September 20, 2012Regular MeetingBoard of Education

Carol Hamm602 Farrish Street

PresidentMadison, IL 62060

A regular meeting of the Board of Education of Madison Community Unit School District #12 of

Madison County, Madison, Illinois was held at Madison Junior/Senior High School Cafeteria at

600 Farrish Street, Madison, Illinois in said District on the twentieth day of September, 2012 at 6:00 P.M.

Members Present:Joseph Garcia, Carol Hamm, Marie Nelson,Steve Skoklo, Sonja Vauters

Members Absent:Celena Browley, Roshelle Williams-Gardner

Also Present:Evelyn Kelly, Sue Skoklo, Aimee Whitecotton, Anne-Marie Foret, Karen Missey, Rob Miller, Jaime Cotto, Terrien Fennoy, Lakitia Middlebrook, Charles Massie, Benny Boyer, Rick’L Bell, Shontell Burch


The meeting was called to order at 6:03pm.

Roll call: Browley, absent; Garcia, here; Gardner, absent; Hamm, here; Nelson, here; Skoklo, here;

Vauters;here. 5present. 2absent.

Public Input


Union President(s)


Consent Agenda

It was moved by Skoklo, seconded by Garciathat the Board of Education approve the consent agenda

as presented;

Roll call: Garcia, aye; Hamm, aye; Nelson, aye, Skoklo, aye, Vauters, aye. 5 ayes. Motion carried.

Student Issues

It was moved by Skoklo, seconded by Garcia that the Board of Education approve the early graduation

at the conclusion of the first semester of Madison Senior High School student #12131 upon successful completion of graduation requirements;

Roll call: Hamm, aye; Nelson, aye;Skoklo, aye; Vauters, aye, Garcia, aye.5 ayes. Motion carried.

Celena Browley arrived at 6:08 pm.


It was moved by Garcia, seconded by Hamm that the Board of Education accept the resignation of

Early Childhood Special Education teacher Crishon Black effective August 28, 2012;

Roll call: Hamm, aye; Nelson, aye;Skoklo, aye; Vauters, aye; Browley, aye; Garcia, aye.

6 ayes. Motion carried.

It was moved by Skoklo, seconded by Garcia that the Board of Education accept the resignation

of Bus Monitor Gay Harley effective September 5, 2012;

Roll call: Nelson, aye, Skoklo, aye; Vauters, aye; Browley, aye; Garcia, aye; Hamm, aye.

6ayes. Motion carried.

It was moved by Skoklo, seconded byGarciathat the Board of Education approve to employ

SpencerSaal as Madison Senior High School Science teacher effective the 2012-2013 school year;

Roll call: Skoklo, aye; Vauters, aye; Browley; aye, Garcia, aye; Hamm, aye;Nelson, aye.

6ayes. Motion carried.

It was moved by Nelson, seconded by Hammthat the Board of Educationapprove to recall Early

Childhood Parapro Kim Obremski effective the 2012-2013 school year;

Roll call: Browley, aye; Garcia, aye; Gardner, aye; Hamm, aye; Nelson, aye; Skoklo, nay.

5 ayes. 1 nay. Motion carried.

It was moved by Skoklo, seconded by Browleythat the Board of Education approve to employ

KaraTurley as Madison Senior High School English teacher effective the 2012-2013 school year;

Roll call: Browley, aye; Garcia, aye; Hamm, aye; Nelson, aye; Skoklo, aye; Vauters, aye.

6 ayes. Motion carried.

It was moved by Hamm, seconded by Skoklothat the Board of Education approve to table to

employ Ariane Tyler as Long Elementary Special Ed teacher effective the 2012-2013 school year;

Roll call: Garcia, aye; Gardner, aye; Hamm, aye; Nelson, aye; Skoklo, aye;Browley, aye.

6 ayes. Motion carried.

It was moved by Skoklo, seconded by Hammthat the Board of Education approveto employ Kim

Reeves as district Library/Media Specialist effective the 2012-2013 school year;

Roll call: Hamm, aye; Nelson, aye;Skoklo, aye; Vauters, aye; Browley, aye; Garcia, aye.

6ayes. Motion carried.

It was moved by Garcia, seconded by Browleythat the Board of Education approve to employ Erin

Wilson as part/time, at/will Special Education Coordinator effective the 2012-2013 school year;

Roll call: Hamm, aye; Nelson, aye; Skoklo, aye; Vauters, aye; Browley, aye; Garcia, aye.

6 ayes. Motion carried.

It was moved by Skoklo, seconded by Browley that the Board of Education approve to appoint

WIA positions effective the 2012-2013 school year;

Keith Book – Horticulture TeacherSteven Ellis – Construction Teacher

Roll call: Nelson, aye; Skoklo, aye; Vauters, aye; Browley, aye; Garcia, aye; Hamm, aye.

6 ayes. Motion carried.

It was moved by Garcia, seconded by Vautersthat the Board of Education approveto appoint Junior

High School Sponsors effective 2012-2013 school year;

Sue Parr – Student Council and Honor Society Sponsor

Roll call: Skoklo, aye; Vauters, aye; Browley, aye; Garcia, aye; Hamm, aye; Nelson, aye.

6 ayes. Motion carried.

It was moved by Hamm, seconded by Garciathat the Board of Educationapprove to appoint Senior

High School Sponsors effective the 2012-2013 school year;

Katre White – Senior Class SponsorTonya Affolter – Student Council and Prom Sponsor

Roll call: Vauters, aye; Browley, aye; Garcia, aye; Hamm, aye; Nelson, aye;Skoklo, aye.

6 ayes. Motion carried.

It was moved by Nelson, seconded by Browleythat the Board of Education approve to employ

Nancy Hibbler as Bus Monitor effective the 2012-2013 school year;

Roll call: Browley, aye; Garcia, aye; Hamm, aye; Nelson, aye;Skoklo, aye; Vauters, aye.

6ayes. Motion carried.

It was moved by Hamm, seconded by Garcia that the Board of Education approve to appoint

Brian Papa as Junior/Senior High School ASP coach effective the 2012-2013 school year;

Roll call: Garcia, aye; Gardner, aye; Hamm, aye; Nelson, aye; Skoklo, aye;Browley, aye.

6 ayes. Motion carried.

It was moved by Nelson, seconded by Hamm that the Board of Education approve to recall

Media Clerk Carla Silas effective the 2012-2013 school year;

Roll call: Hamm, aye; Nelson, aye; Skoklo, aye; Vauters, aye; Browley, aye; Garcia, aye.

6 ayes. Motion carried.

Policy and Procedure

It was moved by Vauters, seconded by Browley that the Board of Education approve to appoint

Sue Skoklo as Local Election Official and Angels Burns/Lynda Becker as Alternate Election

Officials for the 2013 School Board Election;

Roll call: Hamm, aye; Nelson, aye; Skoklo, present; Vauters, aye; Browley, aye; Garcia, aye.

5 ayes. 1 present. Motion carried.


It was moved by Skoklo, seconded by Garcia that the Board of Education approve the budget for

the 2012-2013 school year;

Roll call: Nelson, aye; Skoklo, aye; Vauters, aye; Browley, aye; Garcia, aye; Hamm, aye.

6 ayes. Motion carried.

Executive Session

None needed.


It was moved by Skoklo, seconded by Garcia that the Board of Education adjourn the meeting at

6:18 pm:

Roll call: Vauters, aye; Browley, aye; Garcia, aye; Hamm, aye; Nelson, aye;Skoklo, aye.

6 ayes. Motion carried.

Date: ______


President, Carol Hamm


Secretary, Sonja Vauters

(Due to mechanical error an audio copy of the minutes is unavailable.)