Apply now:

Live Literature School Residencies

This application form can be made available in other formats.

For all enquiries, please get in touch with .

Deadline for applications: Wednesday 23 May 2018 at noon.

Please make sure you have read our very short criteriabefore making your application:

This form is split into four parts:

  • School details
  • For your staff
  • About your school
  • About your residency

Part 1: School details

School name:


Local authority:

Phone number:


Type of school: e.g. EY, Primary, Secondary, or specify.

Email address – we will send the result of your application to this email.


Question: Would you like this email to receive our monthly newsletter?

We won’t share your details with anyone else. Delete as appropriate:

  • Yes – early years
  • Yes – primary
  • Yes – secondary
  • No – already signed up
  • No, thank you

Part 2: 5 short questions for your staff

Statement from senior staff member, on behalf of the school

e.g. Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher, Principal Teacher, Literacy Leader.

Question: Please briefly tell us what it would mean for your school to hold a residency. How will the school will support the author, project and its co-ordinator? (Max: 200 words.)




Question: Please confirm that a staff member will be available to attend the Induction Day in Edinburgh on Tuesday 11 September 2018 (10am-4pm) if your application is successful. (support for travel expenses and cover available)

Answer: yes/no

Question: Who will be the co-ordinator at your school? They will lead on the project day to day and communicate with the author and Scottish Book Trust.


Job title:

Email (if different from above):


This will be the member of staff who will lead the project day to day in your school and communicate with the author and Scottish Book Trust throughout.

Question: What part of working with an author are you most excited about and why? (Max: 100 words.)


Question: If your application is successful, what would you like to learn from the author in the professional development workshops for school staff? (Max: 100 words.)


Part 3: 6 short questions about your school

Although the SIMD index and Free School Meals are one factor among many taken into account by the panel, we do need to know these statistics. You will have an opportunity to detail any other factors affecting your school below.

Question: What is the total number of pupils in your school?


Question: What % of pupils in your school are in the following SIMD deciles? Please note that you must provide this to the best of your ability in order for your application to be considered at panel.







Question: What percentage of your pupils areeligible for free school meals*?

*Please calculate your percentage without including any P1-3 pupils as they are automatically granted free school meals.

Total school roll:

Total school roll minus any P1-P3 pupils:

# of pupils eligible for free school meals:

% eligible:

Question: How many pupils in your school or setting have English as an additional language?


Question: With reference to financial need, please tell us briefly why you need this funding in order to support a residency. (Max: 200 words.)

Please note that if your school does not face acute financial difficulty overall, please focus on why a residency will allow you to tackle inequality in your school, or help a particular group of pupils.


Question: Please tell us about any other factors affecting your school (max: 300 words)e.g.information about your local community, transport links/geographical isolation, changes in circumstances, pupils who have English as an additional language, funding you’ve received from Scottish Book Trust or others in the past.


Part 4: 8 short questions about your residency

Your answers in this section don’t have to be detailed - we want to hear your ideas. If successful, you can refine this with the author and Scottish Book Trust later and you can use bullet points to briefly list your ideas if you’d like to.

Question: In one or two sentences, tell us specifically what you’d like to address or achieve in your school/setting through a residency, bearing in mind that we know schools across Scotland are reporting general problems with literacy. (50 words) E.g. ‘Our issues from the library sharply decline in S3. We’d like to work with an author to address this so that pupils in S3 read for pleasure more often.’


Question: Which author would be your first choice to carry out the residency and why? (Max: 100 words.)

You can suggest any author on our database, including writers, poets, performance poets, illustrators, graphic novelists, storytellers, screenwriters and playwrights. If your first choice is not available, we will work with you to select another author.



Second choice:

Question: How many pupils will participate in the project? (This doesn’t have to be the whole school! You can choose a year group or class.)


Question: Who will participate? E.g. which year group or classes, teachers in multiple departments, the local community, families/carers.


Question: In no particular order, what kind of activities would you like the residency sessions with pupils to involve?(Max: 100 words.)E.g. any particular writing workshop themes, outdoor learning, tie ins with any particular national events?


Question: How would you celebrate your residency?(Max: 50 words.) A £500 grant is included in the residency.E.g. celebration/sharing event, printed anthology, completed stories, pupils reading their work aloud.


Question:What would make you feel this project has been successful? (Max: 200 words.)


Question: What are some of your ideas for measuring the success of the project? (Max: 100 words.) E.g. monitoring attainment, surveys, filming, post it notes.


Ready to apply?

Thank you for your interest in holding a Live Literature School Residency.

The deadline for applications isWednesday 23 May 2018 at noon.

We will get in touch with everyone who applies by Friday 8 June.

Please email your completed application form as an attachment to: .