Unit 30: CHARACTER VOCABULARY: Synonyms / Antonyms / Derivatives
Find (near-)synonyms, antonyms and derivatives ( look up German meanings where necessary )
Note: This is not a complete list; highlight some new words.
Synonyms Antonyms Derivatives
careful / cautious; thorough / careless / carefulness / carelessnesscaution
clever / smart / intelligent / bright / stupid, dumb, thick / cleverness
friendly / unfriendly; hostile / eco-friendly, friendliness
generous / mean / greedy / generosity
helpful / unhelpful / unhelpfulness, helplessness
honest / truthful, sincere / dishonest, insincere / (dis)honesty
interesting / boring, dull, uninteresting
kind / helpful, considerate, friendly / cruel, unhelpful, inconsiderate / kindness
helpful / supportive / unhelpful
considerate / thoughtful / inconsiderate, thoughtless / consideration, thoughtfulness
hard-working / busy / lazy
modest / big-headed, immodest, proud ( of ) / (im)modesty, pride ( in )
nice / friendly, pleasant / nasty, unpleasant / kindness
optimistic / pessimistic / optimism, an optimist
patient / impatient / (im)patience
polite / well-behaved / impolite, rude / (im)politeness
positive / negative
quiet / noiseless, silent / loud, noisy; talkative / quiet(ness)
relaxed / easy-going, laid-back / uneasy, tense, nervous / to relax, relaxation
selfish / egotistic, egoistic(al) / unselfish, selfless / (un)selfishness
sensible / rational, realistic, reasonable / foolish, silly
sensitive / touchy / insensitive, ruthless / sensitivity
serious / dangerous, earnest / light-hearted / seriousness
outgoing / communicative, extrovert, sociable / reserved; shy, timid
strong / weak / strength, to strengthen
thoughtful (hier: rücksichtsvoll ) / considerate / thoughtless, inconsiderate / thoughtlessness / thoughtfulness
sympathetic / understanding, compassionate / indifferent, unsympathetic
likeable / pleasant, agreeable / unlikeable, unpleasant, disagreeable
confident / suspicious, sceptical / confidence
self-confident; ‚He is sure of himself.’ / unsure, insecure / insecurity
determined / firm / irresolute / determination
calm / relaxed / frightened, scared, afraid
worried, upset, anxious / calmness
respectful / arrogant, disrespectful / (dis)respectfulness
ambitious / unambitious / ambition
calm / angry, furious
irritable / bad-tempered, moody / cheerful, even-tempered / irritability
quiet / calm, silent, peaceful / talkative / quiet(ness)
romantic / realistic / realism
happy / cheerful, delighted, glad, pleased / sad, unhappy; miserable, depressed / (un)happiness
excited, interested / bored, uninterested / excitement, interest
curious, nosey / indifferent, uninterested
sociable / outgoing / unsociable, lonely / sociability
pleased, satisfied / disappointed, displeased, dissatisfied / to please, to satisfy
(dis)pleasure, (dis)satisfaction
imaginative / unimaginative / imagination
hopeful / optimistic, confident / desperate / hopefulness
easy-going / relaxed, tolerant / intolerant, fussy
courageous / bold, brave / cowardly / courage; to encourage someone to do something – to discourage someone from doing something
stubborn / inflexible / flexible
reliable / dependable / unreliable / (un)reliability
modest / immodest / (im)modesty
harmful / harmless; unharmful / harmfulness; harmlessness
painful / painless / painfulness; painlessness
absent-minded / distracted / attentive, focused / absent-mindedness
obedient / disobedient, rebellious / (dis)obedience