L.C. Bird High School

PTSO Meeting Minutes

December 1, 2014


ATTENDEES:Dr. Laura Hebert, Nikki Humphries, Audrea Golden, Sherry Harris, Carolyn Coleman, Roop Bhatt, Brenda Brewster, Sarah Davis, Mandy Hamner-Ford, Viola Middleton,Carol Wittmanand Tyler Coleman

CALL TO ORDER:6:38pm by Nikki Humphries,President

Reading and Approval of Minutes,Carolyn Coleman

Carolyn asked that the members present at the meeting take a few minutes to read the November minutes, which had been emailed prior to the meeting. No corrections were noted, so Nikki asked for a motion to approve the minutes. Sherry made the motion to approve and Roop seconded it. The November minutes were approved.

Treasurer’s Financial Report, Sherry Harris

Sherry explained theFinancial Report and Monthly Transaction Report handouts.

Financial Report as of 12/1/14:

Budgeted Amount for 2014-2015$ 33,305.00

Total Income YTD$ 23,084.33

Total Expenses YTD$ -11,095.43

Check Book Balance$ 11,988.90

Monthly Transaction Report:

11/4/14 –12/1/14

Starting Balance$ 10,426.68

Total Deposits & Adjustments$ 2,231.55

Total Checks & Other Expenses$ -669.33

Checkbook Balance & Statement Balance through 12/1/14$ 11,988.90

Correspondence, Carolyn Coleman

There was no correspondence received by the PTSO this month. Carolyn reported that the PTSO sent 2 get well cards to Dr. Nancy Hoover and Beth Paxson and 1 sympathy card to Monice Ellison.


President, Nikki Humphries


Please send anything for the newsletter to Nikki by the deadline which isTuesday, 12/9 at 4:00pm. Non-PTSO information for the newsletter (e.g. Rocket and Band Boosters) should be sent directly to Jennifer McDaniel in the office.

Winter Fundraiser

Nikki passed around flyers on selling pasta and professional/collegiate spirit wear cups and popcorn. The PTSO can earn 50% for the pasta and 40% on each item sold for the cups/popcorn. Sherry reminded everyone that the budgeted income for the fundraiser is $3,000. The attendees voted in favor of the pasta fundraiser. Sherry suggested that we can do a pizza party for the highest selling English class in each grade, as an incentive to increase sales. Dates for the fundraiser are TBD.

Vice President, Audrea Golden

Audrea volunteered to coordinate the March and May Core Values reception. Carolyn will update the roster with this change.

Membership Report, Kim Heffner

Kim was not present, but Sherry reported that we currently have 477 members.



Carol Wittman reported that they have been decorating for the holidays and should have this completed tomorrow.

Bruster’s Pie Fundraiser

Beth was not present, but Sherry mentioned that flyers had been placed in all of the teachers’ mailboxes. Flyers were handed out at tonight’s meeting.


Sherry contacted Chris Palmer of Ironbridge Baptist Church, and he has agreed to speak at this year’s Baccalaureate along with Travis Jones of Cornerstone Assembly of God Church.

Bulletin Boards

Sherry suggested that we need to take down the announcement about Big Blue day, since this has not happened.

Core Values Reception - January

Carolyn will coordinate the next Core Values reception to be held on 1/15/15.

Snack Sales during Exams

Sheka Bentley was not present. Dr. Hebert has been in contact with Linda Hughes about breakfast during exams, and the PTSO will adjust our plans accordingly.

Fall Craft Show, Brenda Brewster

Brenda reported on the Fall Craft Show held on Saturday, 11/15.

Hospitality - Monthly Teacher Appreciation

Roop thanked Sherry for helping her with cutting the 120 loaves of “Thank You Bread” for the Novemberteacher appreciation. In January, teachers will get “Fitness Conscious”bags. She will ask Stacy to send out a volunteer request to the membership.

Hospitality – Skyhawk of the Month

Carolyn asked for nominationsfor January’s Skyhawk of the Month, and Dr. Hebert suggested the four senior English teachers who have coordinated Project Next: Ms. Kinnier, Ms. Lucas, Mr. Manns, and Ms. Harrison. Dr. Hebert will do the write-up. There were no other nominations, and the four teachers were approved as the January Skyhawks of the Month.

Hospitality - Holiday Teacher’s Luncheon

Viola, Mandy and Sherry discussed plans for the holiday luncheon that will be held on 12/17. Viola said more volunteers are needed to bring in donations for the luncheonincluding turkey, ham, stuffing, green beans, gravy, dinner rolls, cranberry sauce, cakes, and pies. Mandy said we would put gift wrap and ribbon up on the bulletin boards, and the tables will be dressed in red and white and decorated festively for the holidays. Mandy will bring in a CD of holiday music and Sherry will arrange for the librarians to play the music. Sherry passed around the invitations, which will go into the teachers’ mailboxes next week. She mentioned that Santa and Mrs. Claus will also be at the event. Tyler asked if it was possible for seniors who are exempt from exams to volunteer, and Sherry said that this was a good suggestion and she would send out information on this. Sherry will ask Stacy to send another reminder for volunteers and donations for the event.

Principal’s Appreciation Luncheon

Michelle is coordinating this event but was not present at the meeting to give a report.

Spring Festival

Sherry and Kim have been busy coordinating the event. Sherry passed around a draft map layout for the Spring Festival at each table for attendees to review. Sherry asked if anyone has a contact at the Bensley Rescue Squad to please let her know, and Audrea said she has a contact that she will pass along. They are still planning to have the McGruff Crime Dog, Chick Fil A cow, Skyhawk mascotand a clown. Sherry said she has a clown costume and needs someone to volunteer to be a clown. Carolyn mentioned that Nancy Wanzong is a clown named Tangerine, and she would follow up to see if Nancy was available for the event. Sherry passed around the volunteer sign up list and asked for people to help. The Spanish club has volunteered to do face painting and also perhaps a bake sale. Carolyn mentioned that the Band and Rocket Boosters will be getting together to determine what they will do to volunteer. Sherry said we need to have spouses or adults who are willing to drive the golf carts. Sarah offered to come up with suggestions for games. Carolyn asked about promoting the event, and Sherry said that we do have a publicity coordinator.

Spiritwear Coordinator

The PTSO made $264 in spiritwear sales at the Craft Show. Spiritwear will continue to be sold at lunch blocks on 12/5, 12/12 and 12/16. Sherry is having the vendor re-do the Skyhawk holiday ornaments since what she received originally was not of the same quality as the sample. Sherry stressed that the last day to order spiritwear is 12/12. Any orders after this time will come from inventory.

Volunteer Coordinator

Stacy was not present, so there was no report.

Web Master

Stacy was not present, so there was no report.


Band Boosters

Carolyn reported that the Annual Skyhawk Holiday Concert will be held on Thursday, 12/11, at 7pm in the auditorium. The concert will be a combined event with the Band, Orchestra and Chorus. She also mentioned that the Virginia Band and Orchestra Directors Association (VBODA) All District auditions are coming up on Saturday, 12/13, and all students who are in Wind Symphony are required to audition. There will be a basketball Pep Band that will play at the boys’ games on 12/5, 1/9, 1/16, 1/28, 2/6, and 2/11. In addition, Mrs. Oyan has formed a Jazz Band this year, and practices are underway. All County Band is coming up in early January, and the concert will be held on Friday, 1/9, at 6pm at Midlothian High School.

Engineering Rocket Boosters

Mandy reported that their November Open House was well attended. They participated in the Fall Craft Show and sold dog treats and coordinated the puppy adoption. The poinsettia fundraiser has gone well and the orders are coming in this week. Mandy also reported that the Band and Rocket Boosters will be getting together to discuss what they will do for the Spring Festival.

Student Reports

Tyler was present,but he had no report.

Principal’s Report

Dr. Hebertpassed around a handout that included a calendar of events for December. Basketball starts this week while playoff football is still going on, so this is a challenge for the administration since they attend all games. The Real (BMX and motorcycle) Assembly went well and the students enjoyed it. Dr. Glass is back from surgery. Dr. Hebert said the students performed flawlessly on the lockdown drill, and she is confident that they know what to do in the event of an emergency. Dr. Hebert asked for feedback about the recent threat made by a Matoaca student, and the parents in attendance felt the administration made the correct decision to not communicate about this since there was no direct threat made to Bird. Dr. Hebert and Mrs. Blanton’spresentation to the Va. Department of Education on 11/19 was a huge success. Bird scored 35 out of 36 points on the rubric, while other schools presenting received scores in the low 20s. Dr. Hebert mentioned that even though Bird is accredited with warning for Math, this will not be an issue for students when they are applying to colleges.

Faculty Report, Sarah Davis

Sarah was present, but she had no report.

Other Business

Brenda asked for input from the meeting attendees about having a Craft Show in 2015. She will not be available on the day of the event (3rd Saturday in November) since she will be at another show, and she said we will need a coordinator for the day of the event. Sherry, Nikki and Carolyn agreed that we should plan for the event and deal with getting a coordinator over the summer.

Brenda also asked about the basketball chairs that were sold, and Dr. Hebert said that this was done through the Varsity Club. Dr. Hebert suggested that the PTSO contact Chuck Thomas to see about the possibility of the PTSO sponsoring a chair. Sherry said that we have the money in the budget to cover paying for a chair, which is approximately $300. Dr. Hebert will have Chuck or Quincy contact Nikki with more information about sponsoring a chair.

ADJOURN:8:26pm byPresident, Nikki Humphries