Commish Corner – Fall Season Week 7

Top News and Questions

  1. We expected some close competition between the 19+ and elite divisions, and they delivered. All three elite divisions teams won, but not by much. Ninja beat the talented Sharks by just 4 points, while the LittleLeaguers survived double overtime to knock off the Tridents!!!
  1. Money beat the Elders to grab the 5th seed in the Elite Division playoffs!
  1. The RimWreckers gained their first win of the season as they beat the Killers!
  1. John Wall is already making history:
  1. Biggest Scoring Margin of the Week:Angels over the Wolves by 40 points.
  2. Nail Biter of the Week:FullThrottle edges out Hustle by just 3 points!

Top Games for Week Quarters Week:

  1. Angels vs. Lightning: This exhibition game could very well be a preview of the women’s championship. They’ve matched up twice this season and split, although the Lightning won in more commanding fashion.
  2. Maximus vs. KodeRed: In another playoff tune-up game, we see two 5 win teams face off. Both of these teams have demonstrated the ability to win games on the defensive end or the offensive end, and both teams finished the season red hot.
  3. FullThrottle vs. Supermen:Two of the highest scoring teams in the league match up. One of these two teams could be your A division champions.

FanCam! Halloween at Legends!


Men’s Game of the Week – LittleLeaguers vs. Tridents

With playoff seeding in mind, these two teams fought in an intense double overtime interdivision match with the LittleLeaguers prevailing. Defense was the story of the night. Despite going into double overtime, the final line was just 57-49. The LittleLeaguers were playing for 6th place in the elite division, while the Tridents had their eyes on 2nd in the 19+ division. The Tridents featured a very balanced offensive attack, but lacked the killer instinct when push came to shove. The LittleLeaguers got a monster night out of Crowder with 24 points, while Stanos pitched in 15. They stepped up their game to extend a winning streak to three games for the LittleLeaguers.

Ladies Game of the Week – Angels vs. Wolves

The Angels wasted no time in this game defeating the Wolves by 40 points in a 65-25 blowout. Wilkinson led the assault with 20 points, while Barkalow and Huley combined for 29.

1)Men’s Legend of the Week –Art (Mr. Married Man) Crowder - Even though his lady was not in the packed stands, (married, so of course she no longer comes to games!) Crowder had a huge performance, scoring 24 points to lead his team to victory in double overtime.

Other Stars in No Particular Order:

2)Thys/Powers (Blades) - The power duo of Thys and Powers scored 23 and 22 points respectively to lead the Blades to a 14 point win over the 19+ team PowerHouse. That kind of duel threat is going to cause a lot of headaches for teams in the elite division playoffs!!!

3)Chewning (RimWreckers) – Chewning scored 20 points to lead the RimWreckers to their first win of the season!

The dunk that never was!

4)L. Hay and Martinez (Ninja) – Scored 21 and 20 points respectively to overcome the top 19+ team Sharks by a slim four point margin.

5)Bottelson (Hustle) – Scored a legends week high 29 points and almost single-handedly beat FullThrottle. He came up just short as the Hustle lost by 3 points.

Ladies Co-Legends of the Week – Entire Angels team

Wilkinson tallied 20 points, Barkalow 15, and Huley 14. While impressive, the rest of the team also accounted for 16 points. Their offense is very dynamic. On any given night, a new person can step up and lead the way. Yet, one of the keys to the team is balance. They attack you from all angles.

Angels on the attack! Will anyone stop them from repeating?!

Other Stars in No Particular Order:

1)Peak (Wolves) – Despite losing by 40 points, Peak managed to score 12 points. With a 1-6 record, her team is going to rely heavily on her throughout the playoffs.


Maximus / After getting swept in week 4, Maximus went on a 3 game winning streak to end the season in 2nd place in the A/B division. In doing so, they earned a first round bye.
Khanmen / In Week 6, they were limited to 37 points by the Hoosiers. Likewise, CACI held them to 36 in week 7. Those types of offensive numbers will lead to an early exit in the playoffs.
Hoosiers / After looking dominate in week 6, the 2-5 Pounders came and beat them up, limiting them to just 41 points. This team is cannot shed the question marks surrounding it. Are they as good as the 6-2 record suggests, or are they a fluke?
MagnumForce / Off week. This team has talent, and they need to bring it in next week against Money in the opening round of the elite division playoffs.
Sharks / The Sharks lost to Ninja in an interdivision matchup against, but they looked every bit like an elite division team. Gogg and Ghods matched L. Hay and Martinez step for step.
Hustle / This team keeps fighting despite the absurd amount of close losses they’ve suffered this year. They are 1-6, but average losing by less than 4 points a game. Bottelson scored a legends high 29 points for the week.
HoundDogs / Off week. One of the more intriguing teams to watch in the playoffs. They are a sleeper to win the A/B division. The key will be their defensive play, as they can outscore anyone.
Terminators / Off week. Winless on the season, the Terminators start the playoffs against the Pounders. If they want to stun the league, they’ll need a quick turnaround after losing by 15 to the Pounders earlier this year.
Thangs / Off week. Thangs finished the season in first place in the B division. They have a bye week for the first round, but play in two two tough tune-up games. I’m sure they’ll be paying attention, because they could face one of those opponents in the championship.
Blades / See above. They finished the season in second place in the elite division. Set to face the Elders in the opening round. Mission: Stop Rice.
Supermen / Off week. Undefeated on the season. They start their A division playoff run on a bye. Tune-up match this week against FullThrottle will be good practice after the off week.
Spartans / Off week. Undefeated in the elite division. The Spartans are a very dominant team. They start their second season off against the RimWreckers.
Tridents / See above. This team has been battle tested to the max this season. They own a 3-4 record, but don’t count them out in the 19+ division playoffs.
FullThrottle / Balanced offense was again the story for FullThrottle. They could not figure out what to do with Bottelson though. Luckily they outscored him. Once the playoffs start, they have to be able to keep the opposing team’s best player in check.
StrongArms / Off week. They finished the season strong securing the 3 spot in the A division. They get the playoffs started against the Killers next week.
Ninja / Ninja looked fantastic in their matchup against the very talented Sharks. L. Hay, Martinez, and Matthews accounted for 51 points! This team has high hopes for the elite division playoffs.
Money / Beating the Elders earned them 5th place in the elite division. This was huge, because for one week at least they avoid the Spartans, Blades, and Ninja.
Elders / For what seems like the first time this season, Rice was held under 20 points! This team relies heavily on Rice’s production, and the playoffs will be no different. It should be noted that Dirkse did manage 12 points in the loss.
LittleLeaguers / See above. To increase their streak to 4, they’ll have to beat an excellent Ninja team.
Killers / The Killers almost upset Supermen in week 6, and then lost to RimWreckers in week 7. They face off against the StrongArms in the opening round of the playoffs. Which team will we see?
Zephyrs / Off week. At one point, Zephyrs was tops of the A/B division at 3-0. They finished 3-3. Not the way they imagined entering the playoffs. If they hope to avoid an early exit from the playoffs they must get past a GreyThunder team that is not pushover.
KodeRed / Off week. They played fantastic this season, earning first place in the A/B division, a bye, and a tuneup match against Maximus. They have their eyes on a strong playoff run.
Kryptonite / Off week. Kryptonite opens the A division playoffs against the Hustle. Despite this seemingly favorable matchup, they will be done early if they overlook it. This team has trouble finishing games out.
Pounders / The Pounder scored 13 points more than their season average to beat the 1 loss Hoosiers! It’s too early to tell, but could this team have something going? Schimmel scored 19 points in the match.
CACI / For the first time in a few weeks, CACI took care of business and beat the Khanmen. Depsite the win, they only scored 42 points. They play one of the tougher teams in the A/B division as they open things up against the HoundDogs.
Powerhouse / PowerHouse’s defense wasn’t quite hot in week 7, but that is understandable considering they were playing the Blades. This team can put up some points, and is definitely talented enough to win a playoff matchup.
GreyThunder / After playing KodeRed very well, they played Maximus horrible. This team must get back to the drawing board quickly before their playoff matchup against the Zephyrs.
RimWreckers / The RimWreckers won their first game of the season beating the Killers! Chewning and Niethamer combined for 36 points. To make it to 2 wins, they’ll have to beat the undefeated Spartans.
Sybase / Off week. Consistency will be key in the playoffs. They play the first place Sharks in a tune-up match next week.
Lightning(women’s league) / Off week. After their exciting double overtime victory in week 6, the Lightning matchup against the Angels in an exhibition game that has future women’s championship game written all over it.
Wolves(women’s league) / See above. The Wolves lost to the Angels for the second straight week. They more than double their losing margin in week 7 losing by 40 versus 14 the week before. They get an exhibition game against the Thunder in week 8. They have a lot to work on in it.
(women’s league) / See above. They finished first in the women’s division, but the Lightning are in their minds.
Thunder(women’s league) / Off week. This team lost a hard fought match in double overtime in week 6. They are playing much better basketball, and need to work on continuing that trend next week against the Wolves before the playoffs start.

Story by Anonymous.

Pictures courtesy “The Commish”