/ Digital Society Day 2007 /

R.V.College of Engineering, Bangalore / Conference on Challenges & Vision for National Cyber Security
Venue: Hotel Atria, Bangalore Date: 17th October 2007 /

About the Conference:-

In the Digital Age of today, Cyber Security is a big challenge the world faces. This challenge can be effectively countered only with a well thought out vision. This one day workshop explores the challenges faced by India in the digital age and deliberates on the steps forward. In the past few years we have witnessed unprecedented changes in the way we communicate with each other, do business and govern. This change has also brought on many challenges that need to be urgently addressed. The digital revolution touches every aspect of our lives.

The technical sessions are designed to take a deep dive and propose possible approaches to overcome security problems faced in different industry sectors. The workshop will include Security in the Banking industry, the Compliance, the Services Sector, Security Products, the Public sectors and the Government.

The weakest link in the security of a larger system is the link that determines the security of the system. In the security of the nation the security of the individual smaller systems matter. With the inevitability of Public Private Partnership (PPP) special attention needs to be given to the security of every system that connects to the net.

The workshop will feature prominent personalities representing various interests. The following is a sampling of the planned sessions:

·  Inaugural Session: Tentative speakers include Dr. Abdul Kalam, Mr. Gulshan Rai, Mr Srikumar, IPS

·  Technical Sessions: Broadly divided into Challenges and Vision

o  Challenges:

§  Cyber Security Challenges to the Police

§  National Security issues in Cyber Space

§  E-Commerce

o  Vision:

§  Industry participation in providing solutions

§  e-Governance

§  Cyber Secure World

§  Future Solutions

o  Essay competition winners:

§  There will be presentations by essay competition winners

The workshop will conclude with a panel discussion that focuses on PPP and its security implications.

About the Organisers:- This conference is being jointly organized by Computer Society of India, Bangalore Chapter, Digital Society Foundation of India ,IT Professionals Forum ,India and R.V.College of Engineering, Bangalore.

For further details contact:-

Computer Society of India, Bangalore Chapter,

No.201, MBC, #134, Infantry Road, Bangalore-560001

Tel: 080-2286 0461 Cell: 94489 05268 Telefax: 080-2286 2215


www.csibc.org www.csi-india.org

Organizing Chair / Organizing Chair / Event Chair & Finance Chair / Sponsor Committee
Mr.Iqbal Ahmed
Director, IESUP &
Chairman, CSI-BC
/ Dr.Sateesh Kannegala., Senior IT Expert, IBM Bangalore
C.O.O., Cymphony, Bangalore / Na.Vijayashankar,
Chairman Digital Society of India / Mr.D.Swaminathan,
Chairman, ITPF India

Conference on Challenges & Vision for National Cyber Security

Venue: Hotel Atria, Bangalore Date: 17H , October 2007

Delegate Registration Form

Kindly register the following delegates for the Conference

Sl. No / Name / Designation / Contact No. / E-mail

Organization: ……………………………………………..………………..………………..……………….

Address :………………………………..……………………………..………………..……………………

...... ………………..………………..………………...

Telephone: …………Fax:…………………………e-mail: ......

Registration on first- come - first – serve basis

Particulars / For members ofCSI/PMI/ISACA/MAIT/ACM / Others / Students
Conference / Rs. 2000/- per delegate / Rs. 2500/- per delegate / Rs. 750/- per delegate
Bulk booking (6 to 10 delegates)@Rs. 2000 Per Delegate.
Bulk booking more than10 delegates @Rs. 1750 Per Delegate.

*Students / have to produce their ID card

Payment details:

Cheque / DD No. / Date / Amount / Drawee bank

I am herewith enclosing, Demand Draft / Cheque No. ……………………for Rs………………drawn on ……………………………………………………………… in favour of “Vision Cyber Security-2007 ” , payable at Bangalore and to be mailed to the address given below:

The Chairman, Organising Committee, Signature & Seal

Conference on Challenges & Vision for National Cyber Security

Computer Society of India - Bangalore Chapter

Suit 201, MBC, #134, Infantry Road, Bangalore-560001

Tel: 080-2286 0461 Tele / fax: 080-2286 2215

Email: ; Name and Designation of Signing Authority