1. Tarifte eksik olan kısmı tamamlayınız. How to cook pasta:

1. Boil water in a large pan. 2. Add pasta to boiling water. 3. ... 4. Pour it into a colander to drain the water.

5. Melt the butter in the pan and add the pasta. 6. Stir a little and serve immediately.

A) Cook it for ten minutes B) Add sauce on it. C) Grate the cheese. D) Mash potatoes

2. Aylin: Do you want some lemon juice for your soup? Doğa: No, thanks. I don’t want my soup to be ___.

A)  bitter B) salty C) tasty D) sour

3. Mehmet: I want to make some whipped cream for my cake but I don’t have a mixer.

Serra: I don’t have, either.You can … it. A) slice B) grill C) beat D) chop

4. Deniz: How do you cook your fish? Ferhat: I ______it. It doesn’t contain oil and it tastes more delicious because of wood fire.

A) fry B) boil C) dice D) grill

5. Yandaki dizide hangisi bir bakıma grubun dışında kalır? Fry Slice Mixture Peel

A)  Fry B) Slice C) Peel D) Mixture

6. Ömer: Ugh! What is in it? It’s really bitter. Faruk: ___ . I like it this way.

A) Pepper B) Lemon C) Salt D) Mint

7. Nefise: Yes, here is our dinner. Umut : It smells tasty. Altı çizili kelime yerine hangisi gelebilir?

A) spicy B) delicious C) bitter D)sweet

8. Utku : I would like to eat something cold and sweet?

Kaan : What about buying some ice cream?

Utku: ___ Isn’t there some fruit juice in the fridge?

A) That would be great. Let’s go! B) It sounds wonderful. C) OK! I will buy D) I can’t. I’m too tired to do that.

9-11. Sorular aşağıdaki metne göre yapılacaktır.

Stephen King is a best-selling author because most of his books turn into movies and television shows.

Perhaps, he owes it to cheesecake because he eats cheesecake before sitting down to write.

Cheesecake provides energy for his brain, according to him, but it contains fat and sugar.

So, it is a bad choice for a weekly diet.

9. We understand that he is a great writer. Because …

A) he uses his energy just for writing. B) King writes a lot. C) most of his books turn into movies. D) he sells books.

10. Why does Stephen King eat cheesecake before he sits down to write?

A) It contains fat B) It provides energy C) It is bad for health D) It is good for health

11. Cheesecake cointains fat and sugar. Don’t eat too much or ______.

A) you will become a great author like Stephen King. B) it will be bad for your health

C)Stephen King will be happy for you. D) people will not find fat and sugar.

12. Umur wants to make some bread. So, he needs some flour, salt, water and a packet of ___ to bake it.

A) yeast B) eggs C) oven D) bowl

13. Aşağıdaki tarifin basamakları karışık olarak verilmiştir. Doğru sıralamanın olduğu şıkkı bulunuz.

1. Finally pour the mixture into the hot pan. 2. Second mix two eggs in a bowl. 3. First put some oil into a pan and heat it.

4. After that add some cheese and milk. 5. Then add some salt.

A) 1-5-2-3-4 B)3-2-5-4-1 C) 5-4-3-2-1 D) 3-2-1-5-4

14. Aşağıdaki dizide eksik olan yere hangisi gelir?

? Grill Roast Boil

A) Mix B) Freeze C) Stir D) Fry

15- 17. Sorularda boşluklara gelecek ifadeleri seçiniz.

Breakfast provides children with energy and essential nutrients, including iron, calcium and vitamins B and C,

which are necessary for growth, development and good health. A good quality breakfast can provide a child

with up to a third of their daily nutrient needs. Children who don’t eat 1.____ may not take the nutrients

within the rest of the day. Eating breakfast can also 2._____ the risk of overweight and/or obesity, as breakfast is

often replaced by mid-morning snacks that tend to be high in fat, sugar and salt. Skipping breakfast can also

lead to overeating throughout the rest of the day, increasing the risk of becoming 3._____ or obese.

15. Children who don’t eat 1. _____ may not take the nutrients within the rest of the day.

A) dinner B) lunch C) breakfast D) snack

16. Eating breakfast can also 2._____ the risk of overweight and/or obesity.

A) reduce B) increase C) make D) help

17. Eating breakfast can also lead to overeating throughout the rest of the day, increasing the risk of becoming 3. _____ or obese.

A) healthy B) obese C) overweight D) fit

18-Don’t forget to ______the oranges before eating them because my mother didn’t wash them.

a.peel b.fry c.chop d.wash

19. Asude shouldn’t ______potatoes because boiling is healthier. a.dice b.fry c.grill d. slice

20. If you want to cook pasta, first ______the water. a. boil b. Slice c.heat d.slice

21. Rabia should ______potatoes well before her baby eats . a.fry b.grill c.mash d. peel

22. ______some cucumber, tomatoes then put them in a bowl. a.grill b.cook c.peel d. fry

23. Ece can ______cheese and add it to salad. It looks better a.boil b.chop c.eat d. grill

24. You should ______the bread thinly. a.dice b.mash c.slice d.peel

25. cut something into very thin pieces a.chop b.peel c.dice d.slice

26. Yusuf should _____ the sauce with a wooden spoon till it boils. a.dice b.stir c.add d.mash

27.Lemon is …………… a.sweet b.salty c.sour d.bitter

28. Knead the ……………… a.butter b.dough c.eggs d.oven

29.Pre-heat the …………….. a.oven b.carrots c.salty d.carrots

30. Tarık : What is your favorite snack? Beyza : It is ………………….. . a.delicious b. ingredients c. lasagna d healthy

31. My mother needs some …………………... to make a cake. a.tea b.pasta c.sugar d.salt

32. When you arrive home in the evenings, ……………………………….

a.you get up early. b.you like tea in breakfast. c.You have a big breakfast. d.You have dinner with your family.

33. I don’t eat toast but ……………………………….….

a.I like eating pilaf. b.I never drink milk.

c.I hate drinking tea. d.I always go to bed early.

34. Kabuli Palaw is an Afghan dish. It ………………….steamed rice with lentils, carrots and lamb. a.boils b.consists of c.contain d.add

35. A ……………… consists of bread, butter and vegetable. a.toast b.salad c. pasta d.cake

36. Uygun gelmeyen seçeneği işaretleyiniz People can cook food in different ways. They can ………………… it. a.bake b.boil c.grill d.eat

37. Hülya: Let’s make a pizza, buddy.

Uğur: Ok. Good idea. What do we need ?

Hülya: We need a carrot, some cabbage, a green pepper, a tomato, an onion, some cheese, some oil, some sugar, a little salt and some pasta.

Yukarıdaki diyalogda altı çizili malzemelerden kaç tanesi yanlıştır? a.1 b.2 c.3 d.4

38. I love eating fruit so …………………….… . a.I don’t eat any fruits b.I hate bananas and apples c.eat bananas and apples every day d.I eat vegetables

39. Teachers …………………..….. tea and a small breakfast at school in the mornings. a. aren’t have b.have c. don’t eat d. Eat

40. Do you like baked or fried fish? a.Yes, I do b.No, I don’t c. I like baked fish d. I don’t like grilled fish.

41. I never eat pizza because …………………………….. . a.It is very healthy b. I dislike it c. I really like it d. I love it

42. Karışık verilen kelimelerden kurallı bir cümle yaparsak doğru sıralamanın verildiği seçenek hangisidir?

to make / doesn’t / know / a pizza / my mother / how

1 2 3 4 5 6 a.5-3-6-2-1-4 b. 5-2-3-4-6-1 c. 5-2-3-6-1-4 d. 5-2-3-4-6-1

43. My mother is in the kitchen, she is …………………………… . a.sleeping b.making Beshbarmak for us c.fixing my bike d.cleaning her shoes

44. ______foods, such as peppers, sometimes trigger allergic reactions. a.salty b.spicy c.sour d.tasty

45.Turkish people have sweet ______. They like desserts very much. a) tongue b) food c) foot d) tooth
46. ______is made by interleaving layers of pasta with layers of sauce. It is a traditional Italian food. a) lasagna b) sea food c) orzo d) chips

47. There are ______sites everywhere; by the beaches, in the parks and in the backyards of people’s homes. People like getting together with family and friends and grill steak and fish. a) seafood b) restaurant c) barbeque d) traditional

48. To make macaroni, you should ...... some water in a large pot ...... You should add some salt.

A) drink / and then B) boil / after that C) taste / finally D) blend / because

49. Add diced yellow onion, ...... frequently until it gets brown and soft about five minutes over low heat.

A) slice B) snack C) chop D) stir

50. Children love ...... If you ask them, they want either ...... or ......

A) junk food / chocolate / spinach B) healthy food / candies / jellies C) fast food / burger / pizza D) vegetables / crisps / coconut

51. Everybody knows that ...... is heavy, greasy and unhealthy. A) fried food B) boiled food C) healthy food D) vegetables

52.. Aşağıda boşluk için doğru olmayan kelimeyi işaretleyiniz.

Alberto’s favourite dish is roast chicken with ...... potatoes. A) fried B) boiled C) beaten D) mashed

53. Aşağıda karışık olarak verilen cümlelerin anlamlı biçimde sıralandığı seçeneği işaretleyiniz.

1. Then put cheese on the other piece of bread, put jam on the cheese.

2. My favourite sandwich is jam and cheese.

3. Finally, you can eat your delicious sandwich.

4. To make it, first you get two pieces of bread, put butter on a piece of bread.

5. After that put one piece of bread on the other piece of bread.

A) 3 / 2 / 4 / 5 / 2 B) 2 / 1 / 5 / 4 / 3 C) 2 / 4 / 1 / 5 / 3 D) 3 / 5 / 2 / 1 / 4

54. Aşağıda karışık olarak verilen cümlelerin anlamlı biçimde sıralandığı seçeneği işaretleyiniz.

1. Bon Appetit!

2. Then cook the fish about four minutes a side until it is ready to eat.

3. I prefer fried fish. It’s my favourite.

4. To do this, firstly you should heat the pan.

A) 2 / 1 / 3 / 4 B) 3 / 2 / 4 / 1 C) 2 / 4 / 1/ 3 D) 3 / 4 / 2 / 1

55...... is fun! At least it should be! An entertaining journey among the vegetables, meat, herbs and spice. Sounds fantastic.

A) Cooking B) Cycling C) Peeling D) Boiling

56. I prefer ...... tea on cold winter days. A) to having B) to drinking C) having D) drink

57. I don’t prefer ...... fast food but my boyfriend loves it. We always quarrel about that.

A) eating B) to eating C) have D) to having

58. Add tomato sauce and ...... an hour and a half , add water if necessary.

A) pour B) taste C) slice D) cook

59. I put some ...... and ...... on the gril. Cooking vegetables this way is healthier.

A) tomatoes / corn B) fish / onion C) chichken / pepper D) meat / corn

60. If you have a balanced diet, you’ll feel ......

A) exhausted B) tired C) terrible D) energetic

61. Finally, the ...... came out of the oven and we shared it.

A) fruit B) kitchen C) pizza D) bakery

62. …………………… is some people’s occupation and some people’s hobby.

a.cooking b.cook c.cooks d.cooker

63.cutting the food into small squares a.slice b.dice c.peel d.chop

64.cooking the food in a very hot oil a.boil b.grill c.mash d.fry

65.cutting the food into very small pieces a.dice b.slice c.dice d.cut