Waste Management Procedures: SINGLETON Campus / 2017 /

Waste Management Plan: Singleton Campus, 2017-18

Authors: Heidi Smith and Louise Morgan-Helliwell


The University will work with its many internal and external stakeholders to deliver an efficient waste management service at the Singleton Campus, including the collection, removal and disposal of all domestic, controlled, clinical, healthcare and food waste.

Exercising our ‘duty of care’ is essential to comply with legislation, achieve the targets as set out in the University’s Sustainability Strategy, and support our plans underISO14001 (Environmental Management System), to which the University is accredited.

Recycling rates at Swansea University in 2015-16 were at 57%, which we wish tocontinue to improve. The agreed MINIMUM recycling targets that we expect to meet via a partnership between the University and the waste contractor are summarised in Table 1.

All staff, students and visitors to the University are expected to play a role in achieving these targets, through being mindful of the waste hierarchy - reduction, reusing, recycling, and recovering, before disposal - at the SingletonCampus.

The University has implemented a system of source segregation for recycling waste (paper, metal, glass, plastic and food) in line with the Waste (England and Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2011.

Table 2 sets out the basic procedures for disposal, storage and collection for the main waste streams that arise at the Singleton Campus. Table 3 sets out WRAP-compliant bin labelling and colour coding for staff and students. Table 4 identifies the waste that should be disposed of in the non-recyclable and recycling streams. Table 5 provides a list of buildings and compounds that service each of these together with waste streams. Map 1shows all compound locations and route for waste collection.

Please contact: for disposal or any other advice relating to waste

Table 1: Swansea University’s MINIMUM Waste Management Targets, 2015 - 2020

Year / % Total Waste Reduction / % Waste Re-used / % Waste Recycled / % Waste Recovered / % Waste Disposed
2017 / 2% / 3% / 50% / 43% / 5%
2018 / 4% / 4% / 60% / 39% / 5%
2019 / 6% / 5% / 63% / 36% / 5[ML1]%
2020 / 7% / 6% / 66% / 34% / 5%
2021 / 8% / 7% / 69% / 32% / 5%
2022 / 9% / 8% / 72% / 30% / 5%

SHE, EFMPage 1

Waste Management Procedures: SINGLETON Campus / 2017 /

Table 2:Waste management procedures: Singleton Campus


Staff / Estates / Waste contractor
Waste category / Description / Disposal procedure / Special instructions / Collection and Storage procedure / Frequency / Collection procedure / Frequency / Destination
1 / Non-recyclable / Wastes not identified below, incl. crisp packets, prepacked sandwich boxes, polystyrene, hand towels / tissues, video / audio tape, strapping / banding. / Place in internal/
external (BLACK)non-recyclablemarked bin. / Unpackaged food waste to be placed in the food waste stream (GREEN) where available. / Cleaners to collect all BLACKbaginternal waste, tie bags closed and take to allocated compound and place in BLACK 1100l wheelie bin(see table 4).
Grounds staff to empty all (BLACK)non-recyclablemarked external waste and take to allocated waste compound (see table 4). / Daily / Veolia to collect (BLACK)non-recyclablemarked waste from all compounds. / Daily – 6am / Swansea Baling Plant (Bins)
Trident (Bins/ Skips)
2 / Disposable Coffee cups / Poly cups from catering and other coffee outlets e.g Starbucks, Costa Coffee, Blas, Fusion, Callaghans etc / Place in dedicated COFFEE CUP bins or(BLACK) non-recyclablebins if no cup bin available. / Cups should not be placed in recycling streams as they contaminate recycling. / Cleaners to collect all COFFEE CUPbin waste, tie bags closed and take to allocated compound and place in specific COFFEE CUP 120l wheelie bins (see table 4). / Daily / Veolia to collect COFFEE CUP bin waste and segregate in the main waste compound for recycling. / Daily – 6am / Natural UK (cup recycling)
3 / Plastic / Bottles (empty)and clean containers / Place in internal/ external plastic(RED)recycling bins / Clean material only.
No tetrapaks. No crisp packets, film, carrier bags or black plastic packaging. / Cleaners to collect all plastic(RED)marked internal waste, tie bag closed and take to allocated waste compound and place in (ORANGE)1100l recycling bins(see table 4).
Grounds team to collect all plastic (RED) marked external waste, tie bag closed and take to allocated waste compound (see table 4). / Daily / Onsite Veolia operative to collect plastic(RED) marked waste from allwastecompounds and place into single stream skips in the main waste compound.

Veoliacollect plastic(RED)marked skip waste from main compound. / Daily / Storage in main compound until Veolia collection.
Biffa -Cardiff
Or Cwm Environmental - Carmarthen.
4 / Cans (Steel & Aluminium) / Aluminium and tin, food tins (rinsed), clean foil / Place in internal/ external can (GREY) recycling bins / Clean material only. / Cleaners to collect all can(GREY) marked internal waste, tie bag closed and take to allocated waste compound and place in (ORANGE)1100l recycling bins(see table 4).
Grounds team to collect all cans(GREY) marked external waste, tie bag closed and take to allocated waste compound and place in (ORANGE)1100l recycling bins(see table 4). / Daily / Onsite Veolia operative to collect can(GREY) marked waste from all waste compounds and place into single stream skips in the main waste compound.

Veolia to collect cans(GREY) marked skip waste from main compound. / Daily / Storage in main compound until Veolia collection.
Biffa -Cardiff
Or Cwm Environmental - Carmarthen.
5 / Paper / Office paper, newspaper, magazines, books (incl brochures/catalogues, envelopes (non-window), small amounts of cardboard / Place in internal/ externalpaper/card(DARK BLUE) bins / Cleaners to collect all paper/card (DARK BLUE)marked internal waste, tie bag closed and take to allocated waste compound and place in (ORANGE)1100l recycling bins(see table 4).
Grounds team to collect all paper/card (DARK BLUE)marked external waste, tie bag closed and take to allocated compound and place in (ORANGE)recycling bins(see table 4). / Daily / Onsite Veolia operative to collect paper/card(DARK BLUE) marked waste from all compounds and place into single stream skips in the main waste compound.

Veolia to collect paper/card(DARK BLUE) marked skip waste from main compound. / Daily / Storage in main compound until Veolia collection.
Swansea Baling Plant.
Confidential waste - paper / Material containing sensitive personal or business sensitive data which requires destruction to ensure that the contents remain private in order to comply with the Data Protection Act. / There are two options:
1. Place paper in blue confidential waste bags (staples do not need to be removed).
2. Departments can shred paper waste and place in clear recycling bags for cleaners to collect. / A works order for bags and collection must be completed via the Estates helpdesk
Large quantities – 30+ bags must be planned and ordered 4 weeks in advance of the collection time.
Use clear bags, tie closed and leave next to recycling bins for collection. / Collection by on site Veolia waste operative.
Cleaners to collect clear recycling bags containing shredded paper, ensure bags is tied closed and take to allocated waste compound and place in (ORANGE) 1100l recycling bins(see table 4). / On request / Veolia on site operative to collect confidential waste bags from agreed location and securely store until collection by waste disposal contractor.
Onsite Veolia operative to collect paper/cardwaste from all waste compounds and place into single stream skips in the main waste compound.

Veolia to collect paper/cardskip waste from main compound. / As required / Matthews Confidential Waste[ML2] – paper is cross shredded and 100% recycled.
Swansea Baling Plant
Cardboard / Cardboard boxes, cardboard packaging / Small amounts of cardboard e.g. A4 size or small boxes should be placed in internal/ external mixed paper/card bins. / Clean/ dry material only. / Cleaners to collect all paper and cardboard(DARK BLUE)marked internal waste, tie bag closed and take to allocated compound and place in (ORANGE) 1100l recycling bins(see table 4).
Grounds to collect all paper and cardboard (DARK BLUE) marked external waste, tie bags closed and take to allocated compound and place in (ORANGE)recycling bins(see table 4). / Daily / Onsite Veolia operative to collect paper/card(DARK BLUE) marked waste from all compounds and place into single stream skips in the main waste compound.

Veolia to collect paper/card(DARK BLUE) marked skip waste from main compound. / Daily / Biffa - Cardiff
Or Cwm Environmental - Carmarthen.
Cardboard (large quantities or large boxes) / Boxes must be flatpacked .
One or two large flatpacked boxes can be placed inside waste compound (ORANGE) recycling 1100l bins or can be placed in the cardboard cage at the rear of catering.
Large quantities must be flatpacked and a works order raised via Estates[ML3] helpdesk for collection by a Veolia Operative.
Please attempt to flatpack before collection. / Large collections of cardboard must be requested via the Estates helpdesk
Food outlets/ Bars to agree a disposal route with the Waste and Recycling Officer / Onsite Veolia operative to collect large quantities as requested, bale cardboard and store for collection.
Veolia to collectbaled cardboard from the main compound. / On request / Veolia - Treforest
Glass / Domestic waste such as bottles, jars or glass waste from bars / Glass waste can be taken to the nearest waste compound and placed inside glass (TURQUOISE) bins.
Bars/ Catering facilities to place in (TURQUOISE)120L bins. / Clean material only.
All coloured glass – green, clear, white, blue.
Full glass bins to be placed in appropriate compound for collection by waste contractor. / On-site operative to collect all (TURQUOISE)glassmarked external waste, tie bags closed and take to allocated compound and place in (TURQUOISE)glass bins(see table 4). / Veolia refuse lorry to collect glass (TURQUOISE)marked waste from allocated compounds / Friday 6am / Veolia - Treforest
Food / Catering and kitchen food waste including teabags, coffee grounds, peelings, uneaten sandwiches. / Place in internal/ l food(GREEN) caddy located in kitchens/ tea points. / There must be zero contamination of food bins with plastic, paper, or wrappings. / Cleaners to collect all food (GREEN)
marked internal food waste and take to allocated compound and place in food (GREEN) bins(see table 4).
Cleaners to place fresh food liner in food caddy. / Daily / Veolia to collect food (GREEN)marked food waste from all compounds. / Weekly - Friday / Bryn Compost - Hengoed
Coffee grounds / Used grounds made available to staff for composting via coffee outlets.
Collected in coffee food caddy. / Catering staff to place full bags in food bins in the waste compound. / Veolia to collect food (GREEN)marked food waste from all compounds. / Weekly – Friday / Bryn Composting - Hengoed
Vegetable oil / Arrangements in place with Catering for reuse/recycling / Collection by Olleco Cymru (wales) / As required. / Conversion to Biodiesel – Olleco Cymru– Newport.
Polystyrene / Place in internal/
external (BLACK)non-recyclablemarked bin. / Large quantities can be taken to the main waste compound for disposal or raise a works order for collection.
Please do not place large amounts into external compound bins. / Cleaners to collect all BLACKbag internal waste, tie bags closed and take to allocated compound and place in BLACK 1100l wheelie bin(see table 4). / Daily / Veolia to collect (BLACK)non-recyclablemarked waste from all compounds. / Daily – 6am / Swansea Baling Plant (Bins)
Trident (Bins/ Skips)
Bubble wrap / Offer for reuse via the Community Forum.
Place in internal/
external (BLACK)non-recyclablemarked bin. / Large quantities can be taken to the main waste compound for disposal or raise a works order for collection.
Please do not place large amounts into external compound bins. / Cleaners to collect all BLACKbag internal waste, tie bags closed and take to allocated compound and place in BLACK 1100l wheelie bin(see table 4). / Daily / Veolia to collect (BLACK)non-recyclablemarked waste from all compounds. / Daily – 6am / Swansea Baling Plant (Bins)
Trident (Bins/ Skips)
Plastic carrier bags / Place in internal/
external (BLACK)non-recyclablemarked bin. / Cleaners to collect all BLACKbag internal waste, tie bags closed and take to allocated compound and place in BLACK 1100l wheelie bin(see table 4). / Daily / Veolia to collect (BLACK)non-recyclablemarked waste from all compounds. / Daily – 6am / Swansea Baling Plant (Bins)
Trident (Bins/ Skips)
Books / Academic non-fiction, non-fiction, text books, study guides, travel, ex-library books / Pack in Betterworld book boxes / A works order for book boxes and subsequent collection must becompleted via the Estates helpdesk / Veolia collect boxes of books and store for resue/recycling. / As required / Betterworld Books
Furniture – reusable and good condition / Office chairs, desks, pedestal drawers, meeting chairs, tables etc. / All furniture must be offered for reuse prior to disposal.
See Reuse Procedures on Sustainability webpage.
Furniture – broken/ damaged / Office chairs, desks, pedestal drawers, meeting chairs, tables etc. / A works order must be raised for the disposal of furniture.
If there are a number of items to be disposed of that involve heavy lifting a works order for removal and transportation of furniture will also be required.
Green waste / Tree stumps, hedge trimmings, soil/stones – grounds maintenance / Agree disposal route with Waste & Recycling Officer. / Veolia to arrange delivery/ exchange of containers. / As required. / Derwen Recycling
Concrete / Place in concrete bin/ skip
Disposal requirement to be agreed with Waste & Recycling Officer by college/dept. Likely to be a skip if larger quantities. / A works order for collection must be completed via the Estates helpdesk. If a skip is required a skip authorisation[LM4]form must be completed. / Collection by Veolia as required. / As required by works order. / Derwen Recycling
Wood / Pieces of uncontaminated wood or timber. Old work benches, wooden frames.
Wooden pallets. / Wood must not be disposed of in normal recycling compound bins.
Disposal to be requested via works order either for collection by On Site Veolia operative; order a skip for larger quantities. / A works order for collection or delivery of skip must be completed via Estates helpdesk
If a skip is required a skip authorisation form must be completed. / On site operative to collect as appropriate or arrange delivery of a suitable enclosed skip. / As required by works order. / South Wales Wood
Wood dust / Wood must not be disposed of in normal recycling compound bins.
Place in wood dust bag / Disposal requirement to be agreed with SHE by college/dept.
A works order for collection must be completed via the Estates helpdesk / Collection by Veolia as required. / As required by works order. / South Wales Wood
Soil samples / Uncontaminated waste soil from campus
EU/ Non EU soil samples / Place in soil bins
Treat as per College procedures in line with licence requirements / Disposal requirement to be agreed with SHE by college/dept
Disposal requirement to be agreed with SHE by college/dept / Collection by Veolia as required.
Collection by Veolia as required. / As required.
As required. / Derwen Recycling
Dependant on soil sample
Writing implements / Any brand pen
Correction fluid / Items listed can be disposed of in dedicated bins labelled WRITING IMPLEMENTS located in:
Fulton Reception
Library – next to Porter’s desk / Collected by Veolia Operative on a monthly basis. / Terracycle Writing Implements[ML5] recycling programme
Office Stationery / Staplers
Holepunches / Offer for reuse/ place back into stationery cupboard
If broken dispose of in BLACK) non-recyclable bins / Cleaners to collect all BLACK bag internal waste, tie bags closed and take to allocated compound and place in BLACK 1100l wheelie bin (see table 4).
Grounds staff to empty all (BLACK) non-recyclable marked external waste and take to allocated waste compound (see table 4). / Daily / Veolia to collect (BLACK) non-recyclable marked waste from all compounds. / Daily – 6am / Swansea Baling Plant (Bins)
Trident (Bins/ Skips)
Leverarch files/ ring binders / Offer quantities of leverarch files and binders for reuse via the Community forum.
Dispose of old/ damaged leverarch files by:
Requesting a teracycle recycling box for lever arch files – cost £222 approx for 70 – 90 files.
Request collection of leverarch files for disposal. / Raise an order through the E&FM helpdesk


Staff / Estates / Waste contractor
Waste category / Description / Disposal procedure / Special instructions / Collection and Storage procedure / Frequency / Collection procedure / Frequency / Destination
9 / Glass - laboratory - clean / Clean whole glass containers / broken glass/ pipettes etc / Place in glass(TURQUOISE) bin. / Disposal method to be agreed with Waste & Recycling Officer by college/dept.
Glass bins to be taken to allocated compound for disposal / Veolia to collect (TURQUOISE) glass marked waste from allocated compound(s) / Friday6am / Veolia - Treforest
10 / Glass - laboratory - contaminated / Contaminated whole glass containers / broken glass/ pipettes etc
  • Chemical
  • Othere.g. biological; nanomaterials
/ If waste can be autoclaved and is clean it can be disposed of as above ‘Glass – laboratory – clean’
Place in dedicated chemical contaminated glass bin.
Follow College procedures for containment and storage. / Disposal via chemical hazardous waste stores (Rear of Grove)
Disposal route to be agreed with Waste & Recycling Officer by college/dept. / The Waste & Recycling Officer opens the chemical waste store monthly to accept waste to be disposed of. / Monthly / Monthly packaging and collection by appointed chemist and consultant
Veolia/ specialist contractor to collect waste as required. / Monthly