PKZIPÒ Version 2.1 For VM T4ASI613-00-02

Patch Notes for Level 2.1/8

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First Edition (August 1997)

This edition applies to the following ASi licensed program:

PKZIP Version 2.1/8 for VM

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T4ASI613-00-02 Patches 25


These notes provide information on known defects in PKZIP Version 2.1/8 for VM.

Patches to be incorporated into this Release

Patch Level: Level 8

Date: October 30, 1997

The fixes listed below should be included in Version 2.1/8.

Typical application instructions

Most patches include an update to one or more of the ‘text’ files supplied with PKZIP for VM. The following instructions describe how to apply a ‘text’ update to the file SAMPLE TEXT, which is used in the module EXAMPLE. Note that these are only sample instructions - the text file SAMPLE and the module EXAMPLE are not used in the product.

The following steps should be used. These instructions assume that the product has been installed as recommended in the Reference manual.

  1. Logon to the PKZIP maintenance machine.
  2. Copy SAMPLE TEXT file from the Product File Space, (the permanent repository for PKZIP) to the machine’s A disk.
  3. Enter the update detailed in the patch notes into the file TEXTUPD SYSIN on the A disk. This file must have a fixed record length of 80 bytes.
  4. Execute the update using the TEXTUPD utility supplied with PKZIP. This utility will display messages on the console - there should be three lines indicating that a CSECT has been updated to file. To initiate the TEXTUPD utility, enter the command:
    The SAMPLE TEXT file on the A disk will be updated.
  5. Rebuild the EXAMPLE module, using the command:
    This will create a new EXAMPLE MODULE on the A disk.
  6. Test using the new module.
  7. When satisfied with the fix, copy the SAMPLE TEXT file, and EXAMPLE MODULE back to the Product File Space (removing them from the A disk).

Use the above instructions in conjunction with the information presented in the Reference manual to apply the fix.

T4ASI613-00-02 Patches 25



Error Description

When multiple VM machines executing PKZIP use the same Shared File System workarea, a file name conflict can occur.

PKZIP assumes that the work locations (which are the file mode used for the archive and the value specified on the TEMPLOCation parameter) will be unique for each virtual machine running PKZIP. Where these areas are shared with other virtual machines (as is possible using SFS), concurrent PKZIP processes can use the same file name with unpredictable results.

Corrective Action

For users with level 8, the following patch should be applied using the Maintenance instructions in the Reference manual. Once the patch has been applied, the PKZIP MODULE must be rebuilt.

* Fix for duplicated file names

* Note that the ‘*’ should be in column 1

* The ‘*’ indicates a comment

VER 000001C4 9240B00C
REP 000001C4 47F0C5C2
VER 000005C2 00000000
REP 000005C2 5870C3F8
VER 000005C6 0000
REP 000005C6 1277
VER 000005C8 00000000
REP 000005C8 4770C5E2

VER 000005CC 00000000

REP 000005CC B205D0A8

VER 000005D0 0000

REP 000005D0 1777

VER 000005D2 00000000

REP 000005D2 BF7FD0AA

VER 000005D6 00000000

REP 000005D6 89700007

VER 000005DA 00000000

REP 000005DA 88700011

VER 000005DE 00000000

REP 000005DE 5070C3F8

VER 000005E2 00000000

REP 000005E2 9240B00C

VER 000005E6 00000000

REP 000005E6 47F0C1C8



September 1997

Modules Affected



This fix works by altering the name used for the work files, based on the current time.

This fix does not guarantee that overlap in file names will never occur. Concurrent PKZIP processing that starts within 1/100 of a second may still obtain a duplicate name – in addition names may be shared with processing that starts approximately 30 minutes later. However in normal operation, the likelihood of duplicated names is very small.

This fix should only be applied where the situation described above is a possibility; i.e. several PKZIP processes use the same SFS workarea at the same time. If this is not the situation, then this fix should not be applied. If this is the situation, then the following fix (002) should also be applied.

Summary of application instructions

Use the Typical Application Instructions described at the beginning of this manual to apply this patch. Note that the TEMPFILE TEXT file is updated and the PKZIP module must be rebuilt.


Error Description

Having applied the previous fix, unexpected errors on the temporary archive files (file name ZIPnnnnn) are noted during concurrent Zip processes. For example:

ZIP841E Unexpected FSERASE error, 31 when processing file

The previous fix (001) used the Time of Day to ensure that concurrent Zip processes used different file names. In some circumstances, this was not sufficient. This fix will ensure that the temporary file does not exist. In this way, concurrent processes can not use the same file name.

Corrective Action

For users with level 8, the following patch should be applied using the Maintenance instructions in the Reference manual. Once the patch has been applied, the PKZIP MODULE must be rebuilt.

* Fix for archive/temporary file errors in shared SFS

* Note that the ‘*’ should be in column 1

* The ‘*’ indicates a comment


VER 00000496 92E71027

REP 00000496 92D51027

VER 000004AA 4780C4F8

REP 000004AA 47F0C5EA

VER 000005EA 00000000

REP 000005EA 4780C4F8

VER 000005EE 00000000

REP 000005EE 49F0C5FA

VER 000005F2 00000000

REP 000005F2 4780C3A6

VER 000005F6 00000000

REP 000005F6 47F0C4AE

VER 000005FA 0000

REP 000005FA 0023



September 1997

Modules Affected



This fix works by changing the name used for the work files, when the temporary name defined has already been used. The name is incremented until an unused name has been found.

This fix should only be applied where the situation described above is a possibility; i.e. several PKZIP processes use the same SFS workarea at the same time. If this is not the situation, then this fix should not be applied. If this is the situation, then the previous fix (001) should also be applied.

Summary of application instructions

Use the Typical Application Instructions described at the beginning of this manual to apply this patch. Note that the TEMPFILE TEXT file is updated and the PKZIP module must be rebuilt.

Important Note

With this fix applied, PKZIP will never ‘reuse’ a temporary file, if a file of the same name already exists.

If an execution of PKZIP fails in some way, the temporary files may not be deleted. In this case, the instructions given in the reference manual in the section “Recovering from an unexpected termination of PKZIP” should be followed. However, be careful when removing the work files to ensure that these are not in use by a separate PKZIP process.

It may be advisable to schedule a deletion of all ZIP work files at a time when no PKZIP processing is using the shared SFS area.


Error Description

Displaying detailed information using the DISPLAY DETAIL option of the parameter on PKZIP for VM 2.1/8, for archives produced by PKZIP for MVS 2.2 (or later), can fail with the message ZIP863E and/or produce results which include invalid information for the some of the attributes stored by PKZIP for MVS 2.2 (or later). This fix corrects the failure and ensures that most of the attributes are correctly reported.

Corrective Action

For users with level 8, the following patch should be applied using the Maintenance instructions in the Reference manual.

* Fix for attribute compatibility with PKZIP for MVS 2.2

* Note that the ‘*’ should be in column 1

* The ‘*’ indicates a comment


VER 000003A4 C8C5E7D3

VER 000003A8 00000082

REP 000003A4 C8C5E7C1

REP 000003A8 0000003E



VER 000000B2 5AA0C158

VER 000000DA 00000000

REP 000000B2 47F0C0DA

REP 000000DA 5AA0C158

REP 000000DE 41880001

REP 000000E2 47F0C0B6



VER 000000B8 5AA0C160

VER 000000E2 00000000

REP 000000B8 47F0C0E2

REP 000000E2 5AA0C160

REP 000000E6 41880001

REP 000000EA 47F0C0BC



October 1997

Modules Affected



This fix does not enable PKZIP for VM to display all the MVS specific attributes stored by PKZIP for MVS 2.2. For example, a file with record format U will indicate that it is both record format Fixed and Variable.

Summary of application instructions

Use the Typical Application Instructions described at the beginning of this manual to apply this patch. Note that the LISTFILE TEXT file is updated and both the PKZIP and PKUNZIP modules must be rebuilt.


Error Description

When extracting files from an archive created by PKZIP for MVS 2.2 or later, using the (default) attributes in the archive, PKUNZIP can fail in a number of ways, including going into a loop after displaying the message:

ZIP886W Zero length record(s) found in …

and not extracting the file correctly after displaying the message:

ZIP841E Unexpected FSOPEN error, 11, when processing …

These problems are a result of VM not correctly interpreting the file attributes stored by PKZIP for MVS.

These problems can be circumventing by specifying the OUTLRECL and OUTRECFM parameters so that PKZIP for VM does not attempt to use the values stored in the archive.

Corrective Action

For users with level 8, the following patch should be applied using the Maintenance instructions in the Reference manual.

* Fix for attribute compatibility with PKZIP for MVS 2.2

* Note that the ‘*’ should be in column 1

* The ‘*’ indicates a comment

VER 000004CA 9540B1C0
REP 000004CA 9140B1C0
VER 000004CE 4770C4D6
REP 000004CE 4710C4DA

VER 000004D2 92E5B1C0

REP 000004D2 92C6B1C0

VER 000004D6 9580B1C0

REP 000004D6 47F0C4E2

VER 000004DA 4770C4E2

REP 000004DA 92E5B1C0

VER 000004DE 92C6B1C0

REP 000004DE 47F0C4E2



VER 000004AE 9540B1C0

REP 000004AE 9140B1C0

VER 000004B2 4770C4BA

REP 000004B2 4710C4BE

VER 000004B6 92E5B1C0

REP 000004B6 92C6B1C0

VER 000004BA 9580B1C0

REP 000004BA 47F0C4C6

VER 000004BE 4770C4C6

REP 000004BE 92E5B1C0

VER 000004C2 92C6B1C0

REP 000004C2 47F0C4C6



VER 00000286 47F0C2B4

REP 00000286 47F0C422

VER 00000290 9580D180

REP 00000290 9140D180

VER 00000294 4780C29E

REP 00000294 47E0C29E

VER 00000422 00000000

REP 00000422 4810D17C

VER 00000426 0000

REP 00000426 1211

VER 00000428 00000000

REP 00000428 4770C2B4

VER 0000042C 00000000

REP 0000042C 47F0C28A



October 1997

Modules Affected



This fix will enable to PKZIP for VM to interpret the PKZIP for MVS stored record format as either fixed or variable, and will also extract the record length from the archive. Note that if this record length is 0 (as is common for example, with record format U files), PKZIP for VM will use the default record length (as documented in the Reference Manual).

Summary of application instructions

Use the Typical Application Instructions described at the beginning of this manual to apply this patch. Note that the ZFHWSF00 TEXT, ZFHWCM00 TEXT and ZFSUVM00 TEXT files are updated and the PKUNZIP module must be rebuilt.


Error Description

When using TEXTUPD to apply fixes to this level of PKZIP for VM, the utility indicates that it is at level 7, not level 8.

This patch updates the message to indicate that the TEXTUPD utility is at the same level as PKZIP for VM.

Corrective Action

For users with level 8, the following patch should be applied using the Maintenance instructions in the Reference manual.

* Fix for TEXTUPD message

* Note that the ‘*’ should be in column 1

* The ‘*’ indicates a comment


VER 00000E99 859340F7

REP 00000E99 859340F8



June 1998

Modules Affected


Summary of application instructions

Use the Typical Application Instructions described at the beginning of this manual to apply this patch. Note that the TEXTUPD TEXT file is updated and the TEXTUPD module must be rebuilt.


Name Conversion

The manual is not clear about the use of the various NAME* Conversion routines that are available to convert names from and to the ZIP archive format. The following provides a brief introduction to these routines that should clarify the material presented in the manual.

The typical naming standards used for files in the ZIP archive and for CMS files are significantly different, with no universally acceptable conversion approach being possible.

Rather than attempt to prescribe a conversion standard, PKZIP for VM:

·  Retains the original CMS name in the archive, along with the ZIP archive file name. The CMS name is stored in a special VM only attribute and is not used on any other platform (though some platforms may be able to display it). To see both the CMS name and the ZIP archive file name, view the ‘details’ of an archive e.g.
PKZIP for VM can use the CMS name stored in the archive in the same way as it would use the ZIP archive file name.