 am - 5 pm

Additional Sale Hours: Sunday - 4/30/06 8 am - 3pm

Scout Info

Scout: ______

Scout Phone: ______

Scout Del? : NO YES

For Office Use

Batch No: ______

Order No: ______

Section A. ______

Section B. ______

Section C. ______

Section D. ______


Page 3 of 2

6th Annual Spring Flower Sale

Boy Scout Troop 243 St Barnabas Catholic Church

Special Pre-Sale Prices Final Order Date 04/12/06

Flower Pickup: Saturday - 4/29/06 8 am - 5 pm

Additional Sale Hours: Sunday - 4/30/06 8 am - 3pm

Customer Name: ______Street Address: ______

City: ______Zip Code: ______Phone: (_____) ______

Can we send you a pickup reminder by email? Yes / No
If “Yes”, please provide email address: ______

Special Instructions: ______

Payment Due with order, please make check payable to AHG Troop 1031

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