Record Format Document


Copyright Xoserve 2014©, all rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form (including photocopying and restoring in any medium or electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally) without the written permission of Xoserve except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1998.

Author: / Xoserve
Owner: / Xoserve
Version: / 2
Status: / For Approval
Date: / 14-Oct-2014

Version Control

Version / COR / Issue Date / Implementation Date / Summary of Change
1 / Current live version
2 / 1154 / 14-Oct-2014 / 1-Oct-2015 / File issued for representation


Note 1
OPT - Optional/Mandatory (O - Optional, M - Mandatory)
DOM - Domain (T - text, N - Numeric, D - Date (YYYYMMDD), M - Timestamp)
LNG - Number of characters
DEC - Number of decimal places
Note 2
All text fields will be enclosed in double quotes ("")

Record Type Definition

TRANSACTION_TYPE / M / T / 3 / 0 / A code identifying the type of request that this record represents. Value:X98
METER_POINT_REFERENCE SUPPLY_METER_POINT / M / N / 10 / 0 / DEFINITION: A uniqueidentifier for the point at which a meter is, has been or will be connected to the gas network. These references are less volatile than meter or service identifiers and do not change if the meter is replaced or the service is relayed to the same position.New Supply Meter Point References will only be created for new services or when a service is relayed to a different position. This field will be populated with the information provided in the input file.
METER_SERIAL_NUMBER / O / T / 14 / 0 / DEFINITION: The manufacturers meter serial number. This field will be populated with the information provided in the input file.
POSTCODE_OUTCODE / M / T / 4 / 0 / Standard PAF outcode as defined in the PAF digest. This field will be populated with the information provided in the input file.
POSTCODE_INCODE / M / T / 4 / 0 / Standard PAF incode as defined in the PAF digest. This field will be populated with the information provided in the input file.
SHIPPER_SHORT_CODE / M / T / 3 / 0 / This field identifies the 3 digit unique shipper short code.Organisation Short Code of the
Shipper organisation e.g. ABC This field will be populated with theinformation provided in the input file.
SUPPLIER_SHORT_CODE / M / T / 3 / 0 / Supplier code for the supply meter point. Organisation Short Code
of the Supplier organisation
e.g. ABC This field will be populated with the information provided in the input file.
UNREGISTERED_FLAG / O / T / 1 / 0 / Will be populated if the criteria is met
Allowable value: Y – report criteria met.
SHIPPERLESS_FLAG / O / T / 1 / 0 / Will be populated if the criterion is met.
Allowable value: Y – report criteria met.
MPRNSMP_UNRECOGNISED_FLAG / O / T / 1 / 0 / Will be populated ifthe criterion is met.
Allowable value: Y – report criteria met.
PORTFOLIOS_FLAG / O / T / 1 / 0 / Will be populated if the criterion is met.
Allowable value: Y – report criteria met.
DEAD_OR_EXTINCT_MPRNSMP_FLAG / O / T / 1 / 0 / Will be populatedif the criterion is met.
Allowable value: Y – Supply Meter Point status on UK Link system is Dead or Extinct
COMMENTS / O / T / 200 / 0 / This field describes any additional information which Transporter wants to communicate to Shipper.
Total / 246

RT_X98_SHIPPER_SUPPLY_PORTFOLIO_OUTPUTPage 1 of 4 Issue Date: 14-Oct-2014

Version: 21 For ApprovalImplementationDate: 1-Oct-2015