In order to improve our services, we need to know what is presently working well – and what is working less well. For this reason, everyone who visits Social Services during a period of one month will be given the opportunity to answer following survey. Participation is voluntary and anonymous. The answers will be compiled into a report in which it will not be possible to identify the answers of any individual person.
Whether or not you take part in the survey is up to you, but your opinions are very important to us. The more people who answer the questions, the better the survey will reflect reality and the more good it will do.
Ask a member of staff at Social Services where the results of the survey will be available. People in other municipalities have also answered some of the questions, which will make it possible to compare our municipality’s results with theirs.
1. Are you female or male?
/ Female / Male
2. For about how long have you had contact with Social Services here in the municipality?
/ Today was my first visit / Less than 1 month
/ 1 to 6 months
/ 7 to12 months
/ More than 1 year
3. How easy or hard is it to understand the information your social worker gives you?
/ Very easy / Fairly easy
/ Fairly hard
/ Very hard
/ Don’t know/No opinion
4. Do you feel that the social worker asks for your views about how your situation could be changed?
/ Yes / No
/ Don’t know/No opinion
5. How much understanding do you feel the social worker shows for your situation?
/ A lot / Quite a lot
/ Quite little
/ None at all
/ Don’t know/No opinion
6. How much influence have you had over the type of help you have received from Social Services here in the municipality?
/ A lot / Quite a lot
/ Quite little
/ None
/ I have not received any help
/ Don’t know/No opinion
7. How has your situation changed since coming into contact with Social Services here in the municipality?
If you have only had brief contact with Social Services, you may answer ‘Cannot judge/No opinion’ if you wish.
/ A lot better / A little better
/ No change
/ A little worse
/ A lot worse
/ Cannot judge/No opinion
Thank you for taking the time to answer the questions.