Alabama Association of Nursing Students
Executive Board Meeting, December 15th, 2017
Conference Call
1. Call to Order: The monthly meeting of the Executive Board was called to order at1600 by Jennifer Hernandez, President.
2. Roll Call: Called by Monica Hill, Secretary
Those Present:
President – Jennifer Hernandez
Vice President - Carter McDonald
Secretary - Monica Hill
Treasurer - Rebecca Stillwell-Miller
Communications Director - Kiana Simmons
Community Health Director - Chanita Dale
Director of North - Marissa Walker
Director of South - Emma D Goodwin
Legislative Chair - Carl Dewayne Henderson Jr
Breakthrough to Nursing Director - Khaleah Monger
Quorum: Jennifer Hernandez, President, declared a quorum present.
3. Minutes:The minutes from the November 17th, 2017 executive board minutes were distributed and read.
Motion: It was moved and seconded to accept the minutes of the November 17th, 2017 executive board meeting
Submitted by: Jennifer Hernandez, President. Seconded by: Rebecca Stillwell-Miller.No objections made. Action: Carried.
4. Report of the Treasurer: The report was given by Rebecca Stillwell-Miller and a written report was distributed and isattached to the minutes. Highlights of the report included:
a)Account balances: Checking account $25,118.16; Savings account: none Reserve investment account: tabled until January’s meeting.
b)There arenooutstanding bills.
c)The budget for next year was tabled until January’s meeting.
Motion:It was moved and seconded to accept the report of the treasurer.
Submitted by:Rebecca Stillwell-Miller. Seconded by:Carl Dewayne Henderson Jr.No objections made. Action: Carried.
5. Reports from officers and committee chairs:
- President – Jennifer Hernandez
- Emailed Dr. Dean Adam’s Secretary, waiting on the new year for available dates
- Officer Reports
- Emailed out
- Membership Report
- Virginia College and Drake State starting up chapters
- Vice President - Carter McDonald
- T-Shirts
- Leadership theme ideas
- BrianBuchmann contacted, willing to speak at Leadership conference.
- Fredrick Richardson, willing to speak at Leadership conference.
- Secretary - Monica Hill
- October minutes sent November 21, 2017
- Treasurer - Rebecca Stillwell-Miller
- Goal is to work toward determining a reasonable reserve budget.
- Communications Director - Kiana Simmons
- Business Cards – picture will be shared with group and voted on via Survey Monkey
- Local chapter is willing to sell T-shirts, try to sell at local chapter prior to selling on website in order to prevent overselling of shirts.
- Community Health Director - Chanita Dale
- Jan 4, 2018 hosting Blood Drive at Fayette Civic Center
- Director of North - Marissa Walker
- Create an e-mail draft that can be mass forwarded to all nursing accredited schools
- Director of South - Emma D Goodwin
- Goal is to contact schools letting them know we are here to support them if they want to start a chapter. Draft emails to send out to give information and allow the to request a board member to visit their school to speak to them.
- Legislative Chair - Carl Dewayne Henderson Jr
- Conference Call with Mr. Ziegler and Mr. Osler 12/14/17
- Became member of the Health Policy and Advocacy Committee.
- Will keep us updated on Nurses Day on the Capital (may not participate this year)
- Breakthrough to Nursing Director - Khaleah Monger
- List of nursing schools in state of Alabama to send out newsletters at beginning of each month. Wants to send out an informational newsletter in January about the board, members, and goals.
6. Unfinished Business:
- Approve Operating Budget for fiscal year
- Determine reserve fund separate from operating budget in case of financial distress to the organization
- Business Cards – picture to view and vote on in survey monkey
- Uniforms/Name Badges – embroidered polo shirt, button down dress shirt
- Kianna Simons and Rebecca Stillwell-Miller will work on design of shirt and name badge
Motion: It was moved and seconded for AANS Executive Board to purchase a shirt and name badge per popular vote on design to not exceed more than $50.00.
Submitted by: Jennifer Hernandez, President. Seconded by Rebecca Stillwell-Miller. No objections made. Action: Carried
- Determine what NSNA Awards we will be working towards
- Midyear Conference as a requirement in pre-slate packet to run for President
Motion: It was moved and seconded to require in the pre-slate packet for AANS President to attend the NSNA Midyear Conference COSP, and will be state funded if school funding is not available.
Submitted by: Jennifer Hernandez, President. Seconded by Rebecca Stillwell-Miller. No objections made. Action: Carried
- Leadership Summit
- Need to develop a theme/objectives
- No Nursing Student Left Behind – A Unified Front (Speaker possibly adopting as speech/workshop or panel of the Board as to what it’s like to run for office)
- The Leadership Epidemic
- Lead from Where You Are
- Commitment to Excellence
Motion: It was moved and seconded to adopt the theme Lead from Where You Are for the Leadership Summit.
Submitted by: Jennifer Hernandez, President. Seconded by Carl Dewayne Henderson Jr. No objections made. Action: Carried
- Hospital sponsors
- Reach out to Huntsville Hospital/Crestwood
- Free vendor spot/promotion in Summit
- 50% off or $500 vendor fee if provide “goodies” for goody bags, sponsor food
- Recruitment opportunity for hospitals
- Call schools to speak during their class periods or chapter meetings
- Virginia College and Drake State
- Director North/South start contacting schools with field visit dates
- Create an e-mail draft that can be mass forwarded to all nursing accredited schools
- Provide NCLEX prep
- Hurst and Kaplan(have one, not both that do a prep workshop)
- Date
- Saturday, early to mid-March is more likely
- Avoid St. Patrick’s Day/Spring Break/NSNA Annual
- Waiting till the beginning of the new school year
- Location
- University of Alabama in Huntsville
- Speakers
- Brian Buchmann from Huntsville Hospital
- Fredrick Richardson, UAH graduate from BSN program
- Food
- May include food fee with the registration fee
- Panera – Breakfast
- Complementary food bar
- Chick-fil-A, sandwich type, Publix, Sam’s Club
- Send out invitations to HOSA and pre-nursing students
- Registration Cost
- Discount for HOSA students/pre-nursing
- Discount for Community Service Project Donations or Award for most donations
- Determine cost if convention
Motion: It was moved and seconded to set individual rate as $35 and group rate (5+) at $30
Submitted by: Jennifer Hernandez, President. Seconded by Marissa Walker. No objections made. Action: Carried
7. New Business:
- Plan tentative future meeting
- Membership List
- Total Membership
- UAH just established total membership of NSNA through tuition
- Webpage updates
- NSNA membership video
- AANS Annual Convention
Motion: It was moved and seconded to host the Annual AANS Conference separate from ASNA to promote a more student focused convention.
Submitted by: Jennifer Hernandez, President. Seconded by Monica Hill. No objections made. Action: Carried
- Alabama Nurse newspaper quarterly Jan. 15th deadline
8. Next Meeting: The next meeting will take place in conference call, onJanuary 12, 2018 at4:00pm on Zoom.
9. Announcements:Need to know who is graduating in the spring.
- Marissa Walker
- Rebecca Stillwell-Miller
- Emma Goodwin
10. Adjournment: Jennifer Hernandez, President, has declared the meeting of the executive board to be adjourned at1748 and will reconvene on January 12, 2018.
Jennifer Hernandez, President Monica Hill, Secretary