國立台灣師大附中93學年度 高二下學期 期末考 英文科試題

第一部份 非選擇題

I. Listening Comprehension : 10%

Part One Best Response – Choose the best response for what you hear in each question.


(A)A true friend wouldn’t be so appalling.

(B) A true friend wouldn’t be so offhanded.

(C) A true friend would be nagging you about that.

(D) A true friend would always treasure your sincerity.


(A) One meeting a week is too much.

(B) All in favor, raise your hands. Opposed?

(C) Well, our first item of business is the final report on international trading.

(D) Uh, I need to get through this first before we listen to everyone’s comment.


(A) I know it always works well.

(B) I’m trying to cash in on more popularity.

(C) Me, too. I wonder if it has a mind of its own.

(D) I’m glad I can finally dump it. It cost me a fortune.


(A)I know. He blamed his teammates for all his lost games.

(B) Right, he and his wife have raised over $550,000 dollars for cancer research.

(C) But Duncan had made a pledge to his mother that he would graduate from college.

(D)Yeah, he has also been honored as an all-star for both offensive and defensive play.


(A) Yes, Dad. I once lost my footing in the surging water.

(B)Yes, Dad. I’ve worked all day long and feel exhausted.

(C)Yes, Dad. I’ll always be patient whenever you want to talk to me.

(D)Yes, Dad. I will take good care of myself so that you won’t need to worry.

Part Two: Short Passage – After listening to a short passage, choose the best answer for the questions on your test paper.


(A) New Zealand is having more frequent trading business with Asia than ever.

(B) New Zealand has sizable Chinese museums in the downtown area.

(C) New Zealand once belonged to the British Commonwealth.

(D) New Zealanders love to share their life with Chinese.


(A) Chinese people can get very lonely and isolated living there.

(B) Seventy percent of New Zealand’s Chinese population lives there.

(C) There are very few Chinese living in that city.

(D)We can only see westerners in this city.


(A) People who have trouble facing their problems.

(B) People who have as amazing memories as elephants do.

(C) People who know how to adapt objects for use as tools.

(D) People who are quick to respond to any changes in their life.


(A) Players may get obsessed with their school work.

(B) Players may love to communicate abstract ideas too much.

(C) Players may get hooked on them so much that they can’t stop.

(D) Players may spend too much time speculating about their future.


(A) They become brainy.

(B) They get very emotional.

(C) They may become hesitant.

(D) They might get competitive.

II. Studio Classroom: 15%

(A) Choose the most appropriate word or phrase for each question.

  1. What are the major _____ for judging students’ language performance? Language experts say that the assessment should be made according to the students’ performance in the four language skills.


12. Living in a _____ city, you can meet people from many different parts of the world.

(A)competitive(B)regional(C)cosmopolitan (D)sizable

13. When speakingwith a person with a strong accent, sometimes it’s difficult to _____ what he/she says.


14. The actor _____ a large audience with his magnetic stage personality. He caught everyone’s attention.


15. What’s the first item on the _____ of today’s conference?


16. This week, China Airlines is ______flight attendants. It’s said that more than 10,000 people have applied for the position.


17. What on earth is the _____ English words of French, Latin, or Germanic origin? 32%? 49%? Actually, it’s very hard to make that estimate.

(A)distraction from (B)proportion of(C)foundation of(D)addiction to

18. It’s said that the American poet Emily Dickinson is a little _____, sometimes very odd, probably through living so much alone.


19. Students _____ the teachers who are passionate about their teaching. That is,they admire and respect those sorts of teachers.

(A)caterto(B)give creditto(C)adapt to(D)look up to

20 Once you _____ a bad habit, it’s difficult to overcome that addiction even if you want to kick that habit.

(A)cash in on(B)are hooked on(C)hold on (D)look down on

(B)Select the best word from the box that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the pair on the left.

(A)brainy (B)furthermore (C)apparently (D)fundraiser (E)talkative
(AB)refugee (AC)compulsive (AD)expatriate (AE)offhanded (BC)mammal
  1. crocodile : reptile = dolphin : ______
  2. disaster : victim = war : ______
  3. little by little : gradually = in addition : ______
  4. beginner : rookie = smart : ______
  5. offensive : defensive = quiet : ______

III. Grammar: 10%

  1. Mr. White ______in that house since we were little children. They moved to the USA last year.

(A) lived(B) have lived(C) had lived(D) have been living

  1. He ______wash his clothes by hand because his washing machine was out of order.

(A) had no choice but (B) couldn’t help(C) couldn’t choose but to(D) couldn’t help but

  1. At one end is a mouth ______tiny tentacles.

(A)surrounding(B) is surrounded with(C)surrounded by(D) which surrounds with

  1. The corals need ______from wanton destruction.

(A) protecting(B) be protecting(C) be protected(D) being protected

  1. His hard work, ______the persistence in his goal, contributed to his success.

(A) together (B) combined with(C) related to(D) as long as

  1. Please don't leave the newspapers ______around on the floor.

(A) lie(B) lay(C) lain(D) lying

Choose a wrong one. Pay special attention to the words underlined if any.

  1. It is essential that ______.

(A) you take everything you need with you when camping (B) every camper put out the campfire

(C) medicine should put out of children’s reach (D) you avoid doing anything to harm others

33. (A) Bone density can decrease at a rate of 1 to 2 percent a month.

(B) A body that deprives of gravity experiences changes in the distribution of the body fluids.

(C) In 2010, the NSBRI is due to present its findings to NASA.

(D) We have no idea what the conditions in outer space are like.

34.(A) Coral can grow in places blessed by an abundance of sunlight.

(B)Coral reefs provide shelters for a variety of sea life.

(C) The international summer school has students from a wide range of backgrounds.

(D) The seas around Taiwan play host in a dazzle array of coral.

35.(A) A coral polyp has a tube-shaping body.

(B)The electronics division was split off into a free-standing company.

(C)Being an easy-going type of guy, John quickly gained popularity among his colleagues.

(D)May is a strikingly good-looking girl; no wonder, many youngsters in town try to date her.

IV. Cloze Test :(20%)

The beauty of Taiwan comes from its rich mountain forests and sea life, __36__ coral adds an extra splash of color. Coral can be found in many different parts of the sea surrounding Taiwan. A beautiful living creature with a sheer range of colors and types of life, coral feeds mainly on tiny drifting animals or small fish. Immovable __37__ it is, coral is an animal stuck in its way. Coral is precious because it grows slowly and provides a habitat for many other forms of life. However, it is a very delicate creature. Once it’s damaged, the very existence of many other kinds of sea life is placed in __38__ danger. It takes many hundreds of years for degraded coral to recover. Therefore, if one takes part in any sea activity, it’s vital that trash be taken home and __39__ no one touch or break off coral or buy any from seaside vendors. To do so __40__ the reefs. Coral needs to be protected from being destroyed at will.

36. A. which B. with which C. where D. to which

37. A. whether B. as C. what D. how

38. A. grace B. Greece C. grave D. grand

39. A. that B. what C. besides D. which

40. A. runs the risk of B. falls over itself to C. gasps at D. does great harm to

When Christopher Reeve was in a horse-riding competition, his horse halted just as it __41__ jump over a fence. Reeve fell forward and landed headfirst. Suddenly, he was paralyzed from his neck down. When he regained consciousness, his friend, Robin Williams, was imitating a doctor, trying to make him laugh. Reeve’s spirits were high. __42__, he was still alive. Robin and Chris have been friends since they went to a performing arts school, where they were both pursuing a master’s degree in drama. They had promised they would help each other if either of them became successful. ___43__ they would both become famous and that one would need the help of the other so much. However, Reeve was determined not to ask for help. Actually, __44__ being confined to a wheelchair, he was out in public to raise money and call attention to the needs of the disabled. To other people who have suffered injuries similar to __45__ Reeve has, he is a model of courage and resolve.

41. A. was bound to B. was about to C. was willing to D. was likely to

42. A. Above all B. In addition C. After all D. In all

43. A. They have little realized B. They did little realize C. Little did they realize D. Little they realized

44. A. in spite of B. out of C. in addition to D. when it comes to

45. A. these B. those what C. those as D. those that

Someday soon, giant factories may orbit in space. Within these factories, metals, chemicals, and medicines may be made that could not be produced on the ground. And the new products will be inexpensive __46__ those made on earth.

On earth, it is impossible to combine two liquids that have weight differences. Gravity causes the heavier material to __47__ to the bottom. In space, however, there is no gravity, so materials are weightless. They can be blended successfully.

The lack of gravity in space also helps living cells reproduce with greater rapidity. During recent space flight, a group of kidney cells was grown in a lab to produce urokinase. This medicine helps prevent heart attacks. A single __48__ of urokinase made on earth costs $1,000. But in space, the kidney cells can produce __49__ on earth. Therefore, the cost of the medicine was reduced. Scientists expect that other __50__ medicines can be made inexpensively in space.

46. A. than B. compared to C. related to D. refer to

47. A. suck B. soak C. stick D. sink

48. A. dose B. helping C. serving D. piece

49. A. seven times more urokinase than B. the amount of seven times of urokinase

C. as seven times as urokinase D. more seven times of urokinase than

50. A. saving-life B. saving-lived C. life-saving D. life-saved

Cancer kept its title __51.__ the nation’s top killer last year and has been the leading cause of death in the country for 23 years, the Department of Health said yesterday.

Heart diseases, stroke, diabetes, accidents, pneumonia, chronic liver disease, kidney disease, suicide and hypertension rounded out the top ten list in that order, __52.__ the department’s statistics released yesterday.

Significantly, the number of suicides __53.__ steadily, from a rate of 6.24 out of every 100,000 people in 1994 __54__ 15.31 per 1000 people last year, and is expected to get bigger this year. As for the top killer, cancer __55.__ one life in this country every 14 minutes and 27 seconds on average last year. (Adapted from Taipei Times, June 8, 2005)

51. (A) as (B) with (C) of (D) in

52. (A) as a result of (B) in spite of (C) according to (D) contributing to

53. (A) have increased (B) have been increasing

(C) has been increased (D) has been increasing

54. (A) and (B) with (C) some (D) to

55. (A) murdered (B) claimed (C) brought (D) caused

V Reading Comprehension (10%)

For almost a century after Sigmund Freud pioneered psychoanalysis, “talk therapy” was the treatment of choice for many mental diseases. However, advances in neurology, and especially in pharmacology, have called such therapy into question. When psychological and emotional disturbances can be traced to faulty brain chemistry and corrected with a pill, the idea that sitting and talking can treat a problem such as clinical depression might seem outdated.

Robert DeRubeis of the University of Pennsylvania and his colleagues beg to differ, however. They have conducted the largest clinical trial ever designed to compare talk therapy with chemical antidepressants.

The study looked at a relatively modern type of therapy, known as cognitive therapy, which tries to teach people how to change harmful thoughts and beliefs. Patients learn to recognize unrealistically negative thoughts when they occur, and are told how to replace them with more positive ones.

In this study, 240 patients with moderate to severe depression were divided into three groups. One group was treated with cognitive therapy, a second with Paxil, an antidepressant drug, and members of the third group were given placebo pills. (Those in the second and third groups did not know whether their pills were placebos or not.) After 16 weeks of treatment, the results for those on cognitive therapy and drugs were identical. Some 58% had shown perceptible improvement. By contrast, only 25% of those on the placebo improved. That was encouraging. But the really surprising advantage of cognitive therapy is that it seems to keep working even after the therapy sessions are over. A year after treatments ended, only 31% of those who had received it had relapsed into their former state, while 76% of those who had been given antidepressants, and then been taken off them, had done so. Even patients who stayed on antidepressants for the intervening year did not do any better than those who had taken cognitive therapy. (Adapted from The Economist, April 16-22, 2005)

56. Which of the following challenged Freud’s idea of therapy?

(A) Psychoanalysis. (B) Neurology and pharmacology.

(C) Chemistry. (D) Psychological and emotional disturbances.

57. Which of the following is NOT true about cognitive therapy?

(A) It is quite a new kind of talk therapy.

(B) It was adopted in DeRubeis’ experiments.

(C) It teaches the patients to replacenegative thoughts with positive ones.

(D) It has to work with drugs.

58. Which of the following is NOT true about DeRubeis’ study?

(A) It aimed to compare talk therapy with drugs in the treatment of depression.

(B) The patients were divided into three groups.

(C) DeRubeis had done the research by himself.

(D) It took more than one year to do the research.

59. Which of the following is NOT true about the results of DeRubeis’ study?

(A) Talking works better than pills if the lower relapse rate is taken into account.

(B) Paxil works better than placebo pills.

(C) Patients on cognitive therapy have a similar percentage of improvement to those on Paxil.

(D) Placebos do not work at all in treating depression.

60. What does “relapse” probably mean?

(A) To fall ill again. (B) To recover.

(C) To become smaller. (D) To be incurable.

第二部份 非選擇題

I. Vocabulary & Derivatives:20%

  1. Smoking is a potential fire h______d. If the cigarette butt is not properly disposed of, it’s likely to cause a fire.
  2. She had to overcome a lot of o______es to finally make it to drama college.
  3. Christopher Reeve was an a_____ic person; he enjoyedplaying sports, especially hockey and horse-riding.
  4. The Middle East is an oil-rich region that has a cheap and a______t supply of oil.
  5. What the homeless earthquake victims need most at this moment is a place that provides food, s______r and case management.
  6. At Bali’ stunningBirdPark, visitors will find themselves entering a fascinating world of e______c birds from South America, Australia, and Africa.
  7. Halloween is usually associated with ghosts, s______ns, witches, and other scary images.
  8. He climbed up the l______r to clean the fan hanging from the ceiling.
  9. Looking out at the thick snow on the ground, Julia s______red with cold and pulled her coat more tightly around her.
  10. Mr. Robinson painted on the canvas a rabbit’s face with red eyes, stiff w______rs, pink ears, and a cute nose.
  11. He spoke English with such a strong Australian a______t that I couldn't understand a word he was saying.
  12. David was s______ded from school for a week because he attacked another student.
  13. She suffered m______le injuries—broken legs, wounded hips, and bruises all over the body—after jumping out of a fifth floor window.
  14. The police will in______e the cause of the accident, focusing especially on safety issues.
  15. Tokin’s The Lord of the Rings represents an incomparable literary achievement in the r______m of fantasy.
  16. Public speaking is a common source of stress for everyone. To c_____r public speaking fear, keep in mind that you don’t need to be perfect to be a successful speaker.
  17. The area has a high population ______(dense).
  18. It is unfair that rich ______(celebrate) are allowed to hire good lawyers and get off easy.
  19. ______(moist) is essential for keeping your skin fresh and youthful.
  20. There is an increasing ______(tend) for women to have children later in life.

II. Translation: 15%(每格至少二字)

  1. 要從這樣的重傷完全恢復是不可能的。
    to get full such a serious injury.

2. 應徵者一個個依序被要求解釋為什麼要應徵這工作。

The applicants were asked ______to ______why they wanted to apply for the job.

3. 考慮到颱風的來臨我們不去露營。

We don’t go camping in ______of the typhoon.

4. 如果你不依賴你的家庭,你就可以盡情的生活。

If you are ______your family, you can live life ______.

5. 沒有地球大氣的保護,太空人會曝露在太陽強烈的輻射中,使他們冒著罹患癌症的危險。

Without protect them, astronauts can

intense radiation from the sun, leaving them at .

6. 很快適應新環境的人工作上將會很順利。

Those who are quick to ______new circumstances will get along well in their jobs.

7. 出於對環境的關心,我們應該回收所有可再被利用的東西。

We should recycle whatever is reusable ______concerns.

8. 我會中樂透純粹是運氣。

It was ______that I won lottery.

9. 依他的看法,課堂上打瞌睡是不對的。

______, ______is not right.