Transcribed by Pamela Vojnovski, 2005
John Carnochan’s Will
In the name of God Amen,
I, John Carnochan of the County of Gadsden, and the Territory of Florida, being of sound mind do declare this to be my last Will and Testament.
I, Constitute an appoint as the Executrix ~ and ~Executors of My Estate and of This My last Will ~ My wife Harriet F. Carnochan, and My brother Richard Carnochan, and My friends Thomas Baltzell and Walker Anderson ~
In Testimony of which I have herewith set My hand and Seal this 20th July A.D. 1840.
Signed in presence of ~
D.L. Kenan. (?) Carnochan {Seal}
Hugh O. McLean.
Eliza McLean.
Territory of Florida Gadsden County do. [ditto]
Personally Came before Me David L. White, Judge of the County Court for the County aforesaid and Hugh O. McLean, and Eliza McLean, who after being duly sworn, depositeth & saith…that they saw John Carnochan, sign and seal the within will and testament and that (?) the said Hugh & Eliza McLean signed the same as subscribing witnesses and also
Saw Danl. L. Kenan, sign as Witneseth hereto…
Sworn to and Subscribed before me this
22d day of July A.D. 1841…Hugh O. McLean
David L. White Judge G.C.C….Eliza McLean
Territory of Florida Gadsden County do.
Personally appeared before me David L. White – Judge of the County Court for the County aforesaid this 23d Day of July A.D. 1841. – Harriet F. Carnochan, the Executrix Named in the Last Will and Testament of John Carnochan Dec.d (late of said County) and was duly qualified according to Law, as Executrix as aforesaid.
David L. White Judge G.C.C.
Recorded July 23d 1841…
R. (C.?) Lester, Clk. G.C.C….
Territory of Florida
Gadsden County…Whereas John Carnochan deceased late of the County and Territory aforesaid did by his last will and Testament Nominate, Constitute, and a(?) Harriet F. Carnochan his Executrix thereof…And whereas the said Harriet F. Carnochan has been duly qualified according to law, Executrix of the said last will and Testament of John Carnochan, decd –
Therefore to the true intent that the said Will may be well & fairly performed – I David L. White Judge of the County Court for the County aforesaid do issue this probate. And do hereby authorize & (Empress?) on the said Harriet F. Carnochan, Executrix as aforesaid, well and truly to Collect and Administer all and singular the goods and chattels, (rights?) and Credits of the said John Carnochan, Decd in all Manner and Things Concerning the Same, according to the true intent and meaning of the said last Will and testament and according to Law. Hereby requiring the said Harriet F. Carnochan Executrix as aforesaid to make and render with the Said County Court a true and perfect inventory of the Goods & Chattels, rights and Credits of said Decd & also to make a just & true account of her Executors (?) & under the said Court when required. Witneseth the Hon.ble David L. White, Judge of Said Court at Quincy this 23d day of July A.D. 1841 & in the (66th?) Year of the Independence of the United States.
David L. White Judge G. C.C.
Recorded July 23d 1841
R.C. Lester Clk. G.C.C.