JUNE 21, 2011

9:30 A.M.

Members Present: Present were Mayor William Henfey, President of Council Patrick Rosenello, Councilpersons Robert McCullion, Edwin Koehler, Margaret Bishop, Richard Ogen, Kellyann Tolomeo and Salvatore Zampirri. Also present were Acting City Administrator Louis Belasco, Solicitor William Kaufmann and Engineer Ralph Petrella.

CITY CLERK HARKINS stated that 3 of the lifeguards have been removed from the appointment list.

PRESIDENT OF COUNCIL ROSENELLO reviewed the resolutions for ABC License renewals. It is noted that Councilman Ogen will abstain on some of the renewals.

SOLICITOR KAUFMANN stated that the Public Hearing for the Issuance of a new ABC License to Olde New Jersey Tavern will be kept separate from the renewal list as that is a different issue.

COUNCILMAN MCCULLION asked if Orange Shark LLC had received its Tax Clearance Certificate, with the answer being yes.

CITY CLERK HARKINS stated that Orange Shark is being renewed as a pocket license. The JP Prime License can be renewed today as the State has received information making a Special Ruling unnecessary. The PBA is not renewing and have not done so for a number of years.

COUNCILMAN MCCULLION asked if Council can eliminate the PBA License.

CITY CLERK HARKINS stated that with a Club License the club must state in writing that they no longer want the license. The PBA has not done so.

ACTING ADMINISTRATOR BELASCO stated that plans are being made to use the USDA Phase III funding. Ross Versaggi and Leon Costello are working on a plan so as to not affect the tax rate. The resolution for an Emergency Sewer Repairer is to have a contractor on hand in case of emergency. This will reduce mobilization costs. An intern from the University of Indiana who is studying Public Administration may be helping out with projects for the summer. Also, Court Administrator Pat Wall will be in the meeting later to help with the recording equipment for the Public Hearing.

SOLICITOR KAUFMANN stated that Councilman Ogen should not be present for the hearing or the vote on the resolution regarding Olde New Jersey Tavern LLC.

On a motion by Koehler, seconded by McCullion, that caucus be adjourned. Carried. 9:45 AM


JUNE 21, 2011

10:00 A.M.

A regular meeting of the North Wildwood City Council was held on the morning of the above date in the City Hall. The President of Council stated, “The meeting is now open. Adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by posting a copy of the notice of the time and place of this meeting on the City Clerk’s bulletin board and by mailing a copy of the same to The Herald, The Press and Wildwood Leader on January 5, 2011.”

ROLL CALL: Present were Mayor William Henfey, President of Council Patrick Rosenello, Councilpersons Robert McCullion, Edwin Koehler, Margaret Bishop, Richard Ogen, Kellyann Tolomeo and Salvatore Zampirri. Also present were Acting City Administrator Louis Belasco, Solicitor William Kaufmann and Engineer Ralph Petrella.


JUNE 21, 2011

MINUTES: On a motion by Koehler, seconded by McCullion, that the minutes of the regular meeting of June 8, 2011 be approved as read. Carried.




Beach Patrol:

Boyle, Terence Lifeguard 6/22/11

Capelli, Nicholas Lifeguard 6/22/11

DeNofa, Tim Lifeguard 6/22/11

Drumn, James Lifeguard 6/22/11

Gettes, Jarred Lifeguard 6/22/11

Hirst, Matthew Lifeguard 6/22/11

Long, James Lifeguard 6/22/11

Marker, Jake Lifeguard 6/22/11

Marquis, Michael Lifeguard 6/22/11

Milligan, Matthew Lifeguard 6/22/11

Rosenello, Eric Lifeguard 6/22/11

Smith, David, Jr. Lifeguard 6/22/11

Terinoni, Christian Lifeguard 6/22/11

Thomas, Greg Lifeguard 6/22/11

Zumar, Michael Lifeguard 6/22/11

On a motion by McCullion, seconded by Tolomeo, the above seasonal appointments be confirmed. Carried, with Rosenello abstaining on the appointment of Eric Rosenello.



Total monies turned over to the City Treasurer………………………….$ 134,170.04


Total monies turned over to the City Treasurer………………………….$ 160.00

Totals in NW for Month: Deaths -3- Marriages -0- Births -0-


Total monies turned over to the City Treasurer……………………..…….$ 34,565.42

Total Incidents Handled by the Department for the Month……………… 130


Total monies turned over to the City Treasurer…………………………….$ 34,725.00

Total Inspections for Month……………………………………………. 376


Total monies turned over to the City Clerk’s Office……………… ……….....$ 785.75

Total Incidents Handled by the Department for the Month…………….. 2,684


Total NW Adoptions for Month………………………………………………………0

Total Reclaims for Month…………………………………………………………….2

On a motion by Bishop, seconded by McCullion, that the above reports be received and filed as presented. Carried.

PUBLIC HEARING: 2011-2012 ABC License Renewals

PRESIDENT OF COUNCIL ROSENELLO stated that now is the time for a Public Hearing on the 2011-2012 ABC License Renewals.


JUNE 21, 2011

DOLORES ALLENDORF, 324 W. Walnut Avenue, stated that Coconut Cove is out of control. There are noise problems, music that is too loud even after 10:00 PM, public urination, property damage and the Police are there frequently. The noise is even louder when the crowd goes inside to the Tiki Room. People are bringing glasses and bottles out onto the street, which is evidence that the security staff is not vigilant. There is hardly any view of the water now with the big wall that has been constructed. Sunset Bay never had music on after 10:00 PM, and Coconut Cove should have the same time restrictions. This is a residential area. There are now beer signs on the outside wall facing Maryland Avenue, along with gates, and there is trash storage in that area. It is doubtful that Coconut Cove had permits to fill in areas with sand. Riparian areas should go back to the citizens. More Police are needed on Walnut Avenue and this out-of-control situation must stop.

MAYOR HENFEY stated that he has a meeting with residents and the Police this afternoon.

RICH ALLENDORF, 324 W. Walnut Avenue, stated that he has been in Coconut Cove and seen people who are 21 and older wearing bracelets showing that they are of drinking age but no bracelet if you are under 21. What is the law on that subject? Should they even be allowed in the building?

SOLICITOR KAUFMANN stated that the law regulates alcoholic consumption, not a person’s physical presence in an establishment.

JIM KOCH, 1301 Surf Avenue, asked for clarification on Resolution #9.

AL CROSSEN, 208 W. Walnut Avenue, stated that in the Master Plan a license would not be permitted at the Big River Fish Company but the transfer to Coconut Cove seems to have gotten the fast track for approvals. The residential area is now a thoroughfare at 3:00 AM. There is mischief, property damage, and no consideration for the residents. Sunset Bay had conditions and they were obeyed. Council should not have approved a nightclub in that area. Residents have invested in the area as well as the business people.

JANICE GAHLES-BENFIELD, 305 W. Walnut Avenue, stated that she agrees with her neighbors. The Coconut Cove situation is very upsetting. It is not possible to get any sleep. There are issues of trash, noise, property damage, and liability. There is no concern or consideration for the residents.

MARY SAWYER, 304 W. Walnut Avenue, stated that the crowd coming out of Coconut Cove at 3:00 AM is very undesirable. There should be resident-only parking in the area and a greater police presence is needed. There are hoodlums loitering in the area. The children need a safer neighborhood.

CHARLIE SMALL, 213 W. Walnut Avenue, stated that there is trash all over the street, public urination and property damage. The area needs help.

AL CROSSEN, 208 W. Walnut Avenue, stated that all of these concerns were brought up before the Planning and Zoning Boards. Why did all these things happen? Council should not have approved a nightclub where a restaurant was.

PRESIDENT OF COUNCIL ROSENELLO explained that Council has not yet adopted by ordinance the new provisions of the Master Plan. Council hopes to limit liquor licenses in the future to the areas delineated by the Master Plan.

MAYOR HENFEY stated that the City would like to see all liquor licenses located within the entertainment district.

AL CROSSEN, 208 W. Walnut Avenue, stated that the Coconut Cove approvals got fast tracked.


JUNE 21, 2011

PRESIDENT OF COUNCIL ROSENELLO stated that any establishment in its current location would be grand fathered in when a new zoning ordinance is adopted. The liquor license transfer to Coconut Cove would have happened anyway.

MAYOR HENFEY explained that different guidelines can be established for different zones in the City, but one establishment in a certain zone cannot be forced to follow different guidelines than another establishment in the same zone. Sunset Bay voluntarily agreed to close earlier.

SOLICITOR KAUFMANN stated that different zones can have different guidelines.

JOHN BERTHCSI, 314 W. Walnut Avenue, stated that more police are needed at 3:00 AM.

MAYOR HENFEY stated that the City is going to help.

PRESIDENT OF COUNCIL ROSENELLO, hearing no other public comment, declared the Public Hearing closed.


# 125-11

RE: Renewal Of Alcoholic Beverage License, State Assigned License #0507-33-004-009, Issued To Westy’s Of New Jersey, Inc. t/a Westy’s Irish Pub

The above resolution was offered by Koehler, seconded by Zampirri, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.

# 126-11

RE: Renewal Of Alcoholic Beverage License, State Assigned License #0507-32-009-005, Issued To Morrow’s Café, Inc. t/a Woody’s Place

The above resolution was offered by Koehler, seconded by Zampirri, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.

# 127-11

RE: Renewal Of Alcoholic Beverage License, State Assigned License #0507-33-010-005, Issued To Flip Flopz, LLC

The above resolution was offered by Koehler, seconded by Zampirri, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.

# 128-11

RE: Renewal Of Alcoholic Beverage License, State Assigned License #0507-33-012-004, Issued To Cakes & Catering, Inc. t/a Claude’s Restaurant

The above resolution was offered by Koehler, seconded by Zampirri, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.


JUNE 21, 2011

# 129-11

RE: Renewal Of Alcoholic Beverage License, State Assigned License #0507-33-013-006, Issued To Adam Youschak, Inc. t/a Adam’s Restaurant, Red Parrot Lounge and Montego Bay Resort And Conference Center

The above resolution was offered by Koehler, seconded by Zampirri, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.

# 130-11

RE: Renewal Of Alcoholic Beverage License, State Assigned License #0507-33-017-006, Issued To Boyz Club & Sportzyard, Inc.

The above resolution was offered by Koehler, seconded by Zampirri, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative with Ogen abstaining, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.

# 131-11

RE: Renewal Of Alcoholic Beverage License, State Assigned License #0507-33-022-007, Issued To Blue Water Paradise, Inc.

The above resolution was offered by Koehler, seconded by Zampirri, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.

# 132-11

RE: Renewal Of Alcoholic Beverage License, State Assigned License #0507-33-025-009, Issued To Boardwalk Hospitality, L.L.C.

The above resolution was offered by Koehler, seconded by Zampirri, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.

# 133-11

RE: Renewal Of Alcoholic Beverage Licenses For North Wildwood For The License Year July 1, 2011 To June 30, 2012

The above resolution was offered by Koehler, seconded by Zampirri, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative with Ogen abstaining on the renewals of Casey’s and the Elks Club, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.

# 134-11

RE: Tonnage Grant Application

The above resolution was offered by Koehler, seconded by McCullion, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.

# 135-11

RE: Authorizing The Application For And The Execution Of A Subcontract With The County Of Cape May For The Municipal Alliance Program

The above resolution was offered by McCullion, seconded by Koehler, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.


JUNE 21, 2011

# 136-11

RE: Authorizing City Clerk To Advertise For Bids For Removal, Disposal And Replacement Of Fourteen (14) Existing Windows In The Recreation Center

The above resolution was offered by Ogen, seconded by Bishop, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.

# 137-11

RE: Authorizing Advertisement For Public Bid – Emergency Sewer Repairer Contract

The above resolution was offered by Koehler, seconded by Bishop, the roll being called, all voting in the affirmative, the President of Council declared the resolution duly adopted.


ORDINANCE NO. 1596 - On a motion by Koehler, seconded by Bishop, that Ordinance No. 1596 be placed on its second reading. Carried.

The Clerk read Ordinance No. 1596 by its title, as required by Law, known as “An Ordinance Repealing Ordinance 420.”

This Ordinance has been published according to Law, posted on the City Clerk’s bulletin board with copies available in the City Clerk’s Office on request.

The President of Council stated this was the time and place to hold a public hearing on Ordinance No. 1596 and asked if anyone present had any objections to the passage of this Ordinance.

JIM KOCH, 1301 Surf Avenue, asked if Senior Citizens would be losing their $250 Property Tax Deductions, with Acting Administrator Belasco explaining that the deduction is a state law that is not affected by this ordinance.

The President of Council then asked the Clerk if she had received any objections in writing, the Clerk stated none, the President of Council declared the hearing closed.