Number: 802-15/2011-67

Ljubljana, 28 September 2012

Basic and sector-related criteria used for identifying critical infrastructure of national importance in the Republic of Slovenia

The criteria used for identifying critical infrastructure of national importance in the Republic ofSlovenia derive from the definition of critical infrastructure of national importance in the Republic of Slovenia adopted by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia on 19 April 2010 on the proposal of the Interministerial coordination group for the coordination of preparations for the protection of critical infrastructure in the Republic of Slovenia. The Government of the Republic of Slovenia has ordered the ministries and government offices to take the definition of critical infrastructure of national importance in the Republic of Slovenia in account in the preparation of regulations, implementation of preparations and other activities for the protection of critical infrastructure.

1. Basic criteria for the identification of critical infrastructure in the Republic of Slovenia

The definition of criteria for the identification of critical infrastructure has to be prepared in reference to the non-functioning of critical infrastructure that has significant consequence on or is of great importance for the operation of the state, the economy and other activities.

The basic criteria for the identification of critical infrastructure in the Republic of Slovenia comprise:

Critical infrastructure that due to its non-functioning causes or influences the death of more than 50 persons.

–Critical infrastructure that has due to its non-functioning such an effect on the health of inhabitants that over 100 persons have to be hospitalised for over a week.

–Critical infrastructure that due to its non-functioning causes damage, the destruction of activity, facilities or areas having such an effect on the national security of the Republic of Slovenia, that implementation of defence, internal security and protection against natural and other disasters is hindered.

Critical infrastructure that may influence the functioning of economic or any other activity causing damage or the loss of income in the amount of several 10 million EUR per day.

Critical infrastructure that due to its non-functioning causes the interruption of supply of drinking water or food for over a week for more than 100,000 inhabitants.

Critical infrastructure that due to its non-functioning causes the interruption of electrical power supply for 3 days or the interruption of natural gas supply for over a weekfor more than 100,000 inhabitants.

Critical infrastructure that due to its non-functioning causesthe interruption of supply with petroleum products for over a week for more than 100,000 inhabitants in the region.

Critical infrastructure that due to its non-functioning causes severe damage to a land or sea habitat in the area of over 100 ha.

Critical infrastructure that due to its non-functioning causes information or communication support failure of other critical infrastructures for up to 24 hrs.

Critical infrastructure that due to its non-functioning causes cross border consequences in other states in reference to the above-mentioned criteria.

2. Sectors of critical infrastructure in the Republic of Slovenia

Sectors of critical infrastructure in the Republic of Slovenia are defined on the basis of the basic criteria for the determination of critical infrastructure criteria in the Republic of Slovenia.

Critical infrastructure sectors in the Republic of Slovenia are:

  1. Critical infrastructure sector providing energy support;
  2. Critical infrastructure sector providing transport connections;
  3. Critical infrastructure sector providing food supplies;
  4. Critical infrastructure sector providing drinking water supplies;
  5. Critical infrastructure sector providing medical care;
  6. Critical infrastructure sector providing finances;
  7. Critical infrastructure sector providing environment protection;
  8. Critical infrastructure sector providing information and communication support.

3. Sector-related criteria for identification of critical infrastructure in the Republic of Slovenia

Sector-related criteria for the identification of critical infrastructure are formed on the basis of the definition of critical infrastructure and the basic criteria for the definition of critical infrastructure and the consideration of specifics of individual sectors.

Energy sector:

Power failure causing failure of the electricity system of the Republic of Slovenia, which will take a week to reactivate in the entire territory of the Republic of Slovenia.

Power failure in the electricity system causing the inability to re-establish electric energy supply in the area populated with over 100,000 inhabitants for 3 days.

Interruption of supply with petroleum products for over a weekin the area where over 100,000 inhabitants live and work and the incurrence of costs due to non-functioning in the amount of 10 million EUR per day.

Over a week of interruption in natural gas supply causing economic damage in the amount of over 10 million EUR per day or causing interruption in natural gas supply for over 100,000 people.

Transport sector:

Interruption in the functioning of railroad traffic on key directions for a week causing damage that surpasses 10 million EUR per day.

Hindering of the port activity in the Koper cargo port for several weeks causing damage surpassing 10 million EUR per day.

Incapacity of implementing air traffic in the airspace of the Republic of Slovenia for 12 hrs or more.

Food supply sector:

Interruption of food supply providing basic food products for over a week in the area populated by more than 100,000 inhabitants.

Drinking water supply sector:

Interruption of drinking water supply for over a week in the area populated by more than 100,000 inhabitants.

Medical supply sector:

Hindering of the provision of essential medical services and medical care to inhabitants for over a week in the area populated by over 100,000 inhabitants, except when the geographical area is almost inaccessible and scarcely populated having less than 50,000 inhabitants.

Finance sector:

An over 3-days long interruption in the provision of cash in the area with over 50,000 inhabitants.

Non-functioning of the state budget for a maximum of 14 days.

Non-functioning of payment transactions for over 1 day.

Environment protection sector:

Incapacity of providing the purification of urban and industrial waste water for a month in the area with a population of over 50,000 inhabitants and the associated economic infrastructure.

Blocking the operation of purification plants for a month in the emission of gases that are heavy air polluters.

Prevention of the operation of infrastructure for collection and processing of municipal waste for over a week in the area with over 50,000 inhabitants and the associated economic infrastructure.

Contamination of the area larger than 100 ha with hazardous substances taking into account their effect on the health of people and the environment.

Information and communication support sector:

Non-functioning of hardware or software supporting key functions in the state referring to the provision of operation of one of the critical infrastructure sector of the national security system, the energy system and the finances, causing support failure for over 6 or over 24 hrs.