Armstrong HS Drum Major Commands
Most commands take a total of nine (9) beats. Think of two (2) measures of music (4/4 time) plus a beat. All commands are preceded by four (4) claps. (First measure) The claps give the tempo (speed) of command. The command is given (in tempo) after the four (4) claps. (Second measure) With a couple exceptions, the command takes three (3) beats; the fourth beat is the prep and the command is executed on the following beat one (1).
Clap, Clap, Clap, Clap | Band, Ten, Hut, (prep)| (hit)
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Attention command:
Coming to attention is a two-part move for the band. The numbers will be said by the band.
Clap, Clap, Clap, Clap| Band, Ten, Hut, (One)| (Two)
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Parade rest command:
Going to parade rest is a one-part move for the band. The drum major is the only person speaking.
Clap, Clap, Clap, Clap| Band, Parade, Rest, And | Hit
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Mark Time Command:
This is a two-part move for the band. The left foot comes up on “and”; it comes down or steps off on the next beat. This command is only given from the attention position.
Clap, Clap, Clap, Clap| Mark, Time, Mark, And | (mark or step)
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Movement commands (forward/backward):
The words “forward” and “backward” take up two (2) beats. This command can be given while marking time or from the attention position. If the band only moves forward (parades, etc.), the word “ready” can be used instead of “forward”.
Clap, Clap, Clap, Clap| Forward…… Move, And | (step)
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Horns up/down:
This command can be given while marking time or from the attention position.
Clap, Clap, Clap, Clap| Band, Horns, Up, And | (horns up or down)
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Dressing lines commands (right/left):
This command is followed by the command, “ready front”, after the lines are dressed. The word “ready” takes up two beats. This command is only given from the attention position.
Clap, Clap, Clap, Clap| Dress, Right, Dress, And | (heads move, lines dressed)
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Clap, Clap, Clap, Clap | Ready….. Front, And | (heads move to front)
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Turn commands:
Turn commands have a slightly different rhythm. The vocal command for the turn gives the direction and number of beats for the turn. It is preceded by four (4) claps as usual. This command can be given while marking time or from the attention position.
Four-count Turn to the Right (rest)|Ready…………… Move, And | (step)
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