City of Meridian

Community Recycling Fund Application

This application is to be completed by individuals and organizations applying for funding from the City of Meridian Community Recycling Program Fund. This application must be completed in its entirety.

Please use additional sheets of paper if necessary.

Applicant’s Name (individual, organization, company):




City ______State______Zip Code ______

Contact Name and Title:______

Phone Number ______Email ______

Phone Number______FAX: ______

Describe the community recycling project you would like to have supported. Provide as much detail as possible including any drawings, designs, and other information that help to fully explain the project.











Describe how this project will benefit the community and meet the criteria of the Meridian Community Recycling Fund.









Describe the recycled materials to be used including manufacturers information if applicable.

Please note: Applicants of construction projects must comply with City building permit requirements.









Describe the signage or other method of recognition that will be used to acknowledge the Community Recycling Fund, (e.g., plaque, standing sign, etc), and the location. Submit a drawing or design for the proposed signage to be used. Please note: Applicants must comply with City sign permitting requirements.








Please note: Projects costing in excess of $5,000 to be funded with a 50% match in cash funds or donated materials of equivalent value from the applicant. Proof of available matched funds or materials is required to be submitted with this application.

This requirement is waived for projects costing up to and including $5,000.

Provide a proposed time schedule for the project








(2)Community Recycling Fund Application Checklist

Signature of Contact Person ______

(We must have a signature to process your request)

Date ____________


Return to:

City of Meridian

Environmental Division

ATTN. Mollie Mangerich

33 E. Broadway, Meridian ID 83642

For More Information Please Contact:

Mollie Mangerich, Environmental Division Manager

City of Meridian

898-5500 / email