Structured Professional Assessment (SPA)

Soulbury Officers

Proposals agreed by the Soulbury Forum


The introduction of a third Structured Professional Assessment (SPA) point for Soulbury Officers employed by local authorities was introduced with effect from 1 September 2006. (Joint Education Service Circular No 144 – July 2006)

In considering how this should be introduced in Suffolk, we have an opportunity to review and improve the current links between:

·  performance management;

·  professional development;

·  job and person profiles; and

·  pay and progression.

We also need to provide guidance to Soulbury officers and their line managers on how they can progress through SPA1 and 2 to 3.

The new statutory performance management regulations for teachers also seek to address the relationship between these elements and to bring more coherence to performance management and pay progression. Whilst not identical there are parallels which may help to inform thinking.

The Current Situation

Those currently on Soulbury terms and conditions include:

·  ISIS Consultants

·  ISIS and Children’s Workforce Development (formerly ISIS PD) Advisors

·  Initial Teacher Training leaders

·  Playing for Success senior managers

·  Educational Psychologists,Senior Educational Psychologists and the Service lead

·  Early Years and Childcare Soulbury Officers (eg Inclusion Co-ordinators, Early Education Support Teachers and Early Education Support Teachers (SEN), Early Education Co-ordinators)

It is anticipated that a number of other roles across the Directorate for Children and Young People may transfer to Soulbury terms and conditions, and that if so, will have access to SPA points in accordance with the agreed eligibility criteria and process arrangements set out in this document.


Each post holder is currently paid within a points range commensurate with experience, skills and responsibility required for their job role. For a number of colleagues there is the opportunity to access two further points (SPA 1 and SPA 2). SPA 1 and 2 are available to those who have been on Soulbury terms and conditions for 4 years and in their current role for 2 years.

After 4 years, colleagues can make a written application for progression for SPA 1 and SPA 2 via their immediate line manager who adds his/her comments to the application and submits it for approval to senior officers. When the current system was introduced in 2001 it was thought that colleagues who had been at the top of their scale for some time might wish to apply for both SPA points at the same time. The process was separate from performance review but positive performance reviews were expected to underpin the application.

Principles underpinning the proposed changes to the SPA process

1.  All jobs on Soulbury terms and conditions should give post holders the opportunity to apply for SPA 1, 2 and 3 as appropriate.

2.  The process should be transparent and equitable

3.  The process should recognise that jobs have different point ranges on the Soulbury scales and expectations regarding ‘sustained contribution’ (SPA2) and ‘an exceptional contribution to the development of the service over a sustained period’ (SPA3) should be made in this context.

4.  SPA points will be awarded in line with the Soulbury Committee criteria. All colleagues should demonstrate how they are making a contribution to service delivery and improvement of outcomes for children and young people.

5.  PDRs (Performance Development Review) will be the mechanism through which recommendations for SPA1, 2 and 3 are made. The final decision will be made by the relevant senior management team.

6.  The PDR is a professional process. Reviewer and reviewee should both engage in the process and maintain an ongoing dialogue throughout the year. This would include seeking revision meetings where circumstances change or PDR objectives are no longer appropriate.

7.  PDR objectives should be set taking into consideration the SPA criteria for pay progression.

8.  PDR objectives may be moderated by the Head of Service or a nominated senior manager to ensure consistency and appropriateness.

9.  Colleagues wishing to apply for SPA3 should have undertaken activities that illustrate an exceptional contribution to the development of the service over a sustained period and that are agreed by the relevant senior leadership team as fit for purpose.

10. PDR objectives should be agreed by the reviewer and the reviewee as part of the PDR discussion.

11. Postholders should not be held responsible for meeting objectives where promised support is not forthcoming.

12. The existing SPA appeal process will apply (subject to any revision that may be needed as part of the implementation of SPA 3).

A timetable for application

The criteria for the award of SPA 1, 2 and 3 are given in Appendix One. Appendix Two provides a more detailed definition of ‘sustained contribution’ (SPA 2) and ‘an exceptional contribution over a sustained period ’ (SPA 3)

Those eligible will be able to apply for SPA 1 following 4 years on Soulbury terms and conditions and 2 years in current role. In exceptional circumstances (to be agreed by the relevant senior management team), colleagues may apply in advance (e.g. when the post transfers to Soulbury or when a colleagues moves from a similar role in another authority).

SPA 1 will be awarded following a satisfactory PDR, recommendation from the line manager and successful moderation by the relevant senior management team.

SPA 2 will be awarded not less than one year later, again following a satisfactory PDR recommendation from the line manager and successful moderation by the relevant senior management team.

SPA 3 can be applied for 2 years following the award of SPA 2. The recommendation will be made through the PDR process. One of the criteria required in order to achieve SPA 3 is the successful completion of an activity that contributes to service development and takes a role beyond normal expectations for a sustained but time limited period. This activity would form one of the PDR objectives but must be approved by the relevant senior management team (SMT). It may be ‘offered’ by the SMT or proposed by the post holder. It should be noted that once SPA3 has been achieved, post holders should be prepared to undertake similar activities without further pay increases.

Interim Arrangements

In general, where there are exceptional circumstances, individual services will respond to ensure that post holders are not disadvantaged.

SPA 3 (see also Appendix Two)

The award of a 3rd SPA point will not be made until at least 2 years after officers have achieved SPA point 2.

Colleagues wishing to apply for SPA3 should have undertaken activities that illustrate an exceptional contribution to the development of the service over a sustained period and have had a significant and tangible impact. These ‘activities’ should be agreed by the relevant senior leadership team as fit for purpose and should form part of the PDR objectives for the period.

Where post holders were eligible to apply for SPA 3 in September 2006 or will be eligible in September 2007, they may make a written application outside the PDR process. However they should ensure that the activity they propose to describe in their application has been agreed by the relevant senior management team as fit for purpose. Written applications will be considered in December 2007 and, if successful, will be backdated to September 2006 or September 2007 as appropriate.

Those eligible to apply for SPA 3 in September 2008 will need to apply at the end of the current PDR cycle. This may entail a revision meeting to ensure the PDR objectives reflect the pay progression criteria for SPA 3. However they should ensure that the activity they propose to describe in their application has been agreed by the relevant senior management team as fit for purpose. The line manager will confirm that the PDR objectives have been met and the completed documentation will constitute the application and recommendation for SPA 3.

Other related issues

Under the proposals the Performance Development Review (PDR) becomes the vehicle through which pay progression is recommended.

However, if the immediate manager does not support the application, the reviewee may still submit it for consideration without support.

In all cases, objectives should contribute to improved outcomes for children and young people.

Currently Performance Management is conducted in accordance with the Suffolk County Council PDR procedures. Line managers are expected to negotiate and set SMART objectives so that success can clearly be demonstrated. Reviewer and reviewee are also expected to identify appropriate professional development to help meet objectives and, where appropriate, to support professional aspirations. In the case of single status staff, reviewers make recommendations about the award of increments. Under the new teachers’ performance management regulations (2006) line managers will be expected to recommend pay progression for those above mainscale. The proposal that line managers make recommendations on pay progression for SPA 1, 2 and 3 therefore reflects current practice elsewhere.

For Soulbury officers, service priorities, National Standards, pay progression criteria and the Job and Person Profile should be used to inform the individual’s objectives for the year. It should be assumed that the individual officer is doing a good job overall. If there are areas of concern these could be the focus for PDR objectives. If concerns run deeper then they should be addressed through capability procedures.

At the PDR meeting the objectives and how those objectives will be evidenced should be agreed. This may include observations of aspects of the individual’s work or feedback from senior officers on the way in which projects have been handled.

The PDR meeting should also be where the training, development and support needs are identified and a summary of those needs should be provided to whoever has responsibility for co-ordinating CPD for the service.

Reviewee and reviewer both have a responsibility to keep each other informed if circumstances arise necessitating a change in objectives or that support has not met the identified needs.

Professional Development priorities will need to reflect needs identified through performance management. All continuing professional development (CPD) should relate to the relevant National Standards.

The importance of the relevant National Standards as an indicator of professional competence may be reinforced in other ways. For example, in preparation for PDRs individuals might be asked to self assess against the relevant national standards to identify areas of strength to be shared with others as well as areas of development.

The relevant national standards should inform the Job and Person Profile. Where these standards change, the line manager should ensure that postholders are kept up to date.

Appendix One

Appendix G of Soulbury Report (as amended in September 2006)


1. The Soulbury Committee has reached agreement to introduce local assessments to recognise the contribution of Soulbury Officers to the authority’s role in raising standards in schools, improving involvement of young people in community activities and the promotion of child development and learning. This agreement provides a framework for local decisions relating to an assessment of the officer’s contribution.

2. The Committee recognises that arrangements for the assessment of Soulbury Officers’ contributions will have been designed locally. The Committee does not want to introduce new arrangements but will consider providing an outline of good practice on local procedures if this is required. The Committee has agreed that all local procedures will need to provide for reviews in cases where officers believe they have grounds to challenge a local assessment.

3. The key aim is arrangements that provide for a structured assessment by the Director of Children’s Services of the officer’s contribution. Local arrangements will need to provide for:

• The opportunity for officers to apply to their Director of Children’s Services after four years’ continuous Soulbury service with one or more local authorities. In normal circumstances, this would be after not less than two years in the current post. Directors of Children’s Services can consider applications before the four years, in exceptional cases. A new local assessment will not be necessary where a local review has already taken place.

• Assessments will be based on the officer’s contribution over the relevant period.

• Local assessments need to be based on the range of duties and responsibilities and achievements against targets and objectives for the post. This assessment of the overall contribution will need to take account of the following for the first level:

- Development – Officers must show that they are fully informed of the developments in their area of specialism.

- Developing the services – Officers must make a recognised contribution to the policy, planning and meeting of performance targets for their authority.

- Improving standards – Officers must make an identified contribution to the improvement and evaluation of service delivery across all appropriate aspects of the authority’s functions.

- Management and Administration – Officers must manage and assess resources to provide efficient delivery of services


- Equal opportunities – Officers must contribute to the development of the authority’s policies in improving access to their services and in raising achievement levels for their local communities.

• For the second level, officers’ contributions will need to be based on showing that they have made a sustained contribution to the efficiency and effectiveness of the service.

• To qualify for the award of the 3rd SPA point, officers will:

- need to demonstrate that they have made an exceptional contribution to the development of the service over a sustained period, for instance in developing the Children’s Services agenda in the authority; and

-  be involved in a programme of CPD focused on the requirements of the service and the aspirations of the officers for their own professional development.

• The award of a 3rd SPA point will not be made until at least 2 years after officers have achieved SPA point 2.

Salary Rewards

4. Officers who have been assessed as achieving the first level will receive an additional pay point on the Soulbury spine. Those achieving the second level will receive a second point on the Soulbury spine. Those achieving the third level will receive a third point on the Soulbury spine. These additional points will extend normal scale maxima by up to three points.