SP213M: Mod P2 Lelan Harris

Fall 2002 Bethel Seminary

October 7 – December 9 Phone: 651-638-6523

Mondays, 5:30-7:30, and Saturday, November 9 E-Mail:

SP213 (SemPM), Fall 2002 Bethel Seminary

Professor: Lelan Harris Page 15


Course Description

An examination of the meaning of personal Christian discipleship as well as the process of faith development. This course explores both classic and contemporary resources pertaining to faith development including information about Christian disciplines and human development and their interaction. Opportunity is given to pursue these topics from the perspectives of pastors, ministers of Christian education, and lay persons.

Learning Objectives: This course will create the opportunity for participants to:

1.  Examine many of the dimensions of Christian spiritual formation and human development theory.

2.  Examine the characteristics of their personal spiritual development in light of spiritual formation and human development models.

3.  Identify how the qualities of gender, race, generation, and culture influence discipleship and formation.

4.  Identify the formational aspects of confusion, crisis, pain, grief, suffering, and loss.

5.  Practice a variety of spiritual exercises and prayer forms.

6.  Discover how an increasingly enhanced understanding of their personal spiritual development enables them to more effectively facilitate the spiritual formation of individuals, families, groups, and communities.

7.  Identify desired qualities in a spiritual companion (as defined in class) and attend to the development of these qualities within themselves.

8.  Demonstrate a capacity to effectively apply spiritual formation models and human development theory in the contexts of personal and communal faith development.

Required Textbooks

·  Barton, Ruth Haley. The Truths That Free Us: A Woman's Calling to Spiritual Transformation. Colorado Springs: Shaw Books, 2002. ISBN: 0877880697. Bethel Seminary Library: On Shelves Soon

·  Boa, Kenneth. Conformed to His Image: Biblical and Practical Approaches to Spiritual Formation. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2001. ISBN: 031023848X. Bethel Seminary Library: 248 B662

·  Hagberg, Janet & Robert Guelich. The Critical Journey: Stages in the Life of Faith. Salem, Wis.: Sheffield Pub. Co., 1995. ISBN: 1879215284. Bethel Seminary Library: 248.4 H141

·  Kidd, Sue Monk. When the Heart Waits: Spiritual Direction for Life's Sacred Questions. San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 1992. ISBN: 0060645873. Bethel Seminary Library: 248.4 K46

·  Sheehan, Barbara. Partners in Covenant: The Art of Spiritual Companionship. Cleveland: Pilgrim Press, 1999. ISBN: 0829813292. Bethel Seminary Library: 248.4 S541

Recommended Reading (optional)

·  Baker, Howard. Soul Keeping: Ancient Paths of Spiritual Direction. Colorado Springs: NavPress, 1998. ISBN: 1576830497. Bethel Seminary Library: 248.2 B167

·  Johnson, Ben Campbell & Andrew Dreitcer. Beyond the Ordinary: Spirituality for Church Leaders. Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans, 2001. ISBN: 0802847730. Bethel Seminary Library: 253.2 J66be

Book On 2-Day Library Reserve (optional)

·  Foster, Richard. Streams of Living Water: Celebrating the Great Traditions of Christian Faith. San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 1998. ISBN: 0060667435 (hardcover), 0060628227 (paperback). Bethel Seminary Library: 248 F756

Course Requirements

Attendance & Participation

Class attendance is required and factored into the final grade for this course. Required readings and other assignments are to be completed by their due dates.

Assignment #1: Spiritual Conversation Preparation

In preparation for classes 2-5 we will be reading Sue Monk Kidd’s book, When the Heart Waits. In preparation for classes 7-10 we will be reading Barbara Sheehan’s book, Partners in Covenant. In addition to readings from these texts, students will also spend 1-2 hours reflecting and writing in preparation for our time of spiritual conversation in class. The reading and writing requirement details for this assignment are found on pages 5-7 below.

Assignment #2: Spiritual Journey Stages & Streams

(A)  Read Janet Hagberg & Robert Guelich’s book, The Critical Journey, in preparation for class discussion. DUE DATE: October 14 (Class 2)

(B)  Write a reflection paper about your spiritual journey from the perspective of stages and streams (as defined and discussed in class). Rather than writing a narrative paper, the format should be one of question and answer. In most cases, 1-3 paragraphs will be all that is necessary to respond to each question. The specific questions are listed on pages 8-10 below.

DUE DATE: October 21 (Class 3).

Assignment #3: Dimensions of Spiritual Formation

Read Kenneth Boa’s book, Conformed to His Image, in preparation for topical class discussions.

DUE DATES: October 28 (Class 4) – Preface, Introduction, Facet 1

November 4 (Class 5) – Facets 2 & 3

November 11 (Class 7) – Facets 4 & 5

November 18 (Class 8) – Facet 6

November 25 (Class 9) – Facets 7 & 8

December 2 (Class 10) – Facets 9 & 10

December 9 (Class 11) – Facets 11 & 12

Assignment #4: Spiritual Formation Curriculum

Review Ruth Haley Barton’s book, The Truths That Free Us, then create a spiritual formation curriculum utilizing the following steps:

(1) Your curriculum must be designed for a mixed-gender audience – both women and men will be going through the course together. Clarify whether you intend this curriculum to be for marrieds-only, singles-only, or both. If marrieds-only or singles-only, explain what it is about your curriculum that makes it best for that particular kind of group. If for both marrieds and singles, explain what it is about your curriculum that makes it suitable for both types of groups.

(2)  Identify the one or two spiritual formation stages and one or two Christian spirituality streams that your curriculum would be most appropriate for. Describe the key characteristics of the stage and stream distinctives of your intended audience and explain what it is about your curriculum that is tailored for this particular type of group.

(3)  In addition to (1) and (2) above, clarify whether or not your curriculum is best suited for a particular age group, and explain why or why not.

(4)  You must select a second book to be the companion text to Barton’s The Truths That Free Us. Identify this second book and explain why you chose it.

(5)  You must select a co-teacher to lead the curriculum with you. Identify this person, explaining the reasons for your selection and describing the roles each of you will fulfill.

(6)  The curriculum must be designed for a minimum of 10 sessions. Determine and describe the best teaching context for the type of course you have designed. Would it be implemented best in a leadership training context, informal small group, campus ministry program, Sunday school class, or other context?

(7)  Lay out the structure of the curriculum, including: Course description; objectives; meeting location(s) and times; assignments; tests (if appropriate); grading (if appropriate); and schedule of topics, guest speakers, activities, retreats, etc.

(8)  Completely outline each of the lesson plans for each session of the entire course (minimum of 10 sessions). What are the objectives of each session? How long will each session be? What kind of space(s) and room set up will be necessary? Will you need a whiteboard, PowerPoint projector, or other teaching aids? Will anyone bring food? What homework is due? What topics will be covered and how? What will be the exercises, activities, lectures, discussions, etc.? Which of these will you lead and which will your co-teacher lead? How will you evaluate your effectiveness in achieving each session’s objectives and the objectives of the course as a whole?

DUE DATE: December 2 (Class 10).


Individual assignments will be graded in accordance with the Bethel Seminary Catalog. The final grade will be calculated as follows:

Activity/Assignment Estimated Time Grade %

Class Attendance & Spiritual Conversation Participation 23 hours 10%

Spiritual Conversation Preparation 30 hours 30%

Spiritual Journey Stages & Streams 15 hours 15%

Dimensions of Spiritual Formation Discussion Preparation 25 hours 15%

Spiritual Formation Curriculum 30 hours 30%

123 hours 100%

Class Schedule
Date / Topics/Themes / Assignments
Class 1
October 7 / Introduction
Christian Spiritual Stages
Streams of Christian Spirituality / No assignments due
Class 2
October 14 / Christian Spiritual Stages
Streams of Christian Spirituality / Spiritual Conversation Preparation Due Today:
Sue Monk Kidd, When the Heart Waits, Chapters 1-3, plus written reflection
Topical Discussion Preparation Due Today:
Hagberg & Guelich, The Critical Journey, whole book
Class 3
October 21 / Christian Spiritual Stages
Streams of Christian Spirituality / Spiritual Conversation Preparation Due Today:
Sue Monk Kidd, When the Heart Waits, Chapters 4-5, plus written reflection
Assignment #2 Due Today:
Spiritual Journey Stages & Streams paper
Class 4
October 28 / Relational Spirituality / Spiritual Conversation Preparation Due Today:
Sue Monk Kidd, When the Heart Waits, Chapters 6-7, plus written reflection
Topical Discussion Preparation Due Today:
Kenneth Boa, Conformed to His Image, Preface, Introduction, & Facet 1
Class 5
November 4 / Paradigm Spirituality
Disciplined Spirituality / Spiritual Conversation Preparation Due Today:
Sue Monk Kidd, When the Heart Waits, Chapter 8, plus written reflection
Topical Discussion Preparation Due Today:
Kenneth Boa, Conformed to His Image, Facets 2 & 3
Class 6
November 9 / Saturday Time Away… / No assignments due
Class 7
November 11 / Exchanged Life Spirituality
Motivated Spirituality / Spiritual Conversation Preparation Due Today:
Barbara Sheehan, Partners in Covenant, Preface, Chapters 1-3, & Appendix A, plus written reflection
Topical Discussion Preparation Due Today:
Kenneth Boa, Conformed to His Image, Facets 4 & 5
Class 8
November 18 / Devotional Spirituality / Spiritual Conversation Preparation Due Today:
Barbara Sheehan, Partners in Covenant, Chapters 4-7, plus written reflection
Topical Discussion Preparation Due Today:
Kenneth Boa, Conformed to His Image, Facet 6
Class 9
November 25 / Holistic Spirituality
Process Spirituality / Spiritual Conversation Preparation Due Today:
Barbara Sheehan, Partners in Covenant, Chapters 8-9, plus written reflection
Topical Discussion Preparation Due Today:
Kenneth Boa, Conformed to His Image, Facets 7 & 8
Class 10
December 2 / Spirit-Filled Spirituality
Warfare Spirituality / Spiritual Conversation Preparation Due Today:
Barbara Sheehan, Partners in Covenant, Chapters 10-11, plus written reflection
Topical Discussion Preparation Due Today:
Kenneth Boa, Conformed to His Image, Facets 9 & 10
Assignment #4 Due Today:
Spiritual Formation Curriculum
Class 11
December 9 / Nurturing Spirituality
Corporate Spirituality
Celebration & Blessing / Topical Discussion Preparation Due Today:
Kenneth Boa, Conformed to His Image, Facets 11 & 12

Assignment #1:

Spiritual Conversation Preparation Requirements

In preparation for classes 2-5 we will be reading Sue Monk Kidd’s book, When the Heart Waits. In preparation for classes 7-10 we will be reading Barbara Sheehan’s book, Partners in Covenant. In addition to readings from these texts, students will also spend an hour reflecting and writing in preparation for our time of spiritual conversation in class. Each week’s writing assignment is due at the beginning of the specified class period.

Classes 2-5:

Reflection & Writing

In preparation for the spiritual conversations in Classes 2-5, reflect on the readings due that day (see below) and type out your answers to each of the following questions. In addition to the amount of time it takes to do the reading, it is anticipated that each of these reflection and writing assignments will be at least 500 words in length and will each take about one hour to prepare.

Rather than writing a narrative paper, the format should be one of question and answer. Please reproduce the questions and then answer them.

Please bring 2 copies of your typed answers to class, one for you to refer to during the class conversation and one for the professor to review. Be sure to include at the top of the reflection your name, P.O. box number, and date.

·  Question 1: Select a quote from today’s reading that you are open to sharing and discussing in class. Type the quote out fully, noting the author, book title, and page number(s).

·  Question 2: What emotions does this quote engender (trigger, produce, stimulate) in you?

·  Question 3: What memories are brought to your recall by this quote?

·  Question 4: What observations come to mind as you reflect on this quote?

·  Question 5: What questions arise for you with regard to this quote?

·  Question 6: What new ideas or possibilities open up for you as you reflect on this quote?

·  Question 7: How is God present to you or communicating with you through the quote and/or this reflection?

·  Question 8: What next step action(s) have you taken or are you considering as a result of this week’s reading and/or reflection?


Class 2: October 14: Sue Kidd Monk, When the Heart Waits, Chapters 1-3

Class 3: October 21: Sue Kidd Monk, When the Heart Waits, Chapters 4-5

Class 4: October 28: Sue Kidd Monk, When the Heart Waits, Chapters 6-7

Class 5: November 4: Sue Kidd Monk, When the Heart Waits, Chapter 8

Classes 7-10:

Reflection & Writing

In preparation for the spiritual conversations in Classes 7-10, reflect on the readings due that day (see below) and type out your answers to each of the following questions. In addition to the amount of time it takes to do the reading, it is anticipated that each of these reflection and writing assignments will be at least 1,000 words in length and will each take about two hours to prepare.

Rather than writing a narrative paper, the format should be one of question and answer. Please reproduce the questions and then answer them.

Please bring 2 copies of your typed answers to class, one for you to refer to during the class conversation and one for the professor to review. Be sure to include at the top of the reflection your name, P.O. box number, and date.

Reading, Reflection, & Writing

Class 7: November 11: Barbara Sheehan, Partners in Covenant, Preface, Chapters 1-3, Appendix A

·  Question 1: What is your understanding of spiritual companionship and how might God be inviting you into this role at this time?

·  Question 2: In what way(s) does the author’s perspective on the will of God (especially in Chapter 2) challenge or affirm your understanding and experience?

·  Question 3: What within your personality or life experience blocks your openness to the Holy Spirit as a guide for your life and as a spiritual companion for others?

·  Question 4: Recall a time you felt unconditionally listened to. Referring to the elements of effective listening noted in Chapter 3, what do you remember as important to you in that listener’s presence and responses?