Autumn Term

Week Beginning / Theme:
Me, My Life and the Community / Colour / Number / Shape / Role Play Area:
Home corner
Week 1 / Settling
Week 2 / Settling
Week 3 / My family and I / Red / 1 / Circle
Week 4 / Where do I live / Green / 2 / Square
Week 5 / All kinds of people / Blue / 3 / Triangle
Week 6 / People who help us / Reflect on all above / Reflect on all above / Reflect on all above / Diwali
Half Term Activities at Home
Week Beginning / Theme:
Animals / Colour / Number / Shape / Role Play Area:
Week 1 / Farm / Pink / 1 / Circle / Halloween
Week 2 / Zoo / Yellow / 2 / Square
Week 3 / Woodland / Orange / 3 / Triangle
Week 4 / Animals from cold countries / Purple / 1 / Diamond
Week 5 / Pets / Blue / 2 / Rectangle / St Andrew’s Day
Week 6 / Reflect on all of the above / Brown / 3 / Star / Hanukkah

Me, My life and My Community

This theme is covered in the first half term of the new academic year. It is fundamental that this theme is covered in the first six weeks as it is essential for building children’s confidence as they explore new environments, relate to others and develop characteristics of effective learning.

The children will learn about the codes of behaviour and expectations of the setting and they will develop their knowledge, self-esteem and increase their confidence, be able to discuss celebrations and experiences, learn about similarities and differences between themselves, others, families, faiths, culture and traditions.

On the basis of this children will learn and begin to understand ways of life with which they are less acquainted. All these people who look different in many ways are part of our nursery and community, children of every cultural or ethnic background need to develop a secure and positive sense of their own identity. Children will be supported to learn positive attitudes and stereotypes they can challenge.

Children will develop an understanding of how to keep themselves safe from others and encouraged to talk about ways to avoid harming or hurting others. A wide range of feelings will be talked about which will be supported with a story from sign for big feeling ideas will be discussed on what make people feel better when they are sad or angry.

Children will learn about their community and environment through discussion, looking at photos and simple maps, also going out on local visits. This will give children the opportunity to express their opinions on natural and built environments. Children’s vocabulary will be supported and extended with practitioners using appropriate words such as; house, flat, church, temple to help children make distinctions in their observations.