Curriculum Vita


P.O. Box 94052

Lubbock, TX 79493-4052

(806) 742-1997 ext. 273 (w)

(806) 773-0273 (c)



Ph.D. in Education 2002

(Focus: International and Comparative Higher Education)

Walden University, Minneapolis, MN

MA in International Relations1993

Salve Regina University, Newport, RI

MA in National Security and Strategic Studies1986

Naval War College, Newport, RI

MA in Public Administration (MPA)1985

American International College, Springfield, MA

BA in Physical Education1969

San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA


Visiting Assistant Professor, College of Education2005-present

Member of the Graduate Faculty

Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX

  • Courses taught:
  • Policy Analysis in Higher Education
  • [International] Comparative Higher Education
  • The Community Junior College
  • Institutional Planning
  • Administration in Higher Education
  • College Teaching
  • Additional activities:
  • Provide independent study internships in qualitative research.
  • Serve on dissertation committees and as an academic advisor for graduate students.
  • Work with a U.S. community college consortium on partnership projects with a community college in Vietnam.
  • Reviewed a manuscript (2006, April) titled Restructuring of Education and Training in Vietnam: A Development and Application of Arts Management Training in Australia and Vietnam for the Asia Pacific Journal of Education.
  • Organized a State Department sponsored visit (2006, April 30-May 3) to Texas Tech University and South Plains College by six presidents of Vietnamese community colleges and two of their state level government officials. (Service)
  • Coordinated a two-week (2006, June 3-18) training visit by two senior administrators from Vietnam National University-Hanoi to Texas Tech University. They studied the U.S. academic credit system for possible adaptation and implementation in Vietnam. (Service)
  • Attended an intense pre-summer session course on Program Evaluation (2006, May 10-25), including participation in developing an evaluation for a center in the College of Human Sciences at Texas Tech University. (Professional Development)
  • Collaborated with a doctoral student and Mohawk Valley Community College in applying for and receiving a $5,000 applied research grant from the (SUNY and Cornell) Institute for Community College Development. The research examines issues related to teaching and supporting remedial courses at community colleges.

Deputy Director, The Vietnam Center2000-2005

Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX

  • Formed a US community college consortium comprising Mohawk Valley Community College in Utica, NY, the Kentucky Community and Technical College System, and Richland College in Dallas. The consortium is supporting the development of a new community college in Vietnam.
  • Key member of three successful multidisciplinary grant writing teams:
  • USDA cotton grant for $99,267
  • U.S. Department of Education Fulbright-Hays Group Projects Abroad grant for $70,000
  • USAID-ALO community college and workforce development grant for $95,221
  • Conducted research on Vietnam's higher education system.
  • Recruited Vietnamese graduate students and assisted with applications to Texas Tech University.
  • Hosted visiting scholars.
  • During personal time, provided tutorial assistance to international graduate students with papers, manuscripts, theses, and dissertations.
  • Served in a consulting capacity on Vietnam higher education for the TTUHSC Dean of Nursing and the Vietnam-Cambodia Affiliations Committee, which includes two vice provosts and the director of the Office of International Affairs.
  • Functioned as coordinator for several projects between the U.S. and Vietnam.
  • Planned and oversaw logistics of VIP visits and annual conferences.
  • Developed strategies to expand the Center's academic, military, and other related contacts; managed the Center's correspondence.

Adjunct Faculty1998-2000

University of Phoenix, San Diego, CA

  • Courses taught:
  • Critical Thinking and Decision-Making (MGT 436).
  • Critical Thinking (PHL 251).

Assistant Program Manager1997-2000

TRW, San Diego, CA

  • Analysis and recommendations for undersea surveillance programs
  • Production of technical briefs.
  • Development of operational and connectivity concepts for a U.S. government program office.
  • Supervised 22 employees: hiring, internal coordination and work allocation, preparing personnel performance appraisals, and assisting with the development of new business initiatives.
  • Consultant for customer's international programs office.

International Student Specialist1995-1997

College of San Mateo, San Mateo, CA

  • Administration of International Student Program.
  • Recruitment, admissions, processing, and orientation.
  • Immigration documentation and advising for over 180 F-1 visa international students.
  • Registration assistance.
  • Office management.
  • Problem solving.

U.S. Naval Officer1971-1995

  • Served outside U.S. for 16 years including Japan, Iceland, Philippines, Canada, Scotland, and Antigua.
  • Managed organizations that ranged in size from 30 to 170 people.
  • Gained extensive experience in international project coordination and served as a technical advisor to International Programs Office in Washington, DC.
  • Dealt with news media.
  • Provided briefings to dignitaries, including the Prime Minister of Iceland.
  • Ran bilateral meetings at U.S. Embassy in Japan.
  • Career was multifaceted and necessitated dealing with diverse populations, changing schedules, and evolving requirements.


Oliver, D. E., Engel, S., & Scorsone, A. (in press). Survey of community colleges in Vietnam. In P. Elsner (Ed.). A global survey of community colleges, technical colleges, and further education in different regions of the world. Washington, DC: American Association of Community Colleges. [Book chapter]

Oliver, D. E. (2004, Summer). Higher education challenges in developing countries: The case of Vietnam. Journal of Educational Policy, Research, and Practice, 5(2), 3-18.

Oliver, D., & Nguyen, K. D. (2004). Historical trends of US accreditation and its relevance to Vietnam. Development of the Economy [Phattrienkinhte], 169, 19-23.

Oliver, D. (2004, Spring). Human capital theory and higher education in developing countries. Journal of Thought, 39, 119-130.

Oliver, D. (2002). The U.S. community college model and Vietnam's higher education system. Annals of the University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Ho Chi Minh City, [Khoa hoc xa hoi & nhan van tap san], 24-34.

Oliver, D. (1999). Improving services for international students by understanding differences between Japanese and United States culture and educational systems. NACADA Journal: The Journal of the National Academic Advising Association, 19, 22-28.


Oliver, D., Casiraghi, A., Henderson, J., Brooks, A., & Mulsow, M. (2006). Teaching and learning program evaluation: 12 sessions plus 36 days. American Journal of Evaluation.


Presented seminars on “Integration of Cooperative Learning in the Higher Education Classroom” at three universities in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam: University of Social Sciences and Humanities (October 12, 2006), Institute for Educational Research, University of Pedagogy (October 19, 2006, and Open University (October 20, 2006).

Panel member at a seminar on accreditation sponsored by Vietnam's Ministry of Education and Training, at Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, December 3, 2002.

Panel member at a national seminar on community colleges sponsored by Vietnam's Ministry of Education and Training, at Can Tho University, Vietnam, November 28-29, 2002.


Nguyen, K. D., Oliver, D. E., & Pham, X. D. (2006, December 12). “Effectiveness of quality and commerce: The interaction between integration and quality standards of higher education in Vietnam.” Paper presented at the International Forum on Vietnam Education “WTO Entry and Vietnam Higher Education” (organized by the Ministry of Education and Training; sponsored by UNESCO and others), Hanoi, Vietnam.

Oliver, D. E., Nguyen, K. D., & Nguyen, T. T. P. (2006, November 29). “Higher education accreditation in Vietnam and the U.S.: In pursuit of Quality.” Paper presented at the Asia Pacific Education Research Association International Conference 2006, Hong Kong.

Oliver, D. E. (2006, October 16). “Community colleges in the context of globalization in higher education.” Invited paper, Can Tho University, Vietnam, International Forum on Globalization and Integration in Higher Education

Oliver, D. E., Engel, S., Scorsone, A., & Whitus, J. (2006, April 24). Presentation on the history of community college development in Vietnam and the Kien Giang Community College Project at the American Association of Community Colleges conference in Long Beach, CA.

Oliver, D. E. (Key note speaker presentation in January, 2006). “Challenges to the development of community colleges in Vietnam.” Australia National University, College of Asia-Pacific Studies, Vietnam Studies Summer School (“a week-long program of intensive research activities designed to bring together scholars working on Vietnam throughout Australia and New Zealand to exchange knowledge”).

Nguyen, T. T. P., Oliver, D. E., & Reeve, T. G. (2005, December). “Achieving quality enhancement through institutional effectiveness in changing times.” Concurrent Session, Southern Association of Schools and Colleges-Commission on Colleges Annual Meeting, Atlanta.

Oliver, D. E. (2005, October). “Qualitative methods and a transnational evaluation design.” Concurrent session (Qualitative Methods TIG), American Evaluation Association and Canadian Evaluation Society Joint Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada.

Nguyen, T. T. P., Oliver, D. E., & Reeve, T. G. (2004, December). “A research study of internal review processes for the new SACS Principles of Accreditation.” Concurrent Session, Southern Association of Schools and Colleges-Commission on Colleges Annual Meeting, Atlanta.

Nguyen, T. T. P. & Oliver, D. E. (2004, November). “New internal review processes for southern U.S. universities and colleges: A multiple case study.” International Conference on Quality Assurance in Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City University of Pedagogy. (Paper submitted for inclusion in the conference proceedings.)

Oliver, D. E., & Nguyen, K. D. (2004, March) “Accreditation in the U.S. and its degree of relevance for application to Vietnam higher education,” Innovation of Higher Education in Vietnam – Integration and Challenges. Hanoi.

Oliver, D. E., Nguyen, T.T. P., & Nguyen. K. D. (2003, April) “Higher education accreditation in Vietnam: Lessons from accreditation in the U.S.” American Education Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference, Chicago.

(Coauthored with two graduate students)

Oliver, D. E. (2002, May). “Qualitative research.” Presented to 50 faculty members at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Oliver, D. E. (2002, April). "The US community college model and Vietnam's higher education system". Texas Tech University Vietnam Center's 4th Triennial Symposium, Lubbock, TX.


  • American Education Research Association
  • American Evaluation Association
  • Association for the Study of Higher Education
  • Comparative and International Education Society
  • Phi Beta Delta International Scholars
  • Kappa Delta Pi: Associate Advisor


Collaborator with the Center for Higher Education Research and Accreditation, Institute for Educational Research, Ho Chi Minh City University of Pedagogy, Vietnam.