General RNLL– AVLL–LBLLInter-League Regular Season Rules Spring2018


InterleaguegamestotakeplacebetweenRNLL, AVLLandLBLLinthefollowingdivisions:Intermediate Interleague games to take place between RNLL and LBLL in the following divisions: AAA and AA

  • Home field provides field prep, regardless of home team
  • Home team provides umpires, regardless of home field
  • Infieldwarmupis30minbeforegame,10mineach,visitorfirst,nobattingpractice30minbeforegame
  • Only2coachesand1managerindugout
  • Wedonotadopt9.01DNote
  • ContinuousBattingOrderwillbeutilized for all divisions
  • NometalCleatsallowed
  • NosunflowerseedsonRNLLfields,AVLLandLBLLallowssunflowerseeds
  • We ARE adopting 6.02(c)



  • NOdroppedthirdstrike
  • NOInfieldFlyRule
  • NO10runMercyRule


  • 9Defensivenon-consecutive outs,1atbat(GreenBookplus3defensiveouts)for6inninggame/CBO


  • Until the end of Spring Break on April 8th, home plate will be closed. Runners will not be allowed to advance past third base unless on a batted ball in play. If there is a runner on any base or the bases are empty, and a ball is batted in play that runner may advance through home until the play has ended. Once the play has ended, runners may not advance past third until the ball is hit. For example, runners may not steal home.
  • After Spring Break, April 8th, home plate will be open.


  • Only3outfieldersallowed


  • RNLLfields -At1hour45minutes,theexistingfullinningshallbefinished,andthenextfullinningisfinal.Ineachinningpriortothelastinningtherewillbea5-runlimitperinning.Atotalofmorethanfive
  • (5)runsforaninningshallbecountedintheeventofanover-the-fencehomerun.Thefinalinningshallbeunlimitedruns.Otherthanthe5-runperinninglimit,theMercyRuleisnotineffect.
  • LBLL–duetoLBLLlightconstraints,nonewinningafter1:45minutes,Lastinningwillbecalledat1:30onLBLLfields


  • 50 pitch maximum, green book pitch counts, and days’ rest still apply. Pitcher can finish batter if 50 pitch count is reached.

Name / Team / Phone / Email
Kevin Nicholson / RNLL Padres / (949) 378-9911 /
Mark Redding / RNLL Redsox / (949) 249-7769 /
Jeff Dewees / RNLL Angels / (949) 481-0343 /
Adam Leibovitz / RNLL Dodgers / (949)448-9444 /
Bill Flynn / McKenna BMW / (949) 463-9841 /
Casey Frey / Lumberyard / (347) 276-7879 /
Steve Hurst / Southland Eye / (949) 306-5253 /
Erwan de Quillien / MJ Group / (646) 334-8798 /
Brian Vellmure / Bialetti / (949) 680-5237 /
Ed Paz / LBLL / (949) 355-5512 /



  • NOdroppedthirdstrike
  • InfieldFlyRuleapplies
  • No10runMercyRule


  • 9Defensivenon-consecutiveouts,1atbat(GreenBookplus3defensiveouts)for6inninggame/CBO


  • RNLLfields -At2hours,theexistingfullinningshall befinished,andthenext fullinningisfinal.Ineachinningpriortothelastinningtherewillbea5-runlimit perinning.Atotalofmorethanfive(5)runsforaninningshallbecountedintheeventofanover-the-fencehomerun.Thefinalinning shallbeunlimitedruns. Otherthanthe5-runperinninglimit,theMercyRuleisnotineffect.
  • LBLL–duetoLBLLlightconstraints,nonewinningafter1:45minutes,Lastinningwillbecalledat1:30onLBLLfields

Name / Team / Phone / Email
Jared Colcord / RNLL Astros / (949) 374-1570 /
DarinGibson / RNLLReds / (949)933-5738 /
Andrew Gray / RNLL Cubs / (714) 313-5702 /
ChrisSirianni / Villa / (949) 395-8408 /
Ed Paz / McKenna Porsche / (949) 355-5512 /
Rob Engstrom
Preston / Payoff / (949) 702.4348 /
Preston Thomson / Elev8 / (949) 923-8943 /
Stu Jones / CBA / (949)285-7257 /
Lee Novick / LBLL / (714) 378-0333 /
Tony Erenyi / RNLL / (949) 510-5689 /



  • RNLLfields -At2hoursand15minutesfromthestartofthegame,theexistinginningshallbefinished,andthefollowinginningshallbeplayedasthefinalinning(e.g.at2hoursand15minuteswhenthegameisinthe5thinning,the5thinningshallbefinished andthe6thinningwillbeplayedasthefinalinning).Thesetimerestrictionsdonotapplyduringweekendsorplayoffs.
  • LBLLfields–Nonewinningafter2:00,ifgamescheduledafter.Ifnogameafter,thennotimelimitbut,gamemustendby9:40,nonewinningafter9:20

Name / Team / Phone / Email
TonyErenyi / RNLLIndians / (949)510-5689 /
MattWebb / RNLLDiamondbacks / (949)742-2868 /
JeremyFranzini / RNLLPadres / (949)246-1459 /
Eric Setlich / RNLL A’s / (949) 309-0084 /
Jarren Gonzales / Gapp Construction / (949) 395-8864 /
Paul Machin / VFW / (949) 395-7510 /
Sean Murray / Hobie / (415) 717-0552 /
Jayson Rowley / Rotary / (949)257-3185 /
Eric Cordoniz / AVLL Dodgers / (949) 697-5660 /
Mud-Line / CityofLagunaNiguel / (949)362-4351
Mud-Line / Laguna Beach / Check
Mud Line / City of Aliso Viejo / (949) 243-7410
Stu Jones / LBLL / (949)285-7257 /
Ron Desormiers / RNLL / (949( 230-6236 /
Chuck Alderman / AVLL /