Carolina Beach Marketing Advisory Committee
Minutes for June 28th, 2016
The committee met at 2:30 pm in the Town Council Room located at 1121 N. Lake Park Boulevard, Carolina Beach, NC 28428
Called to order 2:30 by James Allen
Committee members present: James Allen,Miles Bielec, Jeff Hogan
Non Committee Members: Hannah Almeter, Councilmember Steve Shuttleworth, Mayor Dan Wilcox, Shawn Braden, Kim Hufham, Reps from Clean Design & French, West, Vaughan
New MAC Members Attended: Amy Hooker-Kidd & Christine Higgins
New Business
Committee did not have quorum to approve minutes from May 31st
CVB: Shawn Braden presented ROT Collections
Old Business
FY 15/16 Marketing Results Review:
Clean Design: Paid Media
-overview of digital creative
-geographic footprint
-FY 15/16 - $214,765 spent on media – 84% e-specials
-spending up from last year
-results are through May of 2016/Do not yet have June’s results
-overview of online media mix
-spend & inquiries
-spent more on marketing techniques that cannot produce inquiry results
-will be testing out new native media opportunities
-clarified inquiries as a click through to the website
-16/17 will be back to more traditional publications geared towards women
French, West, Vaughan: Social Media Campaign Results/PR
Social Media:
-117,603 total social subscribers
-increase on Facebook
-Shifting attention away from Twitter
-Above average on social media engagement measurements
-Hashtag tracking – new this year- tracking # clicks to links
-#OnlyinCB Campaign – launched in September – over 900 posts
-2 press releases, 10 story angle pitches, 43 earned placements
Next Steps:
-Look into new businesses on Boardwalk
-Outreach Campaign to motivate travel during late summer
Non-Agenda Items
Steve Shuttleworth asked what we can do to collect uncollected ROT dollars from rentals
Kim Hufham mentioned that there was an audit done to see how those that are doing ROT are doing so
-would need a different process to find out who is not collecting
-Kim suggested bringing the topic to TDA in August